Anyone up for a swimming challenge?



  • DelightfullyWifed
    Glad everyone is having a great week and doing well in the pool! I did my practice I posted yesterday. Only change was I did the 10x50s with the no breathing on a faster interval as 1:30 was too slow. I did the first 6 on 1:10 and the last 4 on 1:00. I also alternated free/fly on the no breathing part (just for you Emily) - honestly though I wasn't feeling like doing it all one stroke and needed some mix up. The rest of the practice I was struggling in terms of how I felt. I definitely felt it, my arms were jello from the get-go and it wasn't as "easy/smooth" as it has been lately. I have been wondering when that practice would come and yesterday was it. It was good though because it then become mental and how much can you push yourself and also remember technique?! My last 100 that was best effort I did a 1:14 which I was really proud of since I was hurting soo bad and felt like I had no strength in the water. As much as the days where it feels good are great, it's days like yesterday that really help you advance and move forward. I was proud of myself and wanted to share.

    Let's see I liked the excuses and thought you needed the "Coach I woke up this morning and thought it was Tuesday and since we don't have morning practice on Tuesdays I rolled back over and went to sleep". haha
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Haha Meghan - super proud of the fly/free on the no breathers!! Also I'm proud that you pushed through a difficult day of practice...some days are like that, and it would be SO much easier to cut practice short and just get out, but you pushed through and are better for it!

    Scott - LOVED the swimming excuses. I loved the people in college who were hungover, but would convince the trainer they had some sort of stomach flu. GIVE ME A BREAK!!!

    Great job everyone on the challenges last week - I think most people checked in, and I hope y'all got something out of them :) Here are this week's challenges:

    (if you swim freestyle only, then modify as needed!)

    #1 - 4 X 50s fast, IM order, on a slower interval to allow for rest, followed by a 100 IM for time!! Really push it on the 50s and give it all you've got for the 100 IM - in a few weeks, this will turn into a 200 IM for time, so if you want to get ahead of the game and do a 200 IM this time, go for it :)

    #2 - 4 X 100s free on a faster interval than you did last time - I did 1:22 before, so I'm going to try 1:20 this time. I may fail, but I'll never know unless I try!

    #3 - 8 X 100s - do a 75 free at a moderate pace, rest 15 seconds, then do a 25 all out stroke. We'll do them IM order, 2 at a time. So it looks like this:

    #1 & #2 - 75 free moderate, rest 15 seconds, 25 fly sprint, rest 15 seconds, and repeat
    #3 & #4 - 75 free moderate, rest 15 seconds, 25 back sprint, rest 15 seconds, and repeat
    #5 & #6 - 75 free moderate, rest 15 seconds, 25 breast sprint, rest 15 seconds, and repeat
    #7 & #8 - 75 free moderate, rest 15 seconds, 25 free sprint, rest 15 seconds, and repeat

    *extra challenge - if you can do the 25s at the end with no breath, bonus points!!!! :)

    Good luck this week and really push yourselves - let us know how you do if you get a chance!!
  • DelightfullyWifed
    Emily I like the challenge sets! I'm gonna swim Tuesday and either Wednesday or Thursday but I think I will only be able to get in 2 this week. I have A LOT going on and I'm headed back to Charlotte this weekend after work on Friday.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Good morning! Just wanted to check in - I did the 4 X 100 free yesterday and kicked it down to 1:20 for my interval. I went 1:15, 1:17, 1:18, and 1:17 and was DEAD afterwards, haha, but was really excited I made it!

    Hope everyone else has a good week - let us know how you did on the sets when you get a chance!
  • GladImTall
    GladImTall Posts: 65 Member
    Hi y'all- been gone a few days and unable to swim... Helping my parents get out of their flooded basement- so.. in a sense, I was still swimming.. ugh...

    Did a few sets this morning... But- I'd never really timed myself before- so I feel pretty good about it... I'm new to swimming (formerly land-lubber) so I'm enjoying hearing all of your lingo...

    SLOOOWWWW: 4X100's free was 1:45, 1:50, 2:00 (EEK) and 1:45 (the last one was because a splashy guy was next to me and I just wanted to GET AWAY from him).

    Did a set of 4X50's, inhaled half of the pool and made it in :50, :54, :59, :57 with short rests between.

    Then did a couple of 600's for some distance. all freestyle. zip-a-dee-doo-dah'ed past an old man, and two four year olds- so I think I'm rockin it.

