Countdown to the New Year Challenge



  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    GO CHRISSY GO!!!!!!

    Hey if you are drinker then do shots of water LOL!!!!!
    Keep up with the water! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Maybe i need one of those beer hats where you put the cans in your hat and straws lead to your mouth....don't know what they are called.
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    LoL, you guys are hilarious. :laugh: Thanks for the late morning laughs!! And, send some snow my way, too, pleaseeeee. :heart: It's rainy and blah here in VA, too. :grumble:

    I normally weigh on Monday's, but I've been weighing each day this week that I've went to the gym. And, for the past two days, the scale has said I am down one pound more than on Monday. Not sure if I'll trust that . . . I think the scale lies to me unless it's Monday. :smile:
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    You people are crazy wanting snow!!!! Its sunny in Windsor (canada) and I love it!!!!!!!!!! Snow is only good to look at, HATE driving in it!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    You people are crazy wanting snow!!!! Its sunny in Windsor (canada) and I love it!!!!!!!!!! Snow is only good to look at, HATE driving in it!

    I haven't seen the weather but sounds like Everyone is getting some precip except you!!!

    Snow shuts everything down here - a few years back we had a BIG snow and about 9 months later it was a baby boom!!!

    lcorrell - wouldn't you love to throw it out the window sometimes!!!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I have drank 32 oz of water so far....64 to go....

    Hat thing didn't work - too messy!:laugh:
  • yellow_pepper
    yellow_pepper Posts: 708 Member
    Hat thing? What's that?

    Back down to 134.5 - hoping for 134 tomorrow. :-) Been doing some really intense cardio, which is definitely helping, even though I know some of it's just water.

    I have rediscovered the recumbent cycle. It makes my inner thighs positively burn! (Hopefully fat!)

    Good luck, all - 20 days to go! Let's really do this!
  • yellow_pepper
    yellow_pepper Posts: 708 Member
    Oh... yes, you need a special kind of hat for that.

    You could get a camelback, though... a backpack full of water, with a long straw from your back to your mouth!
  • Ok, so I didn't contribute to the -30 pounds, but I am working on it for next Monday!

    I saw some really big losses in there!

    We rock!

  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    OK, back from the pot luck.

    I did well. I had a little smidge of many things, but not too much of anything - and no desserts. Being lactose intolerant is good for something!!

    Thanks for the advise chrissyh - I am going to pound the water this afternoon. Only at 32 so far, so I'd better get going..

    Will report in with weigh in later - don't think it will be a good one.. :grumble: :brokenheart:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    48 oz down - I am kind of floating!

    yellowpepper and janiebeth good job!
    DJBliss - we're all in this together!

    If I weighted right now I'll have gained two pounds in water alone!
  • yellow_pepper
    yellow_pepper Posts: 708 Member

    I just did a double-take on your age in your profile. You look so young! I thought you were my age!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Thanks! I definitely feel my age! To be 26 again...I'd have a 2 year old
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Ok everyone to update on the snow, its now 8:30 pm, thursday evening and the roads are all white, school is already closed for tomorrow and its like 30 degrees its gonna freeze. I have to be at work at 530 am so looks like my fabulous husband will be taking me. The funny part about it is my son had a field trip tomorrow ( Guess not now) LOL he didn't think that was funny. I hope they close daycare. Probably Not:mad: :mad:
  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    I have lost my first 2 pounds on this challenge. Eight more to go. I didn't realize we were weighing in on Mondays.
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    OK, back from weigh in.. Not as bad as I thought - up just 0.4 pounds.

    Most of this is from not hitting the gym as I should. Next week will be a better weigh in, but must go to the gym - must, must, must. Got a good start on it today, just need to keep up the pace.

    Good evening all. Janiebeth
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Well I did it - I drank 96 oz of water yesterday! Not so sure I can get that high again - I will shoot for at least 80 today.

    I am having a bad morning....
    we were told last night that they are very sure my father in law has terminal lung cancer - he's too sick to treat him (more results today to confirm diagnosis)

    we ordered a new washer and dryer last night - front loaders I've been wanting for two years - was a bit freaked out at how expensive but was actually excited - well we measured and the depth is about 3 inches too big - and where they sit we can't do that so now I have to start over and the smaller version is out of stock until Feb - I am hoping to find maybe a floor model....


    Sorry to ramble-going to drink away my sorrow with a big glass of water!

    Boy do I feel whiney!
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Chrissy just keep your head up high and stay motivated for your father in law, he needs you right now!

    Yes drink your sorrows away with water, love the idea lol :drinker: :drinker:

    PS I just wanted to say TOM came today and for the first time EVER I didnt gain ANYTHING!!! I am the same weight as yesterday and even with TOM here!!!!!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Sweettart that's awesome! Great job!
  • MissGorgeous
    MissGorgeous Posts: 394 Member
    our monday weigh in is helping me eat well on the weekend!
    last night my friend came over and me and her and the kids
    had a sleep over! we watched movies and ate our "smart ones" dinner and 100calorie pack for dessert!
    i knew i would weigh in monday and be sad if i hadnt lost!
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