The Miss Fits [Closed Group]



  • unluckyIrish
    unluckyIrish Posts: 121 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    Sorry I've been gone for a few days, i just moved to a new city and settling in and waiting for things like internet installation :) We are currently looking for 2 new people so let me know if anyone is still looking. I think September's challenge is going to be awesome! It'll be tough but we will get through it and come out stronger on the other side :)
  • Bmoviemama
    I will definitely be here for the challenge. School has been hectic and I have not had time to keep track of anything. I'm going into my second week at school so it should be easier!
  • unluckyIrish
    unluckyIrish Posts: 121 Member
    Ladies, I'm a little nervous! It seems as if my emails are not going through to Gary. I've emailed him 4 times (feeling a bit stalkerish there) and he hasn't emailed me back (the emails aren't even indicating that they have been read). I'm not sure what is going on, but I'm nervous we are missing the challenge! If anyone has any ideas/suggestions of what to do, that would be great!
  • unluckyIrish
    unluckyIrish Posts: 121 Member
    Yay, an email finally went through. I'm not sure what happened with the others, but we are in. We still need one more teammate however, so please pass the word along!
  • becalee26
    becalee26 Posts: 185 Member
    Yay, an email finally went through. I'm not sure what happened with the others, but we are in. We still need one more teammate however, so please pass the word along!

    Count me in! :)
  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    Hi everyone! Just thought I'd wish everyone a happy Monday! Anyone got big plans for the week? Hubby is on a trip to Ohio left today. So I get to be a single mom of 3 for the next 4 days. The week is full of errands....girl scouts and soccer practices. I ran/walked 8.5 miles yesterday and my body is sore today! My back is really sore but has been on and off the last couple weeks. I think it's time to honestly consider a new mattress as much as I hate to admit it it's 10 yrs old and really needs to be replaced! Hope everyone has a great week!
  • unluckyIrish
    unluckyIrish Posts: 121 Member
    Ladies Ladies Ladies!! We have our challenges! I need all of your starting weights by sometime tomorrow so we can begin our challenge (you can just PM me). As of now, I think it starts on the 1st! Sorry about the last minute notice but I just got the info! Looking good for September!!!

    THESE ARE THE BASIC EXERCISES for Week 1. more youtube videos will be posted tomorrow!

    This should be done in addition to your normal workout routine. This is a challenge and is not a replacement!
    Week One Daily Exercise Challenge
    Each team member that completes their daily exercise challenge receives one point, if all team members complete each daily exercise for all 6 days the team is then awarded an additional 5 Bonus Points.
    Day 1 Exercise Challenge - 30 Squat Kicks* and 50 Jumping Jacks
    ( )
    Day 2 Exercise Challenge – 2 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses + 1 Extra Mile jog, walk or run ( * You may use cans of soup, tomato juice or bottles of water if u don’t have weights
    Day 3 Exercise Challenge – 50 Crunches* + 20 Mountain Climbers
    ( )
    Day 4 Exercise Challenge – 2 sets of 21’s + 100 Jumping Jacks (Bicep Curls may be done with cans of soup or bottles of water if you don’t have any weights) + 1 Extra Mile jog, walk or run.
    ( ) The video is a little long sorry.
    Day 5 Exercise Challenge – 2 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses + 50 Crunches + 50 Toe Touches
    ( )
    Day 6 Exercise Challenge – 50 Crunches + 2 sets of 21’s + 100 Jumping Jacks
    Day 7 Rest! You deserve it!
    *******Please watch the videos as they may differ from your version of the exercise! *********
    Week One Weekly Team Challenge
    Each team member in order to get the weekly team bonus points must all log every day and not go over their target calories and log at least 64 oz. of water each day. If each team member does this all 6 days your team will be awarded 5 Bonus Points.
    *Feel free to do these exercises in sets if you are unable to do them all at one time. Please do your best as you are much stronger than you believe.
  • unluckyIrish
    unluckyIrish Posts: 121 Member
    Here is a copy of the rules and scoring so that we are all on the same page. The only difference is the weight loss will be scored in %, not actual lbs :) Let's go out and kick September's butt!

    Welcome and thank you so much for being a team captain for this MFP Challenge. I believe this is one
    of the largest MFP Challenges to date and it’s all made possible by you! You folks really are ROCKSTARS!
    If a team member is unable to fulfill their place a replacement can be made please update me with the
    September 1st Deadline
    • Make sure you have contacted each team member and given them your forum post link
    • Obtain everyone’s starting weight as of September 1
    or the night before
    • Post the weekly challenges to your team forum prior to September 1 st and prior to each week
    • End of the week tally your teams points (this can be done daily if easier)
    • Add Bonus Points at the end of the week where applicable
    The scoring is as follows. I hope this is simple. If you have questions I’ll answer them for you.
    • 1 point for each pound lost per team member
    • 1 point for each team member who does their daily exercise challenge (1 point per member)
    • 1 point for the other weekly challenges (water intake, staying under calories etc.) Each week
    different challenge per member
    • (you will put 1 in the excel spreadsheet)
    o Daily Exercise – If every team member logs the daily exercise as doing it for all 6 days
    Mon – Sat. You may award your TEAM an extra 5 points
    o Weekly Challenges – if every team member log the weekly challenge as doing it for all 6
    days Mon – Sat. You may award your TEAM an extra 5 points
  • becalee26
    becalee26 Posts: 185 Member
    I am excited to get started!! Will this be the thread that we use for the whole challenge?

