Team Sass



  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    I'm Jules! I'm 45 and I live in the UK. I have 2 grown-up boys (20 and 16) and I work as a Student Counsellor for the local government.
    I've struggled with my weight since my teens - a typical yo-yo dieter! Last year my husband suffered a heart attack at the age of 42 -whilst it was a huge shock to all of us at the time - our lifestyle had contributed to it over many years (too much junk food, not enough exercise......). So our lives changed for the better. However, for me it was starting MFP that really changed my life!!
    I am loving the August challenge and cannot wait for September!!
  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754
    Hi SAS's ......Nice to meet everyone :flowerforyou:

    My name is Jorden, I am 47 yrs old, married 20+ years with two children. Soon to be empty nesters. We sold our home last year and have been working every spare moment our new place, that we just moved into recently. In the process of I have put on
    20+ lbs. with lack of healthy home cooking and formal exercise. One of my biggest struggles is I am a all or nothing person, something I need to work on. I am a bit worried with the daliy exercise challenges, somedays I am out working in the yard 5-6 hrs, but we will see.

    I am ready to get me back..... nothing fits from my closet, even worse my wedding rings are too tight to wear.

    I am glad Sexy and Sassy was a hit :smile:

    Almost forgot ....I'm going to send everyone friend requests.
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    Ok, I guess I'll take my turn here! I'm Jill, 48 yrs old, wife and mom from Colorado! My kids are teens and older now...17, 18, 20, and 21, so it was time to take a bit better care of myself. I would say I'm a textbook "yo-yo'er" dying to find the secret to take it off and keep it off!! So, instead of doing any of the fad stuff, I decided to do this what I want, but in moderation. I did MFP some time ago, but started having neck issues, couldn't keep up with the exercising...yada,'ve all heard (and maybe MADE) excuses too! At any rate, in April, I decided to come back here strictly for the logging/journalling so that I would have something hard -copy for my doctor. I'd forgotten how wonderful the support is...I've met some really wonderful people that actually make this whole thing much more fun than it would be otherwise! Let's personality....I love to laugh, can be a tad (well, maybe more than a tad) sarcastic...but am 100% behind everybody!! I just like to joke and have fun with anyone going through this journey with me!! ;) So, if you see snide remarks from me, they are NEVER serious....ALWAYS meant in fun!!

    I'm really excited to get going on this...I've been involved in the Aug challenge and it's been great to help me kick it up a notch...ready for ANOTHER notch!! To Sexy and Sassy!! :drinker:
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    From Gary6030:

    SEPTEMBER IS COMING! We will have two sets of exercises. I don't want this to be confusing at all. I'm thinking about using an external website to post this stuff so everyone could go to one point wherever they are. But that might be an October thing...not sure. We will have a beginner and a killer series workout. You get to decide. But push yourself. Try the killer's if your body isn't ready that just means just that you aren't ready YET! You will be though I promise. The Killer side of things will be incorporating Miss Zuzzana from some Wildman Training and some tabata HIIT Training. Some of you will be like HUH? What did he just say....others will be like now we're talking. The beginners will be what we've been doing for those that are just beginning or need another month in this exercise phase! So get your self prepared because in September we're going TRIBAL! IT'S ON LIKE ROBOT DONKEY KONG!
  • spurradic
    spurradic Posts: 153 Member
    Sass, will we be able to do a combo of the "regular" and "extreme" if some of the "extreme" stuff is too plyo intense? (ie too hard on the knees for me?) i dont mind pushing in a lot of areas and dont want to be "stuck" at the regular level bc i cant do all of the extreme stuff. i hope that makes sense? that being said, i will most likely try everything before i say its too plyo intense, lol :tongue:
  • ahalla
    ahalla Posts: 66 Member
    Hey everyone!!

