I need to know, who else on here drinks diet soda on their d



  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    Diet soda is actually worse than regular soda (TOXIC)


    1. This is not a scientific study. It's a brief Q&A blurb.

    2. Quote from this link: 'The artificial sweeteners and other chemicals currently used in diet soda are safe for most people, and there's no credible evidence that these ingredients cause cancer." No mention of diet soda being TOXIC. What it does say is that "some studies suggest that drinking more than one soda a day — regular or diet — increases your risk of obesity and related health problems such as type 2 diabetes." These studies were retrospective studies (looking at past data from study participants), rather than prospective, so any correlations are anecdotal at best. Who's to say that the diet/regular soda drinkers were not already genetically predisposed to type 2 diabetes, or that their diet did not contribute to it? The studies were not set up to rule out all of those other variables that play into type 2 diabetes.

    3. Yes, I drink diet soda. Have for years. Is it the healthiest thing I could possibly drink? No. But I do also drink plenty of water, and am otherwise healthy, so a couple of Diet Cokes a day are ok, according to my physician, my OB/GYN, and everything I learned in pharmacy school.
  • jjgirl76
    jjgirl76 Posts: 68 Member
    Me! As long as it doesn't interfere with my water intake... I'm good. I need something with Caffene in it about mid day... and Oh do I like my Coke Zero!!
  • shnazzy
    shnazzy Posts: 213
    i dont touch it used to years ago but gradualy changed to water which i love now but i also love WHITE WINE :):) lol so a little of what you like keeps you going and sane !!!
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    I drink a crapload of slimline tonic water every day. It's the only thing that stops me hiting the wine bottle!
  • rgprn
    rgprn Posts: 66 Member
    Im addicted to diet coke...however, I have cut wayyyy down!