    My name is Rebecca and I am a SAHM mom two brats age 3 and 5. I've been working out for 2 months but have had too many bad days with food so I am looking foward to starting over again with his group!
  • unluckyIrish
    unluckyIrish Posts: 121 Member
    Ok Ladies, We are starting on Thursday, but it will be a shortened week with a rest day on Sunday. Here are the advanced challenges for Thursday through Saturday:

    WEEK 1 – BUSHMEN SERIES (Advanced)
    Week One Daily Exercise Challenge
    Each team member that completes their daily exercise challenge receives one point, if all team members complete each daily exercise for all 6 days the team is then awarded an additional 5 Bonus Points.
    Welcome to 300 Week You will do 6 exercises at 50 reps as quickly as possible 3 times this week. These are not to be broken up into segments. You are the BUSHMEN it’s time to push yourself!
    Day 1 - 50 Squat Kicks, 50 Jumping Jacks , 50 Crunches, 50 Mountain Climbers, 50 Wood Chops and last but not least 50 Globe Jumps!
    Day 2 - 2 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses, 2 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s, 2 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers, 2 sets of Tricep Kickbacks, 2 sets of 15 Shoulder Shrugs (weighted)
    Day 3 - 50 Squat Kicks, 50 Jumping Jacks , 50 Crunches, 50 Mountain Climbers, 50 Wood Chops and last but not least 50 Globe Jumps!

    *******Please watch the videos as they may differ from your version of the exercise!*********
    Week One Weekly Team Challenge
    Each team member in order to get the weekly team bonus points must all log every day and not go over their target calories and log at least 64 oz. of water each day. If each team member does this all 6 days your team will be awarded 5 Bonus Points. *Feel free to do these exercises in sets if you are unable to do them all at one time. Please do your best as you are much stronger than you believe.

    Here are the basic challenges!

    THESE ARE THE BASIC EXERCISES for Week 1. more youtube videos will be posted tomorrow!

    This should be done in addition to your normal workout routine. This is a challenge and is not a replacement!
    Week One Daily Exercise Challenge
    Each team member that completes their daily exercise challenge receives one point, if all team members complete each daily exercise for all 6 days the team is then awarded an additional 5 Bonus Points.
    Day 1 Exercise Challenge - 30 Squat Kicks* and 50 Jumping Jacks
    ( )
    Day 2 Exercise Challenge – 2 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses + 1 Extra Mile jog, walk or run ( * You may use cans of soup, tomato juice or bottles of water if u don’t have weights
    Day 3 Exercise Challenge – 50 Crunches* + 20 Mountain Climbers
    ( )

    *******Please watch the videos as they may differ from your version of the exercise! *********
    Week One Weekly Team Challenge
    Each team member in order to get the weekly team bonus points must all log every day and not go over their target calories and log at least 64 oz. of water each day. If each team member does this all 6 days your team will be awarded 5 Bonus Points.
    *Feel free to do these exercises in sets if you are unable to do them all at one time. Please do your best as you are much stronger than you believe.
  • unluckyIrish
    unluckyIrish Posts: 121 Member
    Here is what Gary says about how the Sept. challenge will work. Thought I'd pass it along for those of you who aren't friends with him

    Gary6030 HOW DOES THE SEPT CHALLENGE WORK? its very simple. You choose which exercise path you want to do for the day or week. Pygmy or BUSHMEN. Pygmy is more basic and low impact where BUSHMEN is the opposite. I would suggest trying something new! You do the exercises for the day. If there is a weekly goal meet that goal. Once a week you send your team captain an update saying I did all the dailies or I did 5 of them whatever is the case. Then send them your weight on Sunday. That's it. We compute the % of weight loss and your points for each day's exercise and add it together for a total team score. If all of your team completes the daily and weekly challenges you earn bonus points for the team. That's all there is to it really. I hope that helps!
  • craftykelly
    craftykelly Posts: 15 Member
    I LOVE this!!
  • craftykelly
    craftykelly Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everyone - I am Kelly - your newest team member. I am ready! I did pretty well in August - not sure if I "kicked the CRAP out of it" but I sure tried! Our team leader decided not to continue leading - too busy. So THANKS for letting me be a MISS FIT!!
  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    Welcome Kelly!
    I'm a mom of 3. I have a VERY active 4 yr old boy and 2 girls 6 & 11. I work from home with a daycare of 12 kids. I also work part time taking care of income base apts. My husband travels for work but he's my best friend. I'm over stressed and over worked. I love to volunteer but this year it has brought on too much stress. I'm working on letting go of some projects to give me more focus time for me. I tend to get off track easy and I'm hoping to use the Sept Challenge to keep in on track for a month so I'll keep up with it. I know how to do it I just make bad food choices. I don't seem to struggle with cardio just food! I'm training for a half marathon Oct 1st and half Jan 7th/Full Jan 8th. Looking forward to getting to know you!
  • unluckyIrish
    unluckyIrish Posts: 121 Member
    It's time!!! 33 minutes until Sept. 1st! I'm off to bed, but I'm looking forward to starting this month out right tomorrow. I have such a good feeling about this month. I know we are all going to be amazing!
  • unluckyIrish
    unluckyIrish Posts: 121 Member
    Tomorrow (Sept. 1) exercise is 30 squat kicks and 50 jumping jacks. Remember, that is on top of your normal exercise for the day. Don't forget to log your calories and your drink your water. we get points for that too! if you need a video of the squat kicks, go here:

    See you all in the morning!
  • unluckyIrish
    unluckyIrish Posts: 121 Member
    Oh, and our final team roster is this:


    Let's all try to encourage each other to be awesome. ok this time i'm really going to bed...
  • Bmoviemama
    I'm going to have my fiancee take before pics today :) I am excited about this
  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    I'm going to have my fiancee take before pics today :) I am excited about this

    I'm waiting on hubby to get home from a work trip so he can take pics for me. I'm hoping to see some changes! Good idea!
  • Bmoviemama
    Swimmers were hard!!! Used 10 pound weights and made it through both sets but barely ! Are we tracking our own points???