Before you ask another question... in case you missed it..



  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Ok, I know I am going to get a lot of grip for my comment, but I can't help but to laugh at the irony in this forum (at the same time it is like watching a train wreck, you help yourself from looking)...I have been on this site since July and have noticed in the past couple of days several topics posted by members that do nothing but complain about the questions the newbies ask. By posting threads such as this, you are doing the same thing as you claim the people who post the same topics over and over do..... As you said, it only pushes down the forums that have "legitimate" questions. To me it is a bit ironic. :smile:

    With that being said, I understand where most of you are coming from. Being on here for a few weeks now I have noticed the same questions asked over and over. Yes it IS annoying and very redundant but I can skip over the posts I do not wish to read. I don't get myself worked up over it as I know there are more important things in life for me to concern myself with. I only read the topics I am interested in. All the others I skip over. It's not rocket science either, it is not too difficult to use that pesky little scroll button.

    Reading through this thread (as well as several others) I can't help but to feel a little sadden when I see how members are really not newbie friendly and come across as down right mean. I really thought this site was about supporting each other as we all struggle to achieve our various goals. Before coming down too hard on us newbies, remember at one point in time you were one of us. You had a ton of questions too. Try to have a little compassion, patience and understanding.

    My suggestion is contacting the developers of the site and see if there is a way for them to post sticky topics under each category with common questions as a way to cut down on repeat topics. I think it would help a lot!

    Anyhow just my 2 cents.

    Happy road to a healthy you and keep up the good work! :flowerforyou:
  • RokMomma79
    RokMomma79 Posts: 21 Member
    I have a couple of questions...

    1. Should I eat my exercise calories? I am totally confused!

    2. I hear the Mastercleanse is a great way to kickstart a diet - has anyone tried it?

    3. Or has anyone tried HCG? It sounds neat-o!!

    4. Do I really need to drink water?

    5. How can I best incorporate nut butter in my diet?


    What is this nut butter you speak of, and water, meh, who needs it.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I have a couple of questions...

    1. Should I eat my exercise calories? I am totally confused!

    2. I hear the Mastercleanse is a great way to kickstart a diet - has anyone tried it?

    3. Or has anyone tried HCG? It sounds neat-o!!

    4. Do I really need to drink water?

    5. How can I best incorporate nut butter in my diet?


    What is this nut butter you speak of, and water, meh, who needs it.

    Nut butter is milked from the finest nuts. It's best to drink it....and swallow it. :smokin:
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    I have a couple of questions...

    1. Should I eat my exercise calories? I am totally confused!

    2. I hear the Mastercleanse is a great way to kickstart a diet - has anyone tried it?

    3. Or has anyone tried HCG? It sounds neat-o!!

    4. Do I really need to drink water?

    5. How can I best incorporate nut butter in my diet?


    What is this nut butter you speak of, and water, meh, who needs it.

    Nut butter is milked from the finest nuts. It's best to drink it....and swallow it. :smokin:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    An explanation of the exercise calories would be helpful. As I said in my offending post, I use another counter that does not factor in exercise calories. I just assumed it averaged in the reported activity level to the recommended intake. I actually changed my activity level setting on that site and it changed my calorie count. It wasn't until then that I started getting results. I've read that MFP is designed to keep you in a consistent deficit, hence the compensation, but it doesn't jive with my other site--or all the numerous articles about "don't eat the calories you just burned." It's a very legit question, and I don't think it would be asked so often if there was some sort of sticky or explanation under the "congratulations." Maybe a "click here to find out why."
    It might be helpful if there was a category created, before the "Introduce Yourself" category, called "Newbies Please Start Here" or something like that, rather than the stickies within each category. That way, it's right up there for new people to see. I understand the need for some to post because they want to feel they are having their own personal question answered that's focused just on them. However, it does get annoying when on the same day within an hour there are at least three new threads posted very generically about eating exercise calories or whatever, not something like - hey can you look at my diary. The redundant questions are not going to go away, but some redundancy might be lessened if Newbie FAQs were more visible on the main community page rather than, or in additon to, within categories. And I can't fault people who actually do use the search function and read some threads, but still don't feel as though they've had their question answered.

    Pretty much everything you need to know is right here: It's a sticky topic and says "links you want to read over and over again." That seems like it'd be a good place to start.