TEAM RED HOT ARSENAL - Week 3 (Closed Group)



  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    August 19th

    Water Done
    Calories Under
    Challenge Done

    No extra crunches done today...I will get them done this weekend for sure. I may get some done tonight once the sleepover gets to sleep

    Ok got my 250 crunches done...

    50 to the team = 300
    200 for the Grand = 800
    RRT_RCP Posts: 169 Member
    August 19
    Challenge Done
    Extra 100 Crunches Done

    I also did tomorrow's

    August 20,
    Challenge done
    Extra 250.

    My abs are going to feel it.
    It wasn't so bad, did my first set of crunches after the challenges in the morning and my second set at night.

    I'll be on vacation officially tomorrow! I still plan to follow through with challenges, but I hope I don't gain a lot of weight with all the eating I want to do over there. lol
  • krevelle65
    krevelle65 Posts: 189
    August 20
    Water over
    Calories under
    2 miles done
    50 ab crunches for team
    200 ab crunches toward 1000
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    Aug 19
    Calories under
    Water done
    Challenge done
    100 crunches for team (200 total)

    Aug 20
    Cals under
    water over
    challenge done
    200 crunches for team (400 total - oh god my tummy)
    RRT_RCP Posts: 169 Member
    I weighed in this morning since I'll be away from a scale for the week and I'm surprised I didn't gain. :noway: I know that sounds horrible, but I haven't been tracking my food so I'm sure I've probably been way over some days and way under others. I also have mainly been doing the challenges as exercise instead of my usual routine at the gym/park. I just hope I can be good this week. I even jogged on the beach for a bit this night to get some type of exercise in today.
  • krevelle65
    krevelle65 Posts: 189
    Recap week 3
    Water all over
    Calories all under
    All challenges done
    300ab crunches for team
    1000 ab crunches for extra credit
  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    Aug 17th
    Challenge done
    Water done
    Calories under
    150 extra cunches toward 1000

    Aug 18th
    Challenge done
    water done
    calories under
    200 extra crunches toward 1000

    Aug 19th
    challenge done
    water done
    calories under
    250 crunches toward 1000

    Aug 20th
    challenge done
    water done
    calories under
    300 crunches toward 1000

    Aug 21st
    water will be done
    calories will probably be under
    200 crunches 100 towards 1000 and 100 towards team.

    and lost 1.2 pounds for the week.
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    Apparently lost 1kg this week.

    Aug 21
    extra 200 crunches done. 600 total
    cals under
    water on target
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Week Recap

    August 15th -

    Calories - Under
    Water - Done
    Challenge - Done

    100 crunches for the team!

    August 16th-

    Calories - Under
    Water - Tons
    Extra Mile - Done
    Military presses - Done
    21s - Done
    50 crunches for the team
    200 crunches for the 1000.

    August 17th -

    Calories - Under
    Water - Tons
    Jumping Jacks - Done
    Lunges - Done
    Mountain Climbers - DONE!!! Took me all day but I got them done.
    50 crunches for the team = 200 total
    200 crunches for the Grand = 400 total

    August 18 -

    Calories - Under
    Water - Drowning
    Challenges - Done
    50 crunches for the team - Total 250
    200 crunches for the Grand - Total 600

    August 19th

    August 20th -

    Day of rest. Had a hard time really calculating my calories but i think i stayed pretty well on target

    August 21st -

    Water Done
    Calories Under
    Challenge Done
    50 to the team = 350!
    200 for the Grand = 1000!

    Down 3lbs this week to 202lb from 205lb

    Ready to see what next week has in store for us
  • _Corinne_
    _Corinne_ Posts: 188 Member
    Weekly Recap
    Water done - all days
    Under cals - all days
    Daily Challenges - done (all days)

    1000 crunches for the individual extra points
    1000 crunches for the team

    weight - no change - still at 183 even (grrrr!!!)
  • Charlie175
    Charlie175 Posts: 232 Member
    Week recap
    Water done each day
    Under calories each day
    All challenges completed
    1000 team crunches (1000 for the individual points)
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Do we have week 4's info yet?