    I'll be doin my best to complete the challenge for this week now that my feet are wet again. :wink:
  • TroyBa
    TroyBa Posts: 57 Member
    Awesome job everyone! I finally found an open pool that's not too far since my Y is closed for yearly maintenance. (add to the excuses list ;-) ) I'm going to hit a couple of the challenges tomorrow plus I'm only 2300 m from my monthly goal of 60,000 m and I really want to hit the goal.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Troy - glad you found a pool so you can hit your monthly goal! I'm 2,500 yards short so I'll definitely swim in the morning!

    GladImTall - hopefully the basement is okay now :( Glad you were able to get into the pool though - loved the narration on the splashy guy next to you!!!

    By the way - I'm posting my swimming workouts to a blog in case anyone is interested!
  • DelightfullyWifed
    So this week I don't think I will get in a swim. I was thinking about swimming afterwork today but the more I think about it, my boyfriend is moving to Charlotte for good next week; we are moving him in this weekend and then he will come back for a day or 2 until he heads up for good. To me spending time with him just out-weighs swimming right now. When his is gone I probably will become a work out machine because I am going to get bored and miss him so I am fine with the trade of hanging out now, work out later when I don't have him. :)

    Just wanted to keep you guys updated and also say that depending on the challenges next week and whatnot, I may try to combine this week and next weeks. We'll see!
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    So this week I don't think I will get in a swim. I was thinking about swimming afterwork today but the more I think about it, my boyfriend is moving to Charlotte for good next week; we are moving him in this weekend and then he will come back for a day or 2 until he heads up for good. To me spending time with him just out-weighs swimming right now. When his is gone I probably will become a work out machine because I am going to get bored and miss him so I am fine with the trade of hanging out now, work out later when I don't have him. :)

    Just wanted to keep you guys updated and also say that depending on the challenges next week and whatnot, I may try to combine this week and next weeks. We'll see!

    I understand why you would be wanting to spend time together!
  • stelid
    stelid Posts: 60
    I did this week's challenge this morning. I think I am finally getting my swimming "stride" back. I completed all of the 100s (even the I.M.) in the 1:30-1:45 range--the freestyle ones were definetely on the 1:30, which is a better time than my first attempt. By the time I got to the 8X100s, I was a little dead, but i managed to keep going even when I thought I had to stop. Thank you for this challenge, it was such a great workout and because I run a lot, its nice to break up my routine with a rough swim.

    Good job to all who have done this week's challenge. Good luck to those who haven't completed it yet. Keep up the good work!!
  • TroyBa
    TroyBa Posts: 57 Member
    I completed the freestyle 4x100's yesterday on the 1:30 which wasn't faster than my last, but I felt much better doing so. ;-) I also hit the 60,000 meters mark for the month of August and I hope to match or exceed that total for the month of September!

    I won't have much time for other challenges this week, I'm getting ready for the 1 mile Roy Webster Cross Channel Swim in Hood River, OR this coming Monday and later in the same week the 1.5 mile Columbia Crossing in the Tri-Cities, WA.
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    I completed the freestyle 4x100's yesterday on the 1:30 which wasn't faster than my last, but I felt much better doing so. ;-) I also hit the 60,000 meters mark for the month of August and I hope to match or exceed that total for the month of September!

    I won't have much time for other challenges this week, I'm getting ready for the 1 mile Roy Webster Cross Channel Swim in Hood River, OR this coming Monday and later in the same week the 1.5 mile Columbia Crossing in the Tri-Cities, WA.

    Sounds like fun! Good luck!!!
  • SoCalSwimmerDude
    SoCalSwimmerDude Posts: 480 Member
    Finally got in a solid pool workout today. I've been doing so much in the weight room, swimming has kinda been an easy stretch kinda thing or a once a week real workout. My main set is below and the entire workout is found on blog (linked in my signature).

    Main Set:

    3x300 on 4:00 PULL descending 1-3 <time was 3:37 on #3>

    3x200 on 2:40 descend 1-3 <time was 2:12 on #3>

    3x100 on 1:20 descend 1-3 <time was :59 on #3>

    3x50 on :40 descend 1-3 <time was :25 on #3>

    EDIT: I forgot to add that I descended within each set, but also throughout the main set... hence the faster pace each time I went down in distance.
  • DelightfullyWifed
    So this week it looks like the swimming may not happen - maybe on the weekend. My boyfriend decided to stay through Friday morning and head up the Charlotte for good then. We got all his stuff there this weekend, and he came back with me yesterday. Again, spending time with him will definitely win over swimming!

