Lap band yay or nay?



  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    nay.... eat less & exercise more.

    i dont mean to be harsh, but simply put, thats all you need to do, with a HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE amount of willpower.

    willpower I do not have... I find it for a few months and it's gone and I gain back the weight... probably why my family is concerned.
    well then you will be wasting your money...because eventually, you'll end up gaining the weight back. I hear about that all the time.
  • voluptas63
    voluptas63 Posts: 602 Member
    Two of my family members have had it; my aunt and uncle.

    My uncle went first, he's been doing HORRIBLY. He's barely lost anything and he's figured out how to cheat the lap band, even with the fills he's received. So not only is he not losing weight, he's starting to stretch out his stomach again and gain the weight that he lost before he had the surgery.

    My aunt, she had the surgery after my uncle had it. She actually GAINED weight to have the surgery. She had to lose 40lbs prior to the surgery and has now lost another 35lbs.

    Just like the diet and exercise, you can still cheat out the lap band surgery. You WILL have to get your eating under control. I'd advise you to enlist the help of your friends, your family and MFP friends to help you stay on track. Good luck!
  • Waynes_World
    I had the surgery last November and I have lost 136 pounds post op... But I can tell you it is only a tool and if you do not have the willpower for a life style change the band will not help you.. There are ways to "cheat" with the band.

    I suggest you go to the support group meetings in your area to learn more about the surgery. Which ever way you decide I wish you the best of luck..

    My best advice is to be ready for a life style change before you have the surgery. You still have to diet and exercise to lose the weight and keep it off.. But it helps you along the way..
  • dipsl19
    dipsl19 Posts: 317 Member
    nay. my former best friend had the surgery and she lost about 15-20 lbs, and then stalled. it was over a year and a half ago, and shes the same weight.
    if you get the surgery, you need to workout and watch waht you eat just as much

    its really a waste of money... and in my opinion, its unnatural and .. strange
  • dipsl19
    dipsl19 Posts: 317 Member
    nay.... eat less & exercise more.

    i dont mean to be harsh, but simply put, thats all you need to do, with a HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE amount of willpower.

    willpower I do not have... I find it for a few months and it's gone and I gain back the weight... probably why my family is concerned.

    if you dont have willpower it wont work anyway, save the money.
  • Myslissa
    Myslissa Posts: 760 Member
    Eating right/exercising and the surgery are both a total lifelong commitment.....which is safer?
  • jbeauchamp1
    jbeauchamp1 Posts: 195 Member
    I have not had the surgery done but I have three people I know that have had it done. None of them were happy with their decision. One of them is a very close friend from high school and she was super excited at first and lost 60 lbs really fast. What the surgery did not do for her was change her eating habits and she will admit to this day that she just thought it would come along with it. She still continued eating unhealthy foods even though they were smaller amounts. Two years later she has gained everything back and more. Just because you get the surgery does not mean you don't have to change your habits. You still need will power just like many have already said.

    That being said you can get the will power if you want it bad enough. I would think it takes alot of will power to commit to doing a drastic surgery so take that focus and use it to get you motivated to do it on your own. I just would hate to see you do something like this and not be happy with it. You can do it. I know many people who have lost well over 100lbs on their own so don't be discouraged with whatever amount you have to lose. Get around a good group of people, like on MFP, that can encourage you and help hold you accountable. Have faith in yourself and others will have faith in you. I promise you it is worth it!
  • jeffsgal105
    jeffsgal105 Posts: 195 Member
    You know what, I used to be VERY against it... but after struggling myself, I have considered it.

    What a lot of people on this site don't realize is that not EVERYONE can lose with just diet and exercise! ... it doesn't work with everyone..

    I honestly gave it 100% and lost only 30lbs, I went to my doctor and explained my frustrations (they had been advising me for years to get Lapband) and she gave me an appetite suppressant to help... even with that I am not losing great!! Some people's bodies just are different...

    I'm going 6 more months on my own and being weighed monthly by my doctor, if at the end weight hasn't came off... we are moving to surgery!

    I think you know what is best for you. Give it your 100% effort and than decide.

