what keeps you going?



  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    My *kitten*. I've always looked at it in the mirror and thought to myself "and there's my gigantic *kitten*." Now I look at it and think "man that's a nice wiggle."
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Well I have to be in shape if I'm to be taken seriously. The other is I enjoy it.
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    My wife and kids - I need to be there for them, and killing myself one bite at a time isn't going to make that happen.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I was divorced in February and while I am already thin...I want to have more self confidence. My ex used to cut me down all the time and it's time for me to reclaim my body. I have a beautiful little girl that needs a healthy mom...we all only have a short bit of time in this life and I want to make the most of it. I want to be active and see the world...not from a tour bus...but to be out walking and biking. There are many things I want to see and do...and in order for me to do them, I need to be in tip top shape. The quote in my signature is one of my motivations as well.
  • lauraemthomson
    lauraemthomson Posts: 68 Member
    As I said in my previous post am new to this... totally shocked at how many people replyed to my post. Well after reading them all I can say I am not alone and neither are you. We all want to be lighter, for health reasons, for our kids, to make us feel and look better and to prove to others we can do it. I am all of the above.

    Most of us are thinking the same thing but just looking for a bit inspiration. So if it means coming on here to chat I will, means I wont be thinking about other things I guess. So if anyone wants a wee chat or be a friend am usually glued to my iphone app lol
  • harric01
    harric01 Posts: 39 Member
    Definitely add friends on here, that helps with motivation. My motivation? My 6 year old daughter. We are going to Disney World next year in May and I don't want to be the "fat mom" there who can't fit in the rides or gets tired walking around. When I go to the class parties at her school I don't want any kids picking on her because she has a "fat mom". School is tough enough as it is and if I can prevent that from happening to her I will. Feel free to add me :smile: We're all in this together!!
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    Time. You can never get time back once it's gone and I don't want to spend any more time being the person I previously was. From 3 years ago, to now, to here on out, I'm living the life I've always wanted, in the body I've always wanted. When I remind myself of this, it fires me up everytime.
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    When I found out that the diabetic medications were slowly killing me and that dietary change was my best chance at being healthy, I had to decide between good health and death due to diabetic complications. Not wanting dying a horrible, slow death motivates me to get myself out of this situation. I want to live without pain and be happy and healthy, maybe start a family. I think life, unimpeded by disease, is a great place to be in. I hope you find your bliss.
  • Penelope_373
    Penelope_373 Posts: 28 Member
    What motivates me is seeing other people, some who started out with goals far larger than mine, succeed. I can be my own worst enemy by telling myself "I will NEVER be THAT thin". But to see others do it, it really reinforces that "I CAN DO THIS". I am new to MFP, but did WW online, and I can tell you that having a network of friends that share the same goals can really keep ya in the race! It is nice to have others to talk to and even see their results. Sometimes if we aren't seeing big drops in the scale or measurements (hell, sometimes even with big successes) our self image doesn't change (even tho our bodies have). For me, I like to be able to see my friends post pics of their 10, 15, 20, pound loss (even though we all lose weight differently) it reminds me that even though I can't see the change in myself, others can.

    What we ALL have to remember is we are not going to get results overnight (wouldn't it be great to wakeup and be thin :) so it is easy to lose momentum. That is why I think having friends and building a network on here is so important. Feel free to add me. I am here for inspiration and to keep motivated by seeing others succeed.
