Weight won't budge.



  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    Just for the record... A pound of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat. :)
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    The body reacts differently at different ages. At 16, I was underweight at 95 pounds (same height as you, btw), but I danced every day (ballet training). It was unhealthy but I didn't know it, and even if I had, I didn't particularly care.

    Fast forward to age 22. I started college then, gained to about 140 pounds and up three sizes. Lost the weight in the second year of college when I joined the dance department. BUT, I went to 125 and was the same size I was at 95 pounds.

    Fast forward again to a bit later, I gained to 160. Again went back into dance more actively, lost to 140 pounds but was again the same size as I had been at 95 pounds.

    I'm now a "woman of a certain age." I gained to 195 some years ago - and 5 dress sizes. LOST those 5 dress sizes in the past 3 years, and then some, but am holding at around 154 pounds. My weight HAS fluctuated between 146 and 154, but the size hasn't changed. I'm about as active now as I was at 16 - a bit more, because I'm doing weight training as well.

    I've just found out I have an underactive thyroid and another issue, which is why I've gained instead of lost in the past month. So hopefully with medication, some of the extra pounds will come off and my toes will be happier when I'm doing pointe work. The little ring around the middle might also go. We shall see....

    I would say you're in likely the right range for your height, but if you've gained instead of lost, you might want to ask the doc for a thyroid check. I know I ate properly and exercised a LOT (and checked my net cals, etc.) but my metabolism isn't letting the fat or the weight go.

    So my advice would be to ask for a check of the thyroid and make sure you're not underactive. Also ask the doc to evaluate your diet and exercise to see if you're doing anything that might be messing up the metabolic rate. It might turn out that all you need is more iodine in your diet. (That wasn't my problem, btw, but it might be if you're young and you don't take a comprehensive multivitamin).
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    I hit the weights hard! Strength training is the #1 thing I do. My goal is to gain muscle but I also have some weight to lose, that's why I'm cutting my calories...
    If your goal is to gain muscle, just realize you will end up gaining weight. Many people don't take that into consideration. So if you aren't losing, then look at a couple of things:
    Is your intensity high enough?
    How long have you been on your current program?
    Are you doing cardio before strength?