    My name is Alycia (pronounced like Alesha). I live in TX, have 2 small children and recently got engaged. My youngest just turned one and my oldest is four. I gained over 90lbs with my son and lost it all, well needless to say I took the same approach with my daughter, but kept on 15lbs!! I am a financial analyst and have tons of meetings so I tend to have a "vending machINe" diet. I recently decided I was not going to do that anymore and started working out hardcore; sometimes 3 times a day. I have been doing great at it and it truly helps with support. I have a buddy at work who checks on me constantly (we have a gym at my job) and ensures I worked out. We push each other to be better mothers and women. I am so excited that I found MFP because it has truly been such a blessing to meet such terrific people and hear so many stories of success. I am so excited and cannot wait for September!!

    BYE BYE LAST 15!!! WOO HOO!!!
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Yes, you can do a combo of the extreme and regular, that shouldn't be a problem.

    Once we get closer to September I will start a new thread with our new team name as the topic, it will probably be the last week of August.

    What does everyone do for the normal work out routine?

    Right now I am doing the ChaLean Extreme/Turbo Fire hybrid. I also have started running, I run a 3 mile block around my house but there is a massive hill that I cannot run up or down yet (I live out in the country). When I am not up to running the block I walk it. I usually work out 6 days a week.
  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185
    Hi team! My name is Dawn, I'm 49, married 20 years with a grown daughter. I live in Southern California. Until I turned 30 I was the skinny girl who could eat anything and not gain an ounce. I have been yoyoing ever since with periods of diet and exercise and longer periods without. Luckily, I eat pretty healthy normally so that has helped keep my weight somewhat in check. Candy is my biggest weakness. I was a Project Manager until I was laid off 6 months ago. I hated the job and we were financially prepared for it, so I am not unhappy about it. The job market is really bad here. I was getting depressed without a purpose and the scale started to go up and my clothes stopped fitting. The last thing I needed to be spending money on right now is clothes! So now my Project is to lose weight and get into shape. I have plenty of time on my hands. I was in the best shape of my life about two years ago when I was seeing a personal trainer, but still struggled with dropping lbs. . My muscles are beginning to remember now and I am getting stronger every week thanks to MFP and all the support here. Having to log everything is soooo helpful and plays to my natural insticts as a project manager. I've become a bit obsessive about it.

    I am pretty quiet, but like trimom63, I have a very sarcastic personality. That is why I usually don't get involved in many conversations on-line. I am worried that what I say will be taken wrong.
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    What are our workouts like now? I also work out 6 days a week...heck, might as well say 7, because I can't seem to take a blasted rest day anymore!! I have to do SOMEthing even if it's just a walk around the neighborhood! I have a pretty set schedule because I tend toward taking classes...that way, I can't QUIT or have to talk myself into finishing my workout...peer pressure can be a great thing!! :wink: I take BodyPump, Zumba, and Turbo Kick classes as well as doing whatever the Sept challenge calls for extra that day. On days away from classes, I do elliptical, walking track, running know, the basic nightmare workout schedule!! Am I losing quick?? Naaawwwwwww...heck no....but my doc is thrilled with my progress :ohwell: so I guess if SHE says I should be happy, then I'll be happy! ha!! Glad that we can mix the two intensities...I have a feeling that there will be some things I'll have to work up to!!! ;) Go S.A.S.!!!!!!
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    I am pretty quiet, but like trimom63, I have a very sarcastic personality. That is why I usually don't get involved in many conversations on-line. I am worried that what I say will be taken wrong.

    I won't take anything personal if you won't!! :bigsmile:
  • seballard09
    Hey y'all! I'm Sarah, 6 days away from turning 30 (is it weird that I'm excited about that?), married, and mother to 3 of the best kiddos EVER (ages 13, 8, and 3 - all of the 4-legged variety). I live on the MS coast and have a great job as an environmental scientist. Most of my days are spent sitting in front of the computer, so my lifestyle is pretty sedentary. I'm trying to lose 22 lbs (ultimate goal is probably 27 but let's be realistic!) for many reasons, including ME, my HOT-TIE husband, ME, and prepping for the 2 leg kind of kids. I'm having a really hard time with the weight loss, which is why I joined MFP a few weeks ago. Like, hard time as in I spent months training for then ran a 1/2 marathon earlier this year and went from 150 to 145. That's it - 5 frickin' pounds! All of which I put back on post-marathon. I usually work out 4-5 times a week. I am a member at a group fitness gym, so it's all classes. I go to kickboxing, step aerobics, BodyCombat, etc. If I can't make it to one of the classes on any day, then I try to make sure I get a quick run in - usually around 3 miles. I have ABSOLUTELY no idea what Gary is talking about for the Killer side of the workouts, but I'm super excited to see what they entail! GO SAS!!
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    I am pretty quiet, but like trimom63, I have a very sarcastic personality. That is why I usually don't get involved in many conversations on-line. I am worried that what I say will be taken wrong.
    Dawn, we won't be offended!! I appreciate honesty :smile:
  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754
    Yes, you can do a combo of the extreme and regular, that shouldn't be a problem.

