Workouts ruined by children



  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I have a rule that if they fight and I wasn't in the room, everybody gets a time-out. If they bug me for any non-emergency thing while I'm working out, they get a time-out. If they come out of time-out before they're allowed and I have to stop working out again, I take away a privilege for the morning.

    I have a kind of no-tolerance policy for that kind of thing though. My kids get plenty of attention through the day, they can give me half an hour to work out. I make sure they have full drink cups and a ready snack, and then do my thing. Most of the time they do that stuff it's because they just can't stand that I'm giving attention to something other than them, and they're old enough to get over it for 30 minutes.

    Ditto. Your kids are old enough to be able to be told the rules and follow them. On your part, make certain they have everything they need.

    Also - HIIT Training - So you have to stop and handle something - don' t let it ruin your work out, go back to it harder and in shorter bursts, it was a short recovery. If you are taking 10 minutes off to deal with the kids you are spending too much time when you have the rules laid out already.
  • kgesq
    kgesq Posts: 65 Member
    LOL! So basically kick the little tykes in the forehead, and they'll get the picture! LOL. Hey...whatever works! (J/K of course)
  • Shutterpillar
    My kids are trained to stay in their rooms and play while Mommy exercises....we are the parents:-)

    Yes! this exactly. The kids know they have to stay in their rooms and play nice. and they usually do. mine are 3 and 6.
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    I do Zumba on the Wii & my 4 y/o son does it with me but anything else he gets in the way. I normally put his computer on with one of his educational cds on. gives me 30 mins of peace. wont kill them to watch a movie or kids show for a bit.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    Wow. Lots of opinions out there.

    1. Thanks! I've tried a lot of these things. I think it's time to go back to the "time out for fighting" thing. I had a computer set up and pointed at educational web sites. You guys have kinda reminded me of some of my old tricks.
    2. In my mind, it always takes two to fight. I put them both in time out until they talk it out. I need a time-out timer.
    3. I'm amused at how many people assumed that this thread was started by a mom. I'm a dad, but thanks.
    4. I lift with free weights and if I let them in the room, my kids will to climb on the bench, bounce on top of the exercise ball, and pedal the exercise bike that's way too big for them. I just can't have them in the room. Too much worrying. I'm even thinking about switching to the free weights to a BioForce or Bowflex because I'm worried about a weight falling on them.
    5. Their toy room is HUGE and has more toys than a typical room in a daycare (it was supposed to be my Man Cave eons ago...that dream has died...)

    You guys are all awesome. Thanks for the advice. If you have any other advice, keep it coming.
  • MiladyMetal
    MiladyMetal Posts: 184 Member
    Me and my husband usually take turns working out and watching the kids or we have the kids sit on the couch and be our judges as who is doing better and working harder. When they are younger than my two youngest (5 and 6) I know it is difficult. We also try doing mat work like our abs and our cats will want attention too and go behind where our head is suppose to go back down. LOL I started waking up and getting the kids breakfast and yes tv or the wii for them on alternating days and allow them time to eat and watch tv or play then I go in the workout room and do my cardio for about an hour then I can cope again. LOL
  • lildevil968
    lildevil968 Posts: 152 Member
    My 7 year old used to interrupt all the time. One time I didn't see her walk in, and I turned and gave her a swift hook to the chin. She hasn't come in since, and even offers to keep my litttle guy downstairs so he doesn't get hurt.
  • wendyw8
    wendyw8 Posts: 86 Member
    lol well I now know all I have to do is accidentally kick my kid and he will let me get my twenty min in. lolol j/k!! I have my boys work out with me or they have to totally leave me alone kids can learn to keep themselves entertained for a little while once they are a certain age and especially if you get them snacks and drinks and crayons etc before you start your workout!
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    3. I'm amused at how many people assumed that this thread was started by a mom. I'm a dad, but thanks.

    Hey! Dads can use Mother's Day Out, too! LOL That's just what they are usually called. :/
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    This is such a frustrating issue for me. My kids are 2 and 4. As everyone with kids knows, a 4 year old's favorite phrase is "Do this now!" and a 2 year old's is "No!" It keeps life interesting, and makes "go play in the other room" pretty unrealistic.
    We do quiet time in the afternoon. An hour and a half in their own rooms. My four year old gets books to read quietly, and my 2 year old normally sleeps. If they start yelling or being noisy, they get in trouble (taking away a favorite toy usually).
    On the occasion that I can't fit in my workout then, if I'm feeling brave I will invite them to join me in some aerobics video, which ends up being interesting, with constant reminders for them to stay out of the way. If I'm not feeling brave, I wait until they go to bed.
    We are lucky enough to belong to a recreation center that has childcare, but that does me no good at all until my car gets those new tie rods ;)
    Good luck!!!

    edited because I'm a poor speller lols.
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    OOOO I have the same issue, but it isnt only the children in my house (7,7,11,34). I live in the sticks so it is either go out and play, go play in your room or go to bed
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    You know, in looking at your photo, I assumed you were the dad :) But, that led to my other suggestion, strap on the kids like you did in the picture. Imagine the work out you will get then :) J/K.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    You know, in looking at your photo, I assumed you were the dad :) But, that led to my other suggestion, strap on the kids like you did in the picture. Imagine the work out you will get then :) J/K.

    LMAO. Actually, I did that when the kids were younger. I went for a long walk with the kid strapped to my chest. She loved it. My back was all out of whack the next day. It puts lots of strain on the lower back and if you're not used to it, it will keep you in bed for a couple days.

    The kids occasionally sit on my back when I'm doing pushups. I swear they're trying to kill me.