Thanksgiving Challenge - 08/17-11/23 // (CLOSED GROUP)



  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Although I put on about a half a pound last week, I'm not surprise nor do I really regret it because I had an amazing time with my dad and I continued to incorporate exercise into my vacation. Now I'm back on the bandwagon and plan to have a good loss by the next weigh in! 30 Day Shred is definitely going to kick my butt into shape this month!

    This is my day 4 of the 30DS and I woke up to a much happier body this morning, barely sore at all. How weird. :)
  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    Although I put on about a half a pound last week, I'm not surprise nor do I really regret it because I had an amazing time with my dad and I continued to incorporate exercise into my vacation. Now I'm back on the bandwagon and plan to have a good loss by the next weigh in! 30 Day Shred is definitely going to kick my butt into shape this month!

    This is my day 4 of the 30DS and I woke up to a much happier body this morning, barely sore at all. How weird. :)

    I feel ya! I'm feeling so fit and even lighter this morning! Jillian Michaels knows what's up! :D
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    WHEW!! What a move! We have moved, settled in, have my son here on leave for a couple of weeks, and spent Labor Day with family 2 hours south. AND I have mostly stayed under my calorie goals and am staying on track with getting my calories in throughout the day instead of eating a ton late at night to get them in. Water....I've fallen off the wagon and am not drinking nearly enough water, and have had way too much diet soda. I have to get back to the water, I felt better and looked better (my dark spots on my face were fading nicely) when I drank mostly water and little to no soda. Exercise, though......all the moving and unpacking was great exercise, but I really need to increase my walks, workout videos and hula hooping back up to an hour a day. Tomorrow we start school (home schooling) so I've included time in the schedule to get some exercise in between subjects. That should help me, and start my first grader off with the understanding of how to incorporate movement into her workday for life!

    I moved away from the office where I could weigh myself - will have to locate a scale here so I can weigh in this Wednesday again.

    It is great to be back! Thank you so much for this challenge! It has definitely helped me to hang onto awareness of how I need to be eating! It feels good to move back home after a year-long absence and be 13 pounds lighter rather than coming back heavier, too!!!!
  • AmyMW7
    AmyMW7 Posts: 364 Member
    Wow! you sound busy, quietlywinning. gald you're settled!

    We start school (home schooling) today, too.
    I'm not sure if being busy will be good for me or bad for me.
    i guess we'll see:-)

    I've had a great weekend after having a lousy week last week.
    so i'm hoping for no gain this week.
    can't wait to weigh in tomorrow!!!
  • tambink
    tambink Posts: 349
    Well I had a great holiday weekend. I climbed a mountain which was a huge defeat for me and I lost two pounds and I started doing the DVD ripped with juillian love it . Planning to have a good week I hope. :)
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    It's Wednesday Weigh-in.......
    Hope you all have had a productive week. My week.... well, it was not so much on the positive side. A holiday weekend of bad food choices was reflected on the scale this morning. *sigh*
    We may all hit this stumbling block from time to time, and as discouraging as it may feel, it's what you do from this moment forward that will make the difference.

    Last night I started the P90X videos with my daughter. It kicked our butts. My body feels tired this morning and I can feel the muscles in my arms and back feeling very fatigued.

    One day at a time...... One day at a time..... Keep repeating this to yourself.
    You can't jump ahead a week or a month and want those instant results. It takes just one day at a time.

    What are you going to do today to make a healthy difference in your life?
    One change that I've made (might not be the healthiest), but I have switched from full-calorie soda (which I luv) to a zero-calorie soda. Granted, the artificial sweeteners aren't the healthiest choice, but it does save me 150 calories each time I'm craving a soda.

    So, my one-day-at-a-time goal today is to try not to eat late tonight and squeeze in some time to complete Day 2 of the P90X.
    What will be your one-day-at-a-time goal for today?
  • mdagenb
    mdagenb Posts: 49 Member
    I too had a weekend of indulgence and am back up to 202...however, i was at 204 yesterday so at least its water/sodium/beer weight that will hopefully fall back off quickly! I have to run 9miles this weekend and i started up a bootcamp yesterday that was really fun and a great workout so im getting back into it!
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    mdagenb - i'm up a bit too on my weight. but i started the p90x last night and am hoping to keep up with it. we all stumble backwards now and then, so let's just get back up and push forward a little harder!!
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    I did see a loss of 1lb but I know it could have been better if had been better with the fat grams. I also didn't do as well with the water this past week. I have a goal of 160 oz and only got about 120 oz most days.

