is it ok to fatten up people you don't like?



  • jah7700
    jah7700 Posts: 276 Member
    I am in somewhat of the same boat. It is my company's money I spend for the treats whereas it sounds like you use your own money. I tried buying healthy treats and was told making them healthy negated the fact they are a "treat". Doughnuts and cookies it is then! I just don't eat them.

    Had that same issue, we all had to take our turn buying the snack for our weekly staff meeting. It started out as doughnuts and sausage rolls. I brought fruit trays and bagels. After a month most people started bringing the same thing.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    It's only ok to fatten them up if you intend to cook and eat them Hansel and Gretal style.
  • donbet69
    donbet69 Posts: 133
    Save your money, buy controlling interest in the company and then fire the lot of them. That will teach them.
  • 4jenniferk
    4jenniferk Posts: 307 Member
    If they enjoy the food you provide, then feel free to provide it. It's their choice to eat that way or not.
    If they also stop eating that way, then you'll have to provide more healthy snacks.

    I have to agree with him.... their choice.
  • maria1993
    maria1993 Posts: 112
    Think about it.. I noticed your screen name.. I read your post, then I look at your profile.

    Think about OUR Father in the heavens.. Think about it for a minute. How do you think he would view that? It is seeking your own gain, not helping others.

    Our Father should be put first, along with the work he asks of us.. Others second. We should take the back seat.
  • piratejny
    piratejny Posts: 2 Member
    While I agree that no one is force-feeding these people and I like your subtle vindictiveness, from a business standpoint, if you plan to buy into the business, you would want to think long-term and keep your health care / health insurance costs minimized. Business wise, feed them healthy food.
  • slim_photographer
    slim_photographer Posts: 310 Member
    While I agree that no one is force-feeding these people and I like your subtle vindictiveness, from a business standpoint, if you plan to buy into the business, you would want to think long-term and keep your health care / health insurance costs minimized. Business wise, feed them healthy food.

    aha! didn't think of it this way. I'm kinda shooting myself on the foot by providing calorie heavy food.
    Just once again, I wanted to post a thought provoking question for you all here on the forums. My co-workers are alright. I'll buy some fruit cocktails and veggies next time. I'll see how that goes.
  • RainbowNtheWaterfall
    RainbowNtheWaterfall Posts: 552 Member
    "good" healthy snacks....this is a lifestyle change for you so your actions should reflect your lifestyle change
  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    I'm a fan of choices. If it's not too inconvenient or expensive, maybe buy some donut holes (smaller serving size) and a bowl of cut up fruit so people can choose donuts or fruit or even have a bit of both.
  • pkpzp228
    pkpzp228 Posts: 146 Member
    No offence intended just honest retrospection on your comments...

    I don't think you care and I'm guessing that this whole thread is doing nothing but feeding your ego about the potential of you being their boss. People provide for others in these circumstances as a good gesture. You're not feeding them as a provider, you giving them indulgence and it's their responsibility to choose whether they want to indulge or not. If you're providing them the opportunity to eat unhealthy with malicious intentions, that's a poor reflection on you.

    As someone else put it, take the higher road, becoming their boss in vindication enough. We're all here to live a healthier lifestyle and that doesn't end with the food food you eat, it also include your relationship with others.
  • WhyWait
    WhyWait Posts: 58
    I would not be able to live with myself if I was buying unhealthy foods to make people fat. That is so mean and nasty in a country where the obesity rate is a national crisis that is costing ALL of us money on health care.

    Plus, you want to be a part of the company ownership one day. That means YOU will inherit the health care costs of making them fat and unhealthy!

    Lead by example. Serve healthy foods. If they don't like it, THEN then don't have to eat it!

    Let's end this trend of obesity and reach out to help others, not sabotage them!
  • ErikaSwenson
    ErikaSwenson Posts: 160 Member
    I have no sage advice to offer really but just wanted to throw in that the topic line made me smile (and internally giggle a bit!) so thanks!
  • slim_photographer
    slim_photographer Posts: 310 Member
    I have no sage advice to offer really but just wanted to throw in that the topic line made me smile (and internally giggle a bit!) so thanks!
    This is all I really wanted. To lighten up somebody's day and mine. Eating healthy and staying active is such a great gift but people sometimes take offense when we try to point out to them they could do better. I'm frustrated when I see friends and co-workers upset if I 'impose' my new healthy habits on them. So what am I supposed to do? Feed them the garbage they already like? You see. It's a no win situation pretty much. That's why I started this thread because it's almost comical. Based on some comments I could've left the fact that this people are a little extra sour with me based in our arrangement at work tho' the question still exists. Do you feed people garbage is that is exactly what they want?
  • pkpzp228
    pkpzp228 Posts: 146 Member
    I have no sage advice to offer really but just wanted to throw in that the topic line made me smile (and internally giggle a bit!) so thanks!
    So what am I supposed to do?

    Do what you do, with good intention and don't it personally otherwise.
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    Unfortunately, Krispy Creme Donuts are like friend-crack.

    I don't like them, never have, but if you want to change someone's mind, or make a good impression, a box of Krispy Cremes just says "I care, I'm a good (insert guy/gal here), I'm likeable, sincere, and generous."

    Granola bars just don't say the same thing. Unless your buying me Luna Bars because you know I like them and have an iron deficiency, then, and only then do granola bars say, "I'm awesome and thoughtful."
  • merrycat
    merrycat Posts: 131 Member
    Could you do a mix of unhealthy and tasty but healthy foods? Then everyone has a lighter option, but you're not forcing a healthy lifestyle on anyone either.
  • verair
    verair Posts: 63 Member
    It's only ok to fatten them up if you intend to cook and eat them Hansel and Gretal style.

    DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!