    You are right about everyone being different. I know a girl, who was about 23 and she had the lap band surgery, but it really hasn't worked the way she thought it should. I think she's only lost 60lbs and that was 4 years (?) ago. She is still very obese.

    I wish you luck with your own weight loss goal, and you are lucky to have a Dr. who is working with you like they are :) I'm proud of you giving this 6 months to see if you can do it on your own.
  • jeannette120
    jeannette120 Posts: 65 Member
    First I'd like to clear something up for some of the posters who are misinformed. The band is permanent. It does not come out after you lose your weight. Technically it can be removed, but that is not the intent.

    You do have to exercise and eat right for the band to work. IT IS NOT AN EASY WAY OUT! If you think that you are serious misinformed about what it does and how it works. The band helps with being satisfied with smaller amounts of food. It does not stop you from eating junk. I don't think I could ever be satisfied given my height and weight with eating 1200 calories a day without the band. As someone who is much larger than your average overweight person, it was a great choice for me and while I'm only 3 months out, I am very happy with the results.

    You need to do lots of research, go to meetings, support groups, educational seminars. Talk to people who actually have the band. Most of the people posting here know someone who had it and are reporting second hand results. As with any procedure, diet, exercise plan...there are always failures because no one thing will work for everyone 100% of the time.

    Good Luck!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I would say if you have the money/resources, spend it on going to see a nutritionist and/or a personal trainer who does both diet and exercise programs. And/or start going to see a therapist who may help you with your family issues. You should not be putting up with that sort of treatment, especially from people who are supposed to care about you...jerks...

    You may not be this kind of person but can you take that treatment and turn it in to motivation - like an "I'll show them" kind of thing? So when you're faced with temptations, you can say no because you have something to work towards? My brother, as supportive as he is, made a snide comment when I announced my intentions to join WW in 2010 and since then I've used it as a source of inspiration instead of something to get me down about myself... Just a different perspective to think about.

    Another thought... You say you eat right and have lost then put it back on. I get that too because I've been there several times. The one thing I've done differently (well, besides more fitness) this time is to be more realistic. I try not to deprive myself of anything, I'm not on a "diet". I just eat within my calories most of the time and have a treat once or twice a week becuase I've earned extra calories by being active. That's what I love about MFP - they make it so much easier to follow than other plans!
    ETA: because one of my friends made a comment about this recently...I know this isn't EASY....I'm not saying that...just that the way the website is set up makes it easier...LOL

    As far as any experience about lap band - it's funny, I was just talking to someone about this earlier today. Two of my cousins got the surgery around the same time that I started watching what I eat and exercising and they haven't any more than I have. The reason is that they still haven't learned how to eat right. I do have to say, I'm still proud of them for losing and for starting to get active too but I wish that hadn't gone through such extreme measures, especially since it hasn't gotten them any further than doing it the natural way would've...

    Anyway, feel free to friend me if you'd like more support. Sorry you're not getting it from your family...
  • paxetamore
    paxetamore Posts: 399 Member
    I am on the nay side more then the yay side. As I know that you can gain the weight back and that it's not a solution. My sister is the one that suggested it because she has never been a big girl. She eats whatever she wants and doesn't have to deal with it like I do. She doesn't understand it. My dad calls me fat every chance he gets so getting this done I don't see it working for me. I just wanted to prove my point. Thank you all for responding. I am on this site and I love the support from my MFP friends. I just find this hard real hard. Going to bed hungry and with clenthed fists is hard. An emotional roller coaster.

    This sounds like a very difficult decision for you, and you may need to listen to your inner gut on this topic.

    I have known two people who had this procedure done. One lost 70 pounds and kept it off for many years; yet, as she aged, complications arose. The other person was younger, but consumed too many of the wrong type of calories.

    Depending on your situation, I hope you can make an informed decision based on the responses here.

    Best of luck, and keep us posted!

  • kateland
    kateland Posts: 160 Member
    I have the band. It was the best decision I've ever made. I could have willpower in almost any other area of my life except food - food is not about willpower for me, it's wrapped up in friendship, comfort, emotions, psychology. When the band is filled properly, I experience no hunger, and make excellent decisions. The mental obsessions I have with food is gone (what should I eat? what do I want to eat? what I plan to eat that I shouldn't? I'm too fat. I'm not satisfied with a salad. What did I eat that I am feeling guilty about? what will I do tomorrow?) and I would not trade this feeling for anything in the WORLD.

