Losing 20 in your 20's! (CLOSED)



  • Floricienta
    Are you guys ready for tomorrow's weigh-in???? I am! hopefully the scale will put me in the 120's but 130.0 will do as well!

    A guy that has been working with my bf for about 4 months now, goes away on Monday and one of their colleagues is throwing a huge party on Saturday. I'm a bit nervous about it, I know a cheat day won't kill me but I have had waayyyyyyyy too many this month and that's why I have barely lost... August has been terribly slow for me.

    Any tips? should I just forget about it and start fresh on Sunday? exercise my *kitten* off in the morning and keep my cals low?
  • NMandaMarie
    NMandaMarie Posts: 234 Member
    I love learning new things!

    Weigh-in is tomorrow: I'm nervous... TOM is supposed to hit this week and it always messes with my weigh-in, I had an all-day meeting today and I didn't get my normal lunch walk in (and I since food was catered, pastries were provided and I was bad), AND I haven't had as much time to do my normal scheduled exercises this week.... So tomorrow's number will be interesting, but really I'm waiting to see what next week's number will be (as it'll be more realistic).

    Update on first mini challange: Try a new food - I was going to get to the store and buy some blueberries, but that hasn't happened (no time). What I HAVE tried is pineapple. It's been in the fruit bowls that have been recently catered here at work. Turns out, I LOVE PINEAPPLE!

    Update on second mini challange: Drink 3 extra 8oz glasses of water above your normal goal - My original goal was to always meet the 64oz minimum (8x8oz), so I've been adding an additional 24oz (3x8oz) to that goal. I am so successful so far!

    If I may suggest another mini challange; I say we try a NEW type of exercize. For me, I've primarily done Zumba, walking, and cycling. I thought it'd be nice to try something different before the end of the month... Thoughts? Suggestions?

  • paulahhhh
    paulahhhh Posts: 283
    Can I do my weigh in today? B/c I won't be able to get on a scale tomorrow..
  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    Good morning everyone! Today's weigh in puts me at 156.4, that's a loss of 1.6lbs this week! Really thrilled with that, but lucky the water challenge is here, because I am thinking that maybe some of that is dehydration - I'll make sure to get my extra water in today!

    I can't access the spreadsheet at work unfortunately - it's blocked, so I'll have to update my weight for this week when I get home tonight.

    Good luck with everybody's weigh ins today!!

  • mummyv811
    mummyv811 Posts: 237
    As I can't properly weigh in today (due to moving and not owning a set of scales myself) I've logged in my start weight again on the website and will update it on Saturday when I get to a set of scales!

  • LemonSocks
    LemonSocks Posts: 238 Member
    Morning everyone!

    The water challenge was a great idea. I always struggle to reach 8 cups, usually only reaching 7. So yesterday I pushed myself to reach 10 cups yesterday!

    I also like the idea of trying a new exercise. I'm not sure what to do yet, but it gives me something to think about today.

    Good luck with your weigh-ins today. I'm seeing some great losses already! :)
  • Nikki881
    Nikki881 Posts: 203
    It's weigh-in day!!! Go Team Red Apples!!!! Wooooot!
  • NMandaMarie
    NMandaMarie Posts: 234 Member
    Time to weigh-in! Don't forget to update the Google Doc!


  • NMandaMarie
    NMandaMarie Posts: 234 Member
    I can't access the spreadsheet at work unfortunately - it's blocked, so I'll have to update my weight for this week when I get home tonight.

    I entered your weight for you :smile:
  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    I can't access the spreadsheet at work unfortunately - it's blocked, so I'll have to update my weight for this week when I get home tonight.

    I entered your weight for you :smile:

    Thank you!
  • thefreemans28
    thefreemans28 Posts: 267 Member
    Everyone has done so well this first week!!!! It's amazing what a little kick in the rear a challenge can bring and get us all moving and losing again! I LOVE it!

    I have been struggling for about 1-2 months to lose the same 3 pounds over and over. Today I weighed in 1.2 pounds lighter than I did last week at our start, and I feel like that's only the beginning! There's more where that came from! ;-)

    Re: trying a new exercise - I DID THAT YESTERDAY!!! Totally unintentionally. LOL. For some reason our Zumba dvd wouldn't work at our church class last night, so we all went for a walk instead. Not as good of a calories burn, but it was nice to be outside and chat with the ladies. No, walking wasn't the new exercise. hahaha. After Zumba, and friend of mine and I always go running. So, instead of running, she suggested we ride bikes. It's been a good 10 years since I've ridden a bike, so I said sure! OMG my rear hurts so bad today! LOL. but it was fun :-)
  • NMandaMarie
    NMandaMarie Posts: 234 Member
    Looks like we're waiting on a few more people to log their weigh-in, but it looks like we all started off very well this first week! :bigsmile:

  • paulahhhh
    paulahhhh Posts: 283
    The numbers look great, so far!! Just don't stop the momentum!!

    Keep them coming!!

    GO PEACHES!!! :heart::heart:
  • paulahhhh
    paulahhhh Posts: 283
    BTW -- I tried something new... Bicycling!! I never learned until today!! YAY for new things!!
  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    Congratulations everybody on a great first week!

    I am taking today off from logging my food - I usually do this once a week as I find it quite refreshing and a bit of a reset button to stay focused for the other 6 days. I'm going out for tapas with my friend tonight, so I know there'll be good food and cocktails everywhere! I plan to indulge, but not go overboard. And as we speak I am chug chug chugging my water!

    Then I'm aiming for a run in Richmond Park tomorrow, and probably a light cycle on Sunday with my boyfriend.

    Hope everyone's got a nice weekend planned!!

  • boyslie72487
    boyslie72487 Posts: 181 Member
    YAY PEACHES WE DID GREAT!! and congratulations to everyone for doing a great job this first week! Let's all keep up the good work! I think my new exercise for the week will be running, I'll probably walk for a minute and then run for 30 seconds or so. I haven't run in a very very VERY long time so starting off small is probably the best way to go! I hope everyone has a good weekend! :smile:
  • healthyhappy123

    Recap on yesterday's weigh-in:

    I put in Renee's (rlosapio) weight as maintaining because I haven't heard from her.

    So the team winner of week 1 is PEACH PEACHES! Congrats on a great week! You all lost 1.67% of your total body weight which is so great!! Keep up the great work!

    I have also tabulated an individual winner and I'm happy to announce it is KASEY (craigk) with 3.38% weight lost! That's amazing! Congratulations!!

    I know that Vicky still has to enter her weight tomorrow but I thought these achievements deserved an announcement!

    I want to thank everyone for joining this challenge. I started it because I needed a kick in the butt; motivation to keep going. It has proven to be successful so far and I'm so excited to keep going! Thank you for all your kind words of inspiration, we are so blessed to have a site like this where we can connect with others who are trying to get healthy and create new healthy habits. Keep up the great work everyone! I am so proud of you!!!

  • healthyhappy123
    I need to take a poll to get some opinions:

    I currently have the % weight lost for the teams as cumulative. This also means that the rank each week is cumulative so the previous week(s) factor into your rank. Do you want it to be based on each week or keep it cumulative? Or do you want me to add another row for the % lost that week and another rank for the weekly winner solely based on that week? Gosh this sounds confusing, I hope you know what I'm talking about!

  • NMandaMarie
    NMandaMarie Posts: 234 Member
    I like it cumulative. It keeps us looking at the big picture. :wink:
  • thefreemans28
    thefreemans28 Posts: 267 Member
    BTW -- I tried something new... Bicycling!! I never learned until today!! YAY for new things!!

    That's what I tried on Wednesday! FUN! But my rear hurts.... :laugh: