What do you see in a guy?



  • imnotyourpal
    imnotyourpal Posts: 162 Member
    He needs to be a fabulous tennis player.

  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    What do I see in a guy ...

    Obviously looks are the first thing I notice ... I am drawn to tall, muscular guys (not overly muscular, just "he clearly works out" muscular) with friendly smiles.

    But good looks quickly disappear if a guy acts like a jerk, and I can spot a jerk before he even opens his mouth. I pay very close attention to the way a guy behaves around me, and there are certain cues that immediately turn me off. For instance, if he's looking at someone/something else while he's talking to me ... jerk. If he curses in my presence ... jerk. If he makes fun of something I do or say before we've reached a certain level of familiarity with each other ... jerk. If he talks about women like we exist only to be visibly and sexually pleasing to men ... jerk. If he walks through a door in front of me ... jerk.

    So yeah, I cut through the BS very quickly with pretty boys. And even if you aren't all that attractive, if you behave like a gentleman, you will get my attention. I will want to be around you.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Personality: Sense of humor, honest, respectful, taste in music, political views are a bonus :) Also I like a guy similar to me, who can be professional and respectful but also has the ability to get wild and tear up the town.

    Looks: Height is a bonus but as long as he isn't shorter than me it all good. Smile, good hygiene and knows how to dress appropriately(won't wear jeans to funeral or wedding).

    I am absolutley attracted to shaggy hair and beards.
  • BrownEyedG1rl
    BrownEyedG1rl Posts: 625 Member
    Looks: Tall, in shape, I appreciate a nice lookin' *kitten*, muscular arms

    Personality: must have a sense of humor..I LOVE a guy that can make me laugh, honesty. Even if I guy doesn't fit the looks standards that I posted, if he has an awesome personality, that will make him more attractive to me.
  • datguy2011
    datguy2011 Posts: 477 Member
    bros code says I cant speak of this. k thx.