    Fact is, obesity is the result of different triggers. My trigger is hunger. When I'm hungry, I'm hyperbolically unreasonable. I could never lose 60 lbs on my own.

    I lost 100 lbs, but my band sprang a leak over a year into it. I've had it fixed twice, had skin removal surgery, and am at about a net loss of 85 lbs. I still need to lose another 50, but I'm happier than I've ever been. I love myself, scars and extra weight and all. It is a decision I would make again and again.

    I didn't want to gastric bypass surgery because I wanted to shoulder some of the responsibility for my success - but I know MANY people who got the band after they learned about me and my success, and they've not lost anything.

    Also, I wouldn't personally take advice from people who don't have the band or firsthand experience with someone who has it. Their reality isn't your reality.

    You've had the willpower to lose 60+ lbs, so clearly, you have willpower. You haven't given up on your weight. At least you keep trying - many people don't.
  • beach_bum_gurl
    My family is advising me that I should get the lap band surgery. I just want to know if anyone out there has had this done and what are your thoughts??? I am kinda nervous about it. I have sent away for more info from the clinic here. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you :flowerforyou:

    I am 5 years out from RnY and maintaining currently after losing approximately 120 pounds. I have always advocated that surgery is a very personal decision. It was right for me, but it may not be right for you or others. I would suggest that you attend a support group/information session of your local bariatric surgeon to get information on the latest research related to all of the restrictive procedures for obesity. They can provide you with the information that you need to make the right decision for you.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    Nay. Unecessary IMO
  • cownancy
    cownancy Posts: 291
    I will post once again.....My lapband operation was 10/1/2010. Have lost 50 pounds. Would have been more but I had a hernia operation at the same time, which kept them from filling the band until February and then I had to have a major ear surgery that necessitated the band be deflated from June until a few weeks ago. I LOVE my band.

    ONLY listen to people who have actually first hand experience with the band. NO ONE ELSE gives you totally correct information.

    The adjustment of the band has a LOT to do with how you do. Your doctor can adjust your band looser and tighter at ANY time. It can take several months to get your band to the right setting, so sometimes people get frustrated and lose weight slowly.

    Willpower is assisted with the lapband because of the way it works. It is placed in a location that causes what you eat to remain where it will set off the nerves that send a message of fullness to your brain, so that you are not constantly hungry anymore. I am an emotional, stress eater and I still have to think before eating, there really are many hours of the day that I just do not feel like eating and I am not even on the right setting right now. When I had the band deflated for my surgery, I was 100 times more hungry and for the wrong things. The band helps me control my craziness for bread and sweets.

    I was at my support group tonight and was in entire room of lapband patients. ONLY a few still have hunger and they are all in the process of getting regular adjustments.

    You CANNOT STRETCH the band...that is the pouch from a bypass. You can adjust the band if you start to feel hunger again.
    If you decide that you want to start eating the bad stuff, like white bread, white pasta, bad carbs, etc., tell your doctor and he can losen the band, but, just the same as without the band, you WILL gain weight if you don't control that intake.

    Tonight, for dinner, I had an 8 ounce piece of Mahi Mahi and a large salad and was saisfied. Still am at 12:07am.

    If you would like to discuss the lapband further, we can talk privately. I will even be happy to give you my phone number. The most important thing is to try to find a Bariatric Center of Excellence and an excellent doctor who is thorough and offers support groups, in-house nutritionists, etc. I went to my support group tonight and we met for three hours. The first hour, was a discussion of protein and carbs and the last two hours, we broke into groups according to the type of surgery we had and we all shared recipes, advice, caught up with our accomplishments, etc.

    I actually will be weighed tomorrow when I go in to see my nutritionist to review my food diaries. My insurance paid for EVERYTHING except a program fee of $250 at the beginning and a co pay of $15 (set by the doctor, my insurance is $30 per visit, but the doctor doesn't want the cost to keep you from coming) per visit with the doctors. The $250 covered a psych evaluation and lifetime nutritional support.

