Question for men: honest opinions on CrossFit?

My husband has been watching me workout and eat healthier, and has been trying to do some things too, but he's not good at sticking with it. A CrossFit gym opened not far from us, and I would really love to try it. This is one thing I think he would really like, but he isn't so sure. Plus, we could workout together and cheer each other on. He's also in a band, occasionally on the road, and I have heard that CrossFit travels fairly well. He has said we can try the free class sometime, but I wanted to see what some men's opinions are on it. I think maybe he thinks it's a "chick workout" just because the only people we know who do it are women. So what can I tell him about it from a male's perspective? Thanks for your help!

Edited to change box to gym. Don't know what spellcheck was thinking. :)


  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    I know Im not a man but I did a Crossfit class last year and there were 2 couples in it working together and motivating each other! And the majority of the other clases were males and it is far from a chick class trust me!
  • Loko_Ino
    Loko_Ino Posts: 544 Member
    I did crossfit for about a year a little while back. It was eye-opening to see chicks kicking my butt. I liked it and dropped weight really fast.
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    Crossfit is a great workout, and is definately not a "womens" workout.

    The only gripe I have with CF is that a lot of people push to the point of injury. It also lacks the progression of other workouts (running: time or lifting weights: more weight/reps). It's kinda like... here's a workout. Do it as fast as you can.

    It's better than sitting on the couch and doing nothing, and I've seen people have excellent results. It's ok to push yourself to the limit, but just remember to listen to your body.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I think Xfit is positive in one way: it gets women into lifting weights and heavy. That is awesome.

    However, some of the marketing, routines and form used in my opinion are utterly, utterly, UTTERLY ridiculous.

    In reality, I think a well designed traditional weights routine using a well stocked free weights area with supplemetal machines as necessary will always be the way to go. However, some people really love Xfit and if you find a well managed Box that will always get you further than something your heart's not into...
  • StephenHebs
    StephenHebs Posts: 8 Member
    My girlfriend and I just started going to Crossfit classes about a month ago. It is very intense, but teaches you solid mechanics for working out in a number of different ways. I don't think it is for everyone, but is a great workout that will get you in shape, especially if you are going three days a week. We use Crossfit as a once a week spell from our normal routine (treadmill, free weights, sports).

    At the end of each "Foundation class" (you must attend three before you move up to "Level 1") be prepared for five to seven minutes of pure pain... and glory!
  • mike_littlerock
    mike_littlerock Posts: 296 Member
    since its a franchise, it really depends on that particular CrossFit.

    also, some of the trainers at crossfit really worry me. it seems their objective is to just give you a workout that seems intense (too intense for new clients), but the order of exercise, and some of the combination's dont make a great deal of sense. Workouts are NOT one size fits all, and there are some in the cross-fit community that actually joke about Rhabdo (Rhabdomolysis), which can land your butt in the hospital. To me, if a person training under my guidance gets Rhabdo, thats a pretty good sign that I am not doing my job.

    I do expect crossfit fans to attack my comments, and I am completely cool with that. I am not calling their baby ugly, or denouncing their religion, just pointing out that people might want to do a bit of research and learn a little more about their local Crossfit franchise.
  • Crossfit is great for those that wish to build strength and conditioning, it does depend on the particular gym you go to though. It is not great for those trying to lose a lot of weight though as many of the exercises are too difficult for larger people and the workouts can be very intense. It is better to get into a more athletic shape using other methods before joing crossfit. Also be careful when you first start though and only do once or twice a week for the first few weeks. As your body adjusts and you get in better shape, you can handle more days per week and more weight on exercises. Best possible scenario is doing crossfit at most 3 times per week( once your body is conditioned) as well as lower intensity cardio on the other days. Your husband must be crazy to think it is a girl exercise as the exercises are much more tuned for a male athlete.
  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    Thanks for all the responses! To be fair, he only thinks it's for girls because the people we know who do it are my mom and her friends. That's how we found the gym, the trainers broke off from my mom's gym and started their own. So I would trust the trainers to be aware of fitness level and to scale things down if they needed, because I know that they have in the past. I'll take all of your advice to heart and check out the free class before we commit. Thanks!
  • coffeekat02
    coffeekat02 Posts: 17 Member
    My husband and I, plu sall of our kdis have been going to CrossFit Since January. I have lost 30lbs and have at least another 50lbs to go, It has changed my life. My husband I and are polar opposites and going to the class is our date time :) When are kids go, it has been a family affair. Really brining us all together. I encourage you and your husband to go, but one thing everyone checks their ego at the door. As even the elite come in thinking it will be cake and they are challenged. If you like, take a look at my blog, i wish I staretd it from the start of my journey, but maybe this will help you. It is a place of hard work, you it a healthy environment of friendlt competition, while everyone is so encouraging.

    I know several couples at our gym that go together! Good Luck! my blog is