"Intimate Connections"......



  • smallerthighs
    I say make a cocktail for you both and have your own intimate connections...
    Cocktails? Maybe...but yesterday I was so depressed and miserable...that HIS cocktail would've resulted in a night he couldn't remember....and stitches..lots and lots of stitches..lol.........and maybe an I.V
    I'm good now......I ate something sweet...and I'm rocking a brand new pair of skinny jeans....well, skinn'ier' jeans..lolol
  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    My opening this actually went something like this:

    Husband: "What the hell is that?"

    Me: "No clue. Sex question?"

    Husband: "Open it."

    Me: "Uh, okay."

    Husband; **reading over shoulder** "What a d-bag."

    Me: "Yep."

    Husband: "She deserves better."

    Me: "Yep."
    Had my husband not been right there, I'd not have opened it. Why? Because I have an intimate connection ... with my husband. Everyone has their line. I think the point was that he not only crossed her line, he didn't give a flying duck about her feelings and still planned to sit in on the chat after she expressed that she was hurt by the entire thing. His curiousity was more important to him than her feelings, and that isn't okay.

    Foodforfuel, on Facebook you can now add someone to a group you create without their permission. HOWEVER, if you're added to a group, FB sends you an automatic notification that you've been added, so it definitely wasn't "without his knowledge". It's one of their new and "improved" features that's more annoying than not.

    Thank you for that info, HopefulLeigh. I actually find that quite disturbing!