    The operation is MUCH more than how most people perceive it, but you have to want it enough to join the program. Never thought I could stick with it, but I really am into it and love going.
  • danaocny
    I am happy to see that people who actually have the band started responding to this post. I was banded 2 1/2 months ago and do not regret it one bit. Like others have already mentioned, the band is just a tool to help you. The Dr who does the surgery will have an eating plan you have to follow. Will that Dr be watching you 24/7? No. Can you figure out ways to eat around the band? Absolutely. The band will help you stay satisfied for a period of 3-4 hours after eating (your protein based meal). If you find you are getting hungry sooner then they make the band a little tighter. This requires a lot of willpower & if you are stating that you have none then any weight loss surgery is not a good option for you. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. This is not an option for everyone but for me I have finally found something that seems to be working very well for me.
  • shannonkk
    shannonkk Posts: 192 Member
    I know several people that have had it and all wish they could reverse it. They find that they lose weight, but only because they can't eat as much. They still crave junk food, but have to eat like birds. They're constantly embarrassed when they go out to eat with friends because they can't enjoy the same foods.

    You want to change your life for the better. If you think about becoming healthy then the weight will come off. Weight loss shouldn't be your main goal, it should be a result of changing your life.
    . I have friends who say the same thing. If you lack willpower, this may not be for you. It isnt magic and all of my friends gained the weight back because of no willpower. One of them gets food stuck and has to puke herself to get it up all the time. Her husband wants it reversed because it scares him.
  • Jeliica
    Jeliica Posts: 41
    I know prior to surgery they make you do testing. For me it was:
    - Psychological evaluation
    - Nutritional evaluation
    - Echo/Stress Test
    - 3 month report from PCP
    - Endoscopy
    - Sonogram
    - GI
    - Blood work

    I didn't have to lose any weight to qualify, I was approved immediately. My doctor did want me to lose 10 -20 pounds because it be easier to do the surgery.

    Really depends on your doctor and what they want.

    If I was you, I'd go to meetings, try to talk to people who have it. You'll meet people who did well, ok, and bad with the different types of WLS. And you can make your own decision. My parents pushed me to do it and I decided not to and I gained all the weight I lost, and then I said to hell with it, I'm doing this for ME, not anyone else.Now I'm waiting, surgery in a couple of weeks!!!
  • summerlee97
    The band is not a quick fix as many people think that it is. I was banded 4/17/2008 and have no regrets. I lost 35 lbs within 6 months and then got pregnant with my son. Needless to say, I gained the weight back plus a lot. My OB was not familiar with the surgery. And I could not find a WLS doctor as I was no longer in the state that I had the surgery in and other doctors did not want to take me on as a patient. So, I moved back to the state that I had the surgery in and have lost all 60+ lbs that I gained with my son and am lower than my pre-pregnancy weight... woohoo! I am loving MFP because the band is only a tool and this really helps me to keep track of my calorie intake. I LOOOVEEE the app on my phone. It makes it like a game scanning barcodes to keep my diary up to date. My son likes to grab my iPod and run around like he is scanning the barcodes too. With the proper excercise and nutrition, we can all be successful. Another thing that is important is to find a really good doctor. Do your research! My doctor is very supportive and his practice is great. One thing that my doctor had me do is to have a WLS buddy. It is very hard to take advise from someone that is not in your shoes because they do not understand what you are going through. My very good friend was banded a year after I was. She does not talk with anyone, including myself, about the day to day living with the band. She had the thought that this was going to be a quick fix and poof, she would be skinny. The band will help you with your caloric intake,as long as you are not drinking your calories, and the rest is up to you. My friend would drink her calories. Everyday I would see her with a high calorie coffee drink from one of those coffee chains. She did not realize how many calories are in them. She has been banded for a year now and is thinking about having it reversed because she only lost 35lbs. My mother had gastric bypass two years before I was banded. Initially she lost tons of weight, however, she is gaining it back because she is still eating all of the wrong foods and not getting any exercise. Just remember that every person is different. You will get as much out of the band as you put into it. If you do nothing, then nothing is what you will get. Also, you have to do this for you, not for anyone else. You can only truely be successful when YOU are ready for the lifestyle changes, not when someone else is ready for you to change your life.