Discouraged... Results NOT coming after nearly 3 weeks...

I am overwhelmingly depressed, frustrated, disheartened and a bit angry that I've been making my "health" THE PRIORITY the past 2.5 weeks. I have been 100% diligent in HONESTLY recording EVERYTHING I put into my body, and have changed things around / sacrificed so that I could go to the gym EVERY SINGLE DAY the past 16 days (35 min / 400 cal on the Elliptical PLUS 5-6 machines, ending in me DRENCHED in sweat from a HARD workout), yet I have only lost a little over 4lbs in 2.5 weeks. No, I have not lost inches. No, my clothes don't fit any differently. No, I don't feel "healthier". If anything, this is proving that I wasn't eating that badly to begin with (despite having gained 50lbs in the past 2.5yrs), although I HAVE drastically reduced my carb intake.

For the first week, I was slowly, consistently seeing the scale go DOWN. Then, it went UP 2 days in a row (over a pound). Then it started going down - now it's gone back UP again the past 2 days. I have a LOT to lose. I KNOW "this is about health, not a number on the scale" but come ON - you KNOW you want to see some pounds dropping off as a result of a LOT of hard work.

OK - enough whining for now. I just wanted to point out that I have NOT been half-a$$ed about this - I have been 100% committed, you can see from my food diary that I'm eating a great balance of healthy foods (not starving myself) and have had REASONABLE expectations. I'm just so incredibly discouraged. I feel like taking back a big part of my life and not focusing on this so much - just being more aware of what I eat and getting to the gym 3-4 times/week, instead of re-working my entire life to get there EVERY DAY. Have I SCREWED myself by going EVERY day? If I stop now, will I actually GAIN weight? Ugh... Sorry - VERY bad day for me. I'm sure that SOMEONE out there is going to tell me to stop whining and suck it up. That helps tremendously...


  • seasonalvoodoo
    seasonalvoodoo Posts: 380 Member
    4 LBS in 2.5 weeks is a really great loss...unless that is a typo.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Take an occasional rest day. And 4 lbs in 2.5 weeks is good. Heck, 2.5 lbs in two weeks is ideal. You're losing more.
  • PalmettoparkGuy
    PalmettoparkGuy Posts: 212 Member
    Be patient.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Also, how much are you eating, I would open your diary and look at your intake with factoring in your exercise.. but I would say that 4lbs in 2.5 weeks is results.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I have to agree with them, 4 pounds in 2.5 weeks is great. The MAX you really should lose in a week is 3 pounds but aiming for 1 pound a week is healthy. You didn't put the weight on in a month, you can't take it off that fast.
  • reidhome
    reidhome Posts: 26
    No, it's not a type-o... You're right - I should focus on the fact that it's going DOWN overall, and that I AM being very healthy (to which there is NO downside, aside from the incredible amount of time and focus it takes to MAKE this a priority above other things that I need to do in my life)....

    It's just so frustrating to see the scale go down, then Up, and UP when I've been working so hard, you know?

    Why do you think it goes down for a few days, then UP for a few? I just don't understand.... =(

    Thanks for the reply...
  • SheehyCFC
    SheehyCFC Posts: 529 Member
    4 LBS in 2.5 weeks is a really great loss...unless that is a typo.
    Agreed. Also - you shouldn't be weighing yourself everyday - there are LOTS of factors that cause day-to-day (even hour-to-hour) deviation. But more importantly - you mentioned your diary - can you make it public? Otherwise we can't really comment :)

    **EDIT - i mentioned weight variation - water intake, salt intake, workouts, time of day, etc. all play a big part in this - try to limit your weight in to once a week (same day/time/location) or twice max...
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    4 lbs in 2.5 weeks is over 1.5 lbs/week, so why do you say that is no results. Those are great results, keep up the great work and the weight will continue to come off. Remember a safe weight loss is 1 lb/week but up to 2 lbs/week if you have a lot to lose.
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    Chill, it's been two week, you didn't gain it all in two weeks, you certainly aint going to loose it all in two weeks. It's going to take time, in fact, the more you excercise the slower it comes off because it's not just looing weight, it's converting muscle and building stamina and a whole load of thing you can't see. Breath, and continue.