    That means I have been out of the water for 2 weeks and a lot of the hard work I put in I will have to gain back again, but I am okay with that. I will have time once he is gone. :) haha!

    Emily - Any challenges this week? If I get in I'll prob try to do 1 or 2 from last week.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Good morning!! Sorry for the lack of posting the last few days - I don't have internet at home and can't view the message boards on my phone, and today is my first day back at work!

    stelid - WHEW you did all 3 in one workout??? You're amazing...I just did the 4 X 100s last week and didn't get back in the pool to do the other two challenges. My usual swim days of Saturday and Sunday were taken up with painting my house!

    Troy - awesome on the 100s that they felt better - that means improvement! And CONGRATS on meeting your August goal, even without a pool the last week (and having to travel to one). That's true dedication! Good luck with your open water swims this week (although I think you may have done one Monday - if so, how'd it go?)

    Scott - great workout, so thank you for sharing! And SUPER speedy on it - but what else would I expect from an ex-Alabama swimmer???

    Meghan - yayyyy for another week with your boyfriend! Don't worry about not swimming - you took 4 years off so I think 2 weeks will be okay :) I know it's hard to break a routine, but you're doing the right thing and will get right back into it next week.

    As for challenges - it doesn't look like most of us (myself included) were able to get to all 3 challenges last week, so for those who didn't, let's try to get them finished this week. And for those who did them all (stelid!!!!!) - let's do the 16 X 25s fly again and see if you can go faster than you did the last time!

    Have a great rest of the week everyone :)
  • TroyBa
    TroyBa Posts: 57 Member
    Troy - awesome on the 100s that they felt better - that means improvement! And CONGRATS on meeting your August goal, even without a pool the last week (and having to travel to one). That's true dedication! Good luck with your open water swims this week (although I think you may have done one Monday - if so, how'd it go?)

    Hope everyone's doing well!

    The swim at Hood River OR last weekend was awesome! It begins with a nice jump off a Sternwheeler into the cool Columbia River and after a couple of minutes of trying to catch my breath I set a good pace and finished the 1.1 mile swim strong. It was my warm up for this weekend's 1.5 mile Columbia River Crossing race in the Tri-Cities WA.
  • stelid
    I completed the 16X75s fly this morning. It was tough and I didn't lose any time this week (I came in on the :25, and left of the :30). I donated blood on Wednesday afternoon and I have been pretty tired, so I won't worry about it too much. I finished--and I am glad. Good job to all who have finished these challenges and seen improvement. I look forward to next week!
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    Troy - awesome on the 100s that they felt better - that means improvement! And CONGRATS on meeting your August goal, even without a pool the last week (and having to travel to one). That's true dedication! Good luck with your open water swims this week (although I think you may have done one Monday - if so, how'd it go?)

    Hope everyone's doing well!

    The swim at Hood River OR last weekend was awesome! It begins with a nice jump off a Sternwheeler into the cool Columbia River and after a couple of minutes of trying to catch my breath I set a good pace and finished the 1.1 mile swim strong. It was my warm up for this weekend's 1.5 mile Columbia River Crossing race in the Tri-Cities WA.

  • nettyft10
    I'm relatively new to this forum,and i'm looking forward to talking to you all.I LOVE swimming,it's one of my passion and favorite hobby.
    I go swimming on average 5 times a week and for 2.5hours per day + 3 hours on an extra day. the pool i go to is a 25m long and i'm not really a fast swimmer but i can definetely say that i am much onto the endurance per day,i would say that i do 3.75km which is 2.5miles per day.
    I recently learnt to do the butterfly by myself and i am proud to say that i can swim the butterfly and more importantly i started on a 30 mins mark and now i've gone up to 45 mins today.

    Swimming for me is not just about the numbers but i feel free and relaxed when i'm in the water and it's the only time i don't have to think about anything or worry about something

    i would love to have you all as my friends so feel free to add me
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Troy - I hope your swim went well! Let us know how it went when you get a chance!

    stelid - awesome job on the 16 X 25s!! I'll post some new challenges tomorrow :)

    netty - welcome!!! so glad to have another swimmer here - kudos on the self-taught butterfly because it's TOUGH!

    Does anyone have any challenges they want to do soon? I will post some more tomorrow, but let me know if you have ideas!