    Once we get closer to September I will start a new thread with our new team name as the topic, it will probably be the last week of August.

    What does everyone do for the normal work out routine?

    Right now I am doing the ChaLean Extreme/Turbo Fire hybrid. I also have started running, I run a 3 mile block around my house but there is a massive hill that I cannot run up or down yet (I live out in the country). When I am not up to running the block I walk it. I usually work out 6 days a week.

    I haven't had a regular -formal work out routine for a long time. My w/o consist of painting, sealing floors and moving furniture, taming the grass in our yard as of late. I do wear a pedometer and track my steps/miles. I love cardio kick boxing and weight training. I did the 1st month of Chalean Extreme and loved it!!! I'm wanting to start again soon. So I will be doing the regular to start. I'm looking forward to getting back to working out (me time)..... everyday!
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    I am also sarcastic! Ha this ought to be great! I meant that with no sarcasm. Please don't shy away if you are sarcastic, or not sarcastic. If I say something to anyone and I am just being an *kitten* I will try to make sure that I post *sarcasm* next to it or something like that.
  • ahalla
    ahalla Posts: 66 Member
    I know this was a few days ago but what about a team name of Pinup Girls?....shoot if I reach my goal I sure would be a pinup girl (with stretch marks)...LMAO!! Well just a thought...I am too excited ladies you guys are a mess and I love it!! Mess in a great way!! I was so trying to keep my comments screened, but since everyone else is sarcastic looks like I don't have to anymore.
  • ahalla
    ahalla Posts: 66 Member
    Yes, you can do a combo of the extreme and regular, that shouldn't be a problem.

    Once we get closer to September I will start a new thread with our new team name as the topic, it will probably be the last week of August.

    What does everyone do for the normal work out routine?

    Right now I am doing the ChaLean Extreme/Turbo Fire hybrid. I also have started running, I run a 3 mile block around my house but there is a massive hill that I cannot run up or down yet (I live out in the country). When I am not up to running the block I walk it. I usually work out 6 days a week.

    I currently workout at least twice a day at my job. I work for Bank of America and they have a gym at our facility and it is so nice!! They have trainers and instructor lead classes. We are also doing the Biggest Loser for prizes and with the grand prize being $500 I am so determined to win. Do you like the Turbo fire?? There is a room in the gym where we can do videos if we want to and I usually will do Insanity but would like a change.
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    Hi, I'm Sarah too, or three or four.... No really my name is Mary. I live in the "Waterpark Capital of the World", Wisconsin Dells. My husband and I have 4 children - one married and expecting, two boom-a-rangs (they recently graduated from college, no jobs yet; so they are back home) and one in college. I am 54 and recently retired from teaching. I had worked in a hospital/university setting for years. I think I have all the vices you have commented. I just into things without looking, I can never do anything half way, I hate to lose (except weight). Currently I am approaching my maintenance weight. I need to learn how to stay there. I always joke that because it it so cold here, I have to add insulation in winter (this takes the form of 10 pounds or so). My weaknesses are chocolate, salty foods, and wine. We have a well stocked wine cellar that I frequent.

    Good luck to all on this tribal journey.
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member

    does it work for us?
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    Whilst I'm on summer vacation, my exercise is mainly walking, running, hiking & Wii Fit Plus!
    I am looking forward to going back to work - just so that I can use the gym again!!!

    I have taken part in Boot-camps too - which is where I rediscovered my love for exercising. I especially like tabata, or the military style assault courses!!