    Also, I weighed myself last night, then went to the lav and weighed myself again, I can say with 100% acuracy that a good bowl movement will loose 1lb! o a gain of 1lb could be nothing more than you'll need the loo about an hour after weighing yourelf. It's irrelevent, certainly nothing to worry about.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    It's just so frustrating to see the scale go down, then Up, and UP when I've been working so hard, you know?

    Why do you think it goes down for a few days, then UP for a few? I just don't understand.... =(

    Thanks for the reply...

    This has to do with hydration levels and the amount of digested and undigested food in your system. Try weighing in once a week first thing in the Morning after you use the washroom
  • darrielirwin
    I was the same weight for 3 weeks and got really frustrated. SO I took a week off. I still counted, but wasn't staying under my goal. Most days I was over. And I maintained my weight. Then I went back at it hard and lost 2lbs in 2 weeks! Sometimes you have to give your body a break! Or try something different. Work out in the morning, have your largest meal for breakfast or lunch etc. Try and trick your body and your metabolism. Everyone is different, but like everyone said that's a great weight loss!
  • cillytilly
    cillytilly Posts: 243
    It is an amazing feat. The yo yo scale is one of the reasons I only weigh once a week. It allows me to continue on and not get frustrated by the water retention that happens some days.
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    I know the feeling. I was stuck for almost a mth, and wanted to call it off. BUT! I just kept at it, n now, finally, results r showing.
  • cameralinds
    You said you've lost four pounds in two and a half weeks? That's GREAT news. You're also probably building muscle, which weighs more than fat. On average 1-2 pounds per week (or less) is normal for healthy weight loss! If it comes off any faster, you'll be more than likely to gain the weight back. It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle.

    I know that you're feeling frustrated, sad and stressed about it, but try not to. Try not to let the number define your self-worth. Are you feeling better, more energetic? Focus on THOSE THINGS! Before you know it, your diligence will pay off.
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    Those are good results. I would recommend taking a rest day if you're working out every day and for heaven's sake, stop weighing yourself every day! Your weight fluctuates day to day and you're making yourself miserable.

    Your weight goes up due to water retention, primarily. There are other factors too.

    Stop being so critical of yourself, or you won't make it through this. Trust me, I know exactly how you feel. :flowerforyou:
  • 1sisrat
    1sisrat Posts: 267 Member
    up then down could be water weight being put back on after workouts with muscle water retention. Up your water? If you are not already uping that. loosing fat is intense on the body.
  • DancingSquirrel
    Four pounds in 2.5 weeks isn't bad at all. And fluctuations to the upside are normal also. Water retention can vary weight by a couple of pounds. Though I weigh in every day also, lots of other people prefer to weigh in once a week to smooth out those fluctuations.

    We all want instant gratification but it takes time to lose it and it sounds like you are off to a good start!
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    Your right someone is going to tell you to suck it up. SUCK it up. With that 4 lbs in just over weeks is not a bad start. might be slow to you, but others on here would love to see that. Granted you wanted to see more. Those lbs didnt go on in a 2 week period, all the lbs you want to lose are not going to come off in a two week period.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    No, it's not a type-o... You're right - I should focus on the fact that it's going DOWN overall, and that I AM being very healthy (to which there is NO downside, aside from the incredible amount of time and focus it takes to MAKE this a priority above other things that I need to do in my life)....

    It's just so frustrating to see the scale go down, then Up, and UP when I've been working so hard, you know?

    Why do you think it goes down for a few days, then UP for a few? I just don't understand.... =(

    Thanks for the reply...

    As everyone has said, you're losing right on schedule.

    May help to read this to understand fluctuations:


    PS - yes, going every day can actually hamper weight loss. There is such a thing as overtraining. You NEED rest days, at least once a week.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Well when you exercise your muscles sometimes hold extra water for repairs. I think sore muscles pretty much guarantee they are holding water. Your body also requires a lot of sleep along with training and eating right. This is honestly the hardest part for me. but the fat fairy only seems to visit when I am sleeping well.