Callling all senors Dec. 11, 2008



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning,
    It's getting closer to that big day. Have a Doctor appt. in the morning. Kind of ansious to hear about my blood work. It should be better.

    My husband weigh our little dog, Sammy every Monday morning and this morning he lost 3/10 of a lb. Now if he just wont gained it back this week. I have the same problems.If I can get by Christmas without gaing I will be a Happy Camper

    Hope all of you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.----Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey I am up bright nd early this morning. Had my coffee and fixing my oatmeal for breakfast.
    Have some running around to do today. Grocer shopping and an Doctor appt. To see how my last blood work turn out.

    thanks goodness it is going to warm up today. 2 days around 30F was just too cold for me.

    Missed my exercise yesterday, Will make up for it today.

    I finish making Christmas cards yesterday to put the family Gift cards in for Christmas. I took Pictures of them but unable to get them on my computer. Don't know what my problem is.

    Have a good day~~~~~~~~~~~~~Marie
  • jeffrey71
    Good Morning Marie!

    Glad to hear your doing well! I hope the Dr. visit goes well for you. I just had my blood work done a few weeks back and I was very happy. The weather up here is still very very nasty! It finally got out of the single digits but we have another round of ice and snow for today. We still have thousands without power here, but we are all fine at our house.

    Started the second phase of P90X this week and it is intense. So far so good. With the holiday foods in full view it seems to get harder to stay on the diet path, so I have picked up my exercising and I am drinking more water.

    Have a good day and enjoy your running around!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Jeffrey~~~~~

    This is going to be a rought week for us all. I so look forward to the Holidays. Spending time with the family. Are your girls in College? two of my granddaughter just finish College in St. Louis. One Had plan on moving back to Texas to be a school teacher but along came a boyfriend and that change those plans. My Son 's wife is from St. Louis so that is Where they settle down I sure missed them, But they come down pretty often. We were up there in October when the Dallas Cowboys and the St. LOuis rams play. And Dallas lost. Bruce, my son is a big Dallas Cowboy fan. My oldest daughter, Alice is hosting the Christmas dinner for us. Next year we will go to My youngest daughter, Kathy for Dinner, One lives 45 minuets west of us the other one lives 45 minuets to the east of us. We are in the moddle but I don't do Dinners anymore. But I have done plenty in the past years.


  • jeffrey71
    Hi Calie,

    One of our daughters is still in college at Indiana State. The other has graduated and is now teaching in the Atlanta system. We are supposed to go to my mothers tomorrow for Christmas with her and then back to our house (90 miles) for church at midnight and then my wife's family is coming up to our house for Christmas day and then we are going to our friends for Christmas evening!

    We are HUGE Colts fans here! Been through the bad years and have really enjoyed these good ones!

    Take care and enjoy your family and Christmas! Our best to you and your family!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jeffrey~~~~ sound like a nice faamily get together.

    I went to the Docter and she was real please with my blood work. everything was normal except my Vitamin D and I take 50,000 once a week,. She said I made have had an infection to cause it Maybe I need to get out in the sun more. But I did lose 5 lbs since I last saw her and she was glad of that. I told her you was coaching me with my exercise. She been after me for months to get out and walk as much as I can. my DH and I hit Walmart this morning What a crowd. That should count for my walking today. Will get my weights and ball out and work out this afternoon..

    :bigsmile: :laugh: :bigsmile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    Have been a busy gal today. Getting ready for tomorrow. Just about to wind it up. Oh and that chocolat ecake smell so good, Didn't even lick the bowl Nor the fudge icing Iput on top.

    Hope everyone have a nice dinner and not over do it. Gonna be hard but I know it can be done.
    A girl told me last year when there are so many good food around to just take a T. of this and a T. of that. It work last year for me. But I didn't keep it up thruout the year.-MARIE

    HAVE A GOOD ONE!!!!!!!!
  • pkdarlin
    pkdarlin Posts: 149 Member
    Hi CALIE, so glad your blood work turned out good. Mine was good this time around too. I also take vitamin D. My doctor up mine to 20,000. I thought I was getting a lot of sun but I guess not. I get more in the summer time cause I walk outside then. I walk at the community center ( inside ) in the winter time. I just joined the seniors workout room at the community center so wish me luck. They have a nice room with just about every kind of workout machine. I feel a little self conscious though. I think it would be nice to have a senors fitness thread. You might already have one, I need to look around and see. Hope you have a wondeful day.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello Pat, I started out login my food intake for breakfast It lasted till our Christmas dinner. I couldn't count it all, But Thanks goodness tomorrow is a new day.

    Had a nice family get together. Good food , nice gifts. Just a wonderful day.

    Thats great that you sign up for the community center. We have one too, Maybe I need to look into it again. I did go there a few times long time ago. I think I will call up there and see what they have going now, I know you can get a real cheap lunch.

    I will start a thread exercise for Seniors. SENIORS GOLDEN SNEAKERS CLUB. look for it on the exercise forum. And good luck to us seniors---Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I ovwershot my calories yesterday. Enough said. New start today. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Already had 4 glasses of water this morning,And sone had my walk in. So far so good.

    I had a great time yesterday enjoy being with my kids.

    Jerry my DH and I are going out shopping this morning for a new printer for my computer. Mine just went dead on me.

    My brother, Charley who is 2 years younger than me is in a bad way. He has protate cancer and bone cancer and he is too far gone for any kind of help. Its kind of shocking for he always went to the Docter and they didn't catch any kind of warning. So that put a damper on Christmas.

    Well thats all, gonna work hard on my ecercises.----Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning, All went quite well yesterday. I enjoy my Holiday now ready to buckle down. On wirh rhw exercise and good healthy eating----Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am doing fine on my eating. got off Christmas but got right back on the next day. I am eating around 1300 calories a day now. The weight is still hanging around the same. But no gained. And that is good news. I

    I did my chair exercise today or least part of it. Will have to work up to doing more, But went to Walmart and walk from one end to the other.:heart::heart: :drinker: :heart: ----Marie