Do Speeling errers drive yu nutz?

Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
This crap is my life. I want to punch babies when I see this stuff.


  • NicoleLyn1818
    YES!!!!!!!!!!!! It's one of my pet peeves!!
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Their, they're, there
    To, too, two
    You're, your
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    You need to remember however that many of the users here don't have English as a native language, I'm sure I write much better English then you do Portuguese for instance.

    I agree however though that most of the young people these days don't know how to write even on their native languages.
  • FaithsVegWorkout
    It's lose weight, not loose weight.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    YES, but the most annoying is to see the word "TOO" used incorrectly. I want to crawl through the computer screens and b*tch slap everyone who uses it incorrectly, then spell it correctly, smile politely, adjust my skirt and crawl back to my side of the computer screen. :tongue:
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    i cant stand when people do like h8 for hate and kewl for cool like the IM lingo
  • tigersmoondiva
    tigersmoondiva Posts: 93 Member
    Yes it drives me nuts - however I really don't understand why people get so nasty. Everyone wonders why people have self image issues now day. Personally I think it is because at some point it became "ok" to say really mean things to people because it is "true."
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    You need to remember however that many of the users here don't have English as a native language, I'm sure I write much better English then you do Portuguese for instance.

    I agree however though that most of the young people these days don't know how to write even on their native languages.

    Obviously, that doesn't count.

    Most of the people spelling like this ONLY know english, and barely. Obviously. My cousin (21 years old) types like shes ghetto. Soooo annoying :D
  • NicoleLyn1818
    You need to remember however that many of the users here don't have English as a native language, I'm sure I write much better English then you do Portuguese for instance.

    I agree however though that most of the young people these days don't know how to write even on their native languages.

    It does not matter if they don't have English as their native language. There are people who have lived here their whole lives and have written and spoke English since birth...........and STILL don't know how to type. Or they think it's "cool" to type stupid.
  • NicoleLyn1818
    Yes it drives me nuts - however I really don't understand why people get so nasty. Everyone wonders why people have self image issues now day. Personally I think it is because at some point it became "ok" to say really mean things to people because it is "true."

    I've never heard of self image issues over not knowing correct grammar...hahah.
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    lol like the people that say i loose weight instead of lose :P can't help everybody
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    On a public forum or on any online site, nope.

    In an academic setting or in a "respected" journal, yes.

    Life is far too short to get bent out of shape over misspelling or grammar mistakes. While English may be someone's native tongue, English has a slew of commonly misspelled words as well as some crazy *kitten* "rules" that make it a fairly complex language. But to each their own.
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Cannot stop laughing at these! As a kid, my mom would leave notes for me before she left for work and I would correct them. Is it any wonder I grew up to become a teacher (albeit an out of work one)?
  • Typhanee83
    Typhanee83 Posts: 313 Member
    I HATE spelling and grammar errors. They drive me absolutely insane! It's also irritating when people shorten words. For instance, "kno" instead of "know." Is it really THAT much of a short-cut to not type ONE extra letter? People are just lazy! Seriously.
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    In "real life", yes. Drives me insane.
    On here however, I've given up.
    (It's no more bothersome than TOM, eating back exercise calories and Fad diets)
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,343 Member
    The topic of the original poster was speeling errers, not grammer, so I'll just speek to that first. Ok, I'll admit, it used to drive me nucking futs. But over time, and as I've gotten my @ss literally handed to me by AutoCorrect, I've become, shall we say, more tolerant of misspeelings...TO A POINT. Typos, I'm more likely to forgive when I know the person knows better and is intelligent enough to know the correct spelling....but continual, misspellings (OK, I had to type it correctly that time because the squiggly red lines are driving me nuts now :laugh:)...but continual errors where I've come to the conclusion that the person doesn't know any better still make me crazy and I can't take it.

    (Note: In case it wasn't obvious, all the previous mispellings were intentional for effect. *SMH*)

    Now grammar and usage errors, they're a little harder to overlook more than a time or two and those reflect poorly on the author and have the following effect on me....

  • tigersmoondiva
    tigersmoondiva Posts: 93 Member
    Yes it drives me nuts - however I really don't understand why people get so nasty. Everyone wonders why people have self image issues now day. Personally I think it is because at some point it became "ok" to say really mean things to people because it is "true."

    I've never heard of self image issues over not knowing correct grammar...hahah.

    I have. These people have a tendency to think of themselves as "stupid."
  • cassiefrank
    I'm with you makes me nuts! I am constantly correcting my oldest when he makes spelling errors, even in his journal for school! My youngest is only seven, so he's still learning to spell; I don't get on him about it too much. I don't even use chat speak and such in instant message or text message programs. (oh, and for the record, it's 'sending a text message', NOT 'texting')

    My favorite misspelling story comes from my ex husband. We were recently going through a very ugly custody battle and he sent a letter to the court claiming that I am an abusive and neglectful mother. The judge took one look at it, looked at him and said, 'you wrote this in chat-speak? Seriously?' The judge then crumpled the letter and threw it away. He told my ex that if he couldn't even present a decent-looking complaint, he wasn't going to follow through with an investigation. Funniest damned thing I'd ever seen.

    Also, FYI, my ex has had me investigated before, and all charges have always been dropped. ;) Just wanted to clear that up. haha!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    This crap is my life. I want to punch babies when I see this stuff.

    I feelt meself dumming down redding that stuf. :bigsmile:
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,343 Member
    This crap is my life. I want to punch babies when I see this stuff.

    OMFG!!! I just read the linked article and I almost coughed up a lung laughing at "shart week"!


    That's all the further I got...I'll have to try reading the rest another time.