Team Sass



  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member

    does it work for us?

    Um yes!!!!! I love it!

    Yes I love Turbo Fire, the music is awesome!
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Hi, I'm Sarah too, or three or four.... No really my name is Mary. I live in the "Waterpark Capital of the World", Wisconsin Dells. My husband and I have 4 children - one married and expecting, two boom-a-rangs (they recently graduated from college, no jobs yet; so they are back home) and one in college. I am 54 and recently retired from teaching. I had worked in a hospital/university setting for years. I think I have all the vices you have commented. I just into things without looking, I can never do anything half way, I hate to lose (except weight). Currently I am approaching my maintenance weight. I need to learn how to stay there. I always joke that because it it so cold here, I have to add insulation in winter (this takes the form of 10 pounds or so). My weaknesses are chocolate, salty foods, and wine. We have a well stocked wine cellar that I frequent.

    Good luck to all on this tribal journey.

    We have the same weaknesses! But I bet you couldn't tell.....:drinker:
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    Oh WOW!! I cannot remember the last time I've been -
    Sweet - Sexy - Sassy !!!
  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754
    I'd like to improve on the Sexy and Sassy don't know on the Sweet? :laugh:

    Nice team banner Sarah / Mary?!!!

    How do I add it?
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member

    Just copy and past the above code in your signature and take the IMG in the beginning and the /IMG at the end and change them from uppercase to lowercase
  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754
    It worked... Thanks!
  • januarygal
    januarygal Posts: 336 Member
    just trying the signature :drinker:
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    Morning ladies

    I have been given the opportunity to lead a group in September! Gulp!
    So, I'm leaving Team SAS.
    Thank you for your kindness - good luck in September!!
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    Good morning all!! I, too, will be a co-captain on Jules' team since we're on different sides of "the pond" and different time zones, we thought this would be good opportunity!
    Best of luck to you ALL...go get 'em....but no beating US!! ;)
  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754
    Hi SaS's

    I've been thinking since yesterday.... "Sweet" just doesn't fit me at all!! I'm going to drop and look for another group. Thank you sass and break a leg (good luck) everyone come September!! :smile:
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Good luck to those of you that have left us!
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    So I want to give those of you who are not currently in the August challenge an idea of what you are getting yourself into. Below is week 1 and week 4 of the August challenge.

    This is the week one team challenge. This should be done in addition to your normal workout routine.
    This is a challenge and is not a replacement! If you need a beginner workout please contact your team
    captain for ideas.

    Week One Daily Exercise Challenge
    Each team member that completes their daily exercise challenge receives one point, if all team
    members complete each daily exercise for all 6 days the team is then awarded an additional 5 Bonus
    Day 1 Exercise Challenge - 100 Jumping Jacks*(see below)
    Day 2 Exercise Challenge – Walk, Run or Jog 1 Mile (extra)
    Day 3 Exercise Challenge – 50 Situps or Ab Crunches*
    Day 4 Exercise Challenge – 40 UP and Downs *
    Day 5 Exercise Challenge – 25 Pushups *
    Day 6 Exercise Challenge – 25 Squat Lunges*
    Day 7 Rest! You deserve it!

    If you are uncertain on how to do an exercise get with your captains as they will have a weblink to each

    Week One Weekly Team Challenge

    Each team member in order to get the weekly team bonus points must all log every day and not go over
    their target calories and log at least 64 oz. of water each day. If each team member does this all 6 days
    your team will be awarded 5 Bonus Points.

    *Feel free to do these exercises in sets if you are unable to do them all at one time. Please do your best
    as you are much stronger than you believe.

    Week 4 and FINAL Daily Challenges

    Day 1: 2 sets of 20 Windshield Wipers, 3 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of Swimmer’s Press
    Day 2: 2 sets of 20 Tuck Jumps, 50 Squat Kicks, 20 Globe Jumps
    Day 3: 20 Split Squat Jumps, 3 sets of 20 Wood Chops
    Day 4: 40 ZigZag Hops, 3 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Press
    Day 5: 2 sets of 20 Burpees, 50 Squat Kicks, 20 Globe Jumps
    Day 6: 20 Mountain Climbers, 3 Sets of 20 Wood Chops, 3 sets of 20 Tuck Jumps
    Rest on Sunday (or day of choice)

    Monday 8/29 - Final Days make them count! 200 Jumping Jacks, 100 Crunches, 10 burpees, 10 mountain
    climbers, 10 globe jumps, 10 Squat Kicks, 10 ZigZag Hops! These are a little different. IF YOU ARE ABLE
    AND YOU ARE! Do these consecutively. No stopping to rest, don’t break these into sets! I’ve designed
    this so you can see just how far you’ve come. Many of you would never be able to do all of these in one
    setting on August 1st. BUT YOU’VE Found the inner Beast, You’ve Unleashed you ROCKSTAR and you’ve
    become an EXERCISE MACHINE. I’m proud of you and you should be VERY proud of yourself!

    Tuesday 8/30- Final Days make them count! Walk, Run, Jog a 5K that is 3.2 miles straight no stopping! As
    fast or as slow as you need to! YOU CAN DO IT I PROMISE! At 447lbs I did it in one hour and 15minutes
    with 3 hills. You can do this I promise! PUSH YOURSELF AND PROVE TO YOURSELF YOU ARE A WARRIOR!

    Weekly Team Challenge
    4000 team crunches, 4000 Jumping Jacks and 100 extra miles! This equals about 200 per team for
    crunches and jumping jacks for the week along with an extra 5 miles for each team member! The Last
    part of the team weekly challenge is solicit a friend or family member to join MFP and begin the next
    month’s journey with you. Inspire others that’s easy. The retire portion of the week is about looking
    back at the past 30 days. You have had to retire many old habits, many excuses and reasons why not to
    exercise. It’s time to retire those and move forward to the new you! YOU ARE MY INSPIRATIONS! Keep
    it up as we INSPIRE our circle of influence and RETIRE the old ways! Go Inspirations Go!
  • januarygal
    januarygal Posts: 336 Member
    It looks like we have lost 3 members of our team:sad: , do we have replacements ready?

    I am really looking forward to pushing it through September and can't wait to see the results.
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    I think I have 2 replacements, I am just waiting for them to confirm with me. We have 1 more slot open if you know of anyone interested have them message me.
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Everybody, please welcome MySonsRMarines to our team!
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Let's also welcome ArmyWife1099!
  • AmazingStace
    AmazingStace Posts: 92 Member
    Hi! I'm glad to be part of the team!! Thanks for letting me join!

    A little about me...I'm Stacey, mom to 3 kids--ages 5, 3 and 1. My husband is Army National Guard, and he's deploying in just over 3 weeks. So September would be a GREAT month for me to have a challenge to focus on. I've been overweight pretty much since high school. I don't remember the last time I weighed less than 200 pounds. I've used food as a way to cover up my emotions, and the last 2 times my husband deployed, I gained weight both times. I weigh about 60 pounds more than I did when we got married. But I've decided no more (I have a blog here, if you really want to read more about my story).

    I am totally committed to changing my ways this time. Tomorrow is 3 weeks since I committed to my new life, and I'm feeling great! I work out at least 30 minutes everyday--either on the elliptical, Walk Away the Pounds DVD or walking/jogging outside. I'll be joining the YMCA soon, too, to add some strength training to my routine.

    I look forward to getting to know everyone and doing this challenge together! Thanks again for adding me to the team!
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    I will put out an updated team roster later is killing me right now so please bear with me!
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    okay we have our last team member! Welcome lovecola06!
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Here is our new team roster:

    Sass30 - Captain

    Our new team thread will be here :