Women....Period Tracker App??



  • sweetchick06
    sweetchick06 Posts: 30 Member
    I have a Droid and I have a free app, I think it's called Period Tracker. I just started using it a few months ago. I am highly irregular. I just got my period todat, just 24 days since my last one. The month before that it was 28 days.
  • jesstiger81
    jesstiger81 Posts: 93 Member
    I use it, and I LOVE it! It is very accurate. There is a free version but in my humble opinion it is worth buying the full version for $1.99 I think. I tried the free version to see if I like it. It is great because it gives you your fertile days, and you can look 12 months out and see when your periods are forecasted. It does this by taking the average of your cycles. When you enter in your cycle and how many days it is it calculates your average cycle and length of period. It lets you track your symptoms and moods too. It is super great.
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    I use a free one called "My Days" and it keeps track of my period, I also put in when I take my pill, there is a place for daily notes, also when you have sex...It also tells me when I'm in High Fertility, and Ovulation...I like it :) because I never seem to remember to write that stuff down on the calendar!

    And writing it on the calendar could be a little awkward if someone came over for coffee and wanted to check the date or something... lol!
  • HeadGofer
    I have an android phone and use mydays ap. I like the reliability of it.

    As I seem to change from month to month (age related), it has adapted it self to me, and has been very accurate and reliable.

    The my days ap has a flower that changes from red to pink on the petals (so you know you are looking at the right ap).

    It is also free, which is even better.
  • arw060310
    arw060310 Posts: 256 Member
    MyDays =] It's FREE and does the job. Shows your projected ovulation dates, and future periods. It's pretty much right on
  • Michelle_M2002
    Michelle_M2002 Posts: 301 Member
    I use Mymonthlycycles.com from my computer. I don't know if they have an app, I'll have to look into it.

    Anyway, it's free and it's accurate. Not only can you use it to track periods...but it will predict your periods based on either your last 3 cycles or the dates you tell it to use. It will also predict your ovulation times so you can use it to try to concieve or try to avoid conception. I believe it even has a space to put in your Basal Body Temperature and your cervical mucous if you're charting those things.

    As far as your period goes.. you can also log individual symptoms, your daily weight (or however often you choose to input it), the color and heaviness of your flow, what type of period protection you used... etc etc etc.....

    God bless!
  • laumar3012
    i have a droid and use "my days" and at least on droid it is free. it tracks everything! I am not trying to have a baby but i still like to use it. tracks alot, add me as a friend if you want more info
  • crazynay96
    I use it, and I LOVE it! It is very accurate. There is a free version but in my humble opinion it is worth buying the full version for $1.99 I think. I tried the free version to see if I like it. It is great because it gives you your fertile days, and you can look 12 months out and see when your periods are forecasted. It does this by taking the average of your cycles. When you enter in your cycle and how many days it is it calculates your average cycle and length of period. It lets you track your symptoms and moods too. It is super great.

    the free version does this too... I wonder what the difference really is.
  • candb
    candb Posts: 238
    We haven't started TTC because of my weight, but that's what I'm looking for...tracking so we can conceive.

    I *highly* recommend that you read Taking Control of your Fertility. It teaches you how to tell from your bodies response when you ovulate. Most period trackers assume you will have a 28 day cycle and that you'll ovulate on day 14. I'd never have conceived my wonderful little guys if I had gone by that since my normal is a 40 day cycle with ovulating around day 28. Once you start charting you can use http://www.fertilityfriend.com/ to track.

    Good Luck!