Had a REALLLLLY bad food day. Ugh!



  • WELL ,like you know, tomorrow is a fresh start (YAY!!) BUT when I was feeling crappy and unmotivated last week, I thought back to a year ago, realized the same weekend last year I was on a roadtrip with friends where we drank like fish, ate pizza, deep fried pickles, chips and god knows what else!!! Then I thought...hey...eating a little extra once or twice may not be the best thing BUT ITS A HECK OF A LOT BETTER THAN WHAT I WAS DOING!! So why dont you think back to what you used to eat on a regular basis!! I bet you might have been able to eat that before and not even think twice about it (i know i couldve!)

    anyway-acknowledge how far you've come and what you've learned. Accept that whats done is done and plan your meals and what youre going to do for exercise tomorrow! And feel free to check in on here to tell us how well you did :)

    Hope this helps!!
  • You'll be fine as long as you get back on track and keep going. A day or two will not undo all the hard work you have been doing. Today wasn't so hot for me either. I had nothing prepped for myself so I was already a bit vulnerable from jump. I wasn't hungry for breakfast so I skipped it. My reasoning was because my dcotor once told me if I'm not hungry don't eat, only eat when you hungry. But by the time lunch rolled around I was almost starving so pizza was there and I tend to eat was easy so I had some! lol Now I could of make my own but I didn't want to put in the work, I just wanted to eat. I learned my lesson. I feel so stuffed still that I don't think I will be able to get dinner in before my day ends. I did get my workout in though, so its not all bad. Tomorrow I will make sure to eat extra veggies to help my poor tummy with all the bread I gave it. Why on earth does bread taste so good but cause so much pain to my poor tummy.
  • lbgano
    lbgano Posts: 234
    Hey, how's it going today?