    The weather is starting to cool off a bit so I was able to get a walk in one night. There is a new park near us that is really nice to walk.

    My goals this week are to continue to focus on lower fat grams, 160 oz of water a day, and walk at least 3x's for 15 min.
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    I'm soooo doing bad on the water goal. grrrrr....
    not to mention, the girls here cooked breakfast, so that was almost 400 calories of yummy fattening goodness that i just consumed. D'oh!
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    I'm soooo doing bad on the water goal. grrrrr....
    not to mention, the girls here cooked breakfast, so that was almost 400 calories of yummy fattening goodness that i just consumed. D'oh!

    Oh no! Hopefully, you can burn off some of those calories with some exercise today.
  • AmyMW7
    AmyMW7 Posts: 364 Member
    ya, breakfast is so tough. We went to an all you can eat brunch this weekend. not good at all!!

    I'm on day 3 of the 30DS and am so sore. hoping to stick with it!

    I lost a pound this week, and i'm pretty happy with that because it was such a crazy week for me!!

    keep at it, everyone!
  • tambink
    tambink Posts: 349
    Hi Everyone Having a pretty good week so far. I have climbed a mountain and made to the top and done some walking as well as my new workout DVD lost about 4 lbs this week hope to loose more. Also all my pants are way to big need to go shopping lol. Stay positive and things will be good. I need to work out more and drink a lot more water and eat more fish things I am working on. :smile:
  • I'm down 1 lb from my last weight-in... I'm at 208.8. Gotta work a little harder, started zumba this week and I'm so enjoying it....
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    Good Morning All....
    Hope you're having a good start on Week #4. Don't forget, we do measurements NEXT Wednesday, 09/14.
    I've looked thru profile posts, email and here on the message boards, but may have missed a weight or two, so if you've already submitted your weight and I'm missing it, please resubmit. Thanks!

    I'm missing weights for:
    ♦ momplum
    ♦ m36an
    ♦ sdb588
    ♦ sweettoothfairy
  • sweettoothfairy
    sweettoothfairy Posts: 212 Member
    Even I had a terrible week, ate, didnt workout so as a result havent lost any weight still at 193... damn!
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    sweettoothfairy - at least you maintained your weight and didn't have a gain, so that's still good. :)
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Good Morning All....
    Hope you're having a good start on Week #4. Don't forget, we do measurements NEXT Wednesday, 09/14.
    I've looked thru profile posts, email and here on the message boards, but may have missed a weight or two, so if you've already submitted your weight and I'm missing it, please resubmit. Thanks!

    Wow- measurements already? I think I will have good numbers to post which is good cause my pounds are not moving!
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    Good Morning All....
    Hope you're having a good start on Week #4. Don't forget, we do measurements NEXT Wednesday, 09/14.
    I've looked thru profile posts, email and here on the message boards, but may have missed a weight or two, so if you've already submitted your weight and I'm missing it, please resubmit. Thanks!

    Wow- measurements already? I think I will have good numbers to post which is good cause my pounds are not moving!

    Not looking forward to it. I don't think mine are going down much. Maybe I will be pleasantly surprised.
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    What changes will you make in your routine this week?
    Unfortunately, many of us have fallen into a slump. We've either had no weight loss or we've experienced a bit of a gain.
    Week 1 Total Group Loss: 30.60
    Week 2 Total Group Loss: 23.30
    Week 3 Total Group Loss: 7.30

    What will it take to get ourselves back on track?
    Here's a few questions to ask yourself and possibly make some adjustments in your routines.....

    Are you tracking all of your food? Remember that the casual handful of candy you grab from a co-workers desk still adds up to calories you've consumed for the day. There's really no such thing as free calories or thinking that one little bite won't hurt. A calorie is a calorie is a calorie.

    Are you eating late at night to meet your daily caloric intake? For my body, I know that if I eat late at night, no matter what my calorie count is, I will tend to gain weight. Perhaps this does not affect you, but you know your body best. Listen to what your body is telling you, and think about adjusting the times you eat if it's warranted.

    Are you drinking empty calories? I've recently changed to zero calorie soda. That alone saves me 150 calories when I crave a soda. And those extra 150 calories can go to providing nutrition for my body by eating actual food as opposed to drinking a sugary drink and getting no nutritional value out of it.

    What other questions can you ask yourself about what you are eating/drinking or what you are doing for exercise? Please share your thoughts and comments on what you need to change or what you are struggling with.