Man vs Food...



  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    When I went to England last year, they loved my passport. And the fact that I didn't sound like any Texan they'd ever known:) Apparently there are a lot of Texans traveling to England;)
    People get confused by my accent. I've lost count how many times people ask me where I'm from b/c they can't place it (within America). I have to tell them that my father was military, and I grew up living in lots of different parts of the country, so my accent isn't "from" anywhere.
  • Beamer1986
    Beamer1986 Posts: 2 Member
    Glad too know im not the only one who thinks he's a hottie...
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    He's a pretty cool guy:) He got beat in Des Moines when he took on the Adam Emmenecker sandwich.

    What's an Adam Emmenecker you ask?

    Two halves of Jethro’s huge tenderloin, an 8-ounce Angus steak burger topped with melted cheddar cheese, 8 ounces of Texas brisket, several slices of applewood-smoked bacon, two large buffalo chicken tenders, two squares of fried cheese and a ladleful of white cheddar sauce.

    My son took that challenge! He was in Des Moines, for the state track meet, and the guys went to that restaurant. He failed the challenge by the way!!
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    I seriously want to do a food challenge. I want to do something like a triathalon and make my post-workout meal this pizza ( Jo's.pdf - go to the last page of the PDF at the top of the page). It's 14 pounds of pizaa.
  • xoBrittanyxo
    I think that's why his new shows has everyone else doing challenges and he is like a "host". At the same time I am envious in a way and do enjoy some episodes lol Guilty pleasure I guess ;)
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    Um I love this show!! i love seeing foods from all over the country! in my wildest dreams I can eat like that ;)

    plus, he went to philly and went to the franklin fountain - this AWESOME looking ice cream place.. I AM going there :)
  • chris0912
    chris0912 Posts: 242 Member
    I love the show and I love him! (Seriously, he's on my list.)