What pushed you over the edge?

What was the moment in your life that fully motivated you to pursue your weight loss goals?

For me, there were two issues. One was clothing shopping at the Gap, only to find that I no longer fit into their large clothes anymore, and had to settle with an XL. The second issue was a girl at my school I'd like to get to know. Ultimately, I'm scared s**tless to talk to her unless I have a bit more self-confidence and I'm hoping that some weight loss will help that.

Those two issues made me realize that I have a problem and need to take control of my life, above all.


  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I had started to try being more fit about a year ago, and I half-assed it for about ten months. I don't know what happened exactly - there wasn't one defining moment that I can recall, but I basically woke up one morning and said, "That's it. I'm done fu@cking around." And that was that.
  • LuneBleu85
    LuneBleu85 Posts: 217
    I started to avoid all pictures and became the photographer in my group of friends to escape being in front of the lens! I would feel so flustered and embarassed when someone wanted a pic with me.
    I am pretty much at my goal now and have booked a photoshoot for me and my horse in the fall for my birthday! :)
  • ohamberx0
    ohamberx0 Posts: 98 Member
    Went up a pant size. Over hearing a guy say I'd be hott if I lost 20 lbs. I've never been the "fat girl", except for these past 2 years. I'm sick of it. I'm literally taking a hiatus from life and hoping to reveal myself quite smaller in October. Who's fat now b*tches? lol.
  • TruckerChick
    I had finally acquired a job that got me moving and helped me to start on the weight loss journey. Then, I had to quit my job in less than 6 months I gained back what took me three years to take off. I was very angry with myself!!! I decided enough was enough and I was going to take back control of my weight loss and get fit the right way!!
  • JoanWill
    JoanWill Posts: 217
    I am the the same, there was no defining moment. But it was a conclusion of how happier life would have been if I was "happy" with myself and some factors here and there.

    My kids are still young, I need to start now so they don't grow up seeing me grumpy and miserable; they don't know the words "fat" & "ugly" and I never want to hear them use that to describe me. They are only 4 and us mothers know how "honest" they can be.

    I have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and I don't want it to rule the rest of my life. And the feeling of knowing you lost some weight or you had a significant NSV or that your kids are eating way better now than before is such a high.
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    Toward the end of June of 2010, I was trying on some fishing waders that the year prior had been 'quite snug' but I could still wear them. When I could barely squeeze into them feeling like I'd had to suck in every bit of fat I had to do so, I decided that I was going to be forever getting larger and larger clothes unless something changed. And boy, something did change. I got active and started hiking. A lot. I got as low as 195 around december of last year, but then I got tired of working inside and just kind of slacked off. I bounced back up to 206 and that was another instigating moment that made me see that I needed to recommit so that I could hit my goal of 185 lbs. Ideally, I think 175 is my ultimate goal, but the most important thing is to be toned and fit. I'd rather weigh 185 with a nicely sculpted body than 175 of a skinny, soft body. Those are two of my primary motivations.
  • childofares
    childofares Posts: 51 Member
    I was out with friends and I saw myself in a mirror next to my BF. I also heard the catty comments from the girls behind me that he must have a fat girl/older woman fetish. *****es.

    What also happened is I found a way to get all my teeth redone to make them perfect in the next 7 months and I want a nice look to go with my sparkling teeth!
  • bree2012
    bree2012 Posts: 179
    I noticed my bad eating habits for about 8 months now, but really, I think today pushed me over the edge.
    I am ashamed to say that I binged. Again. For the umpteenth time.
    I feel like such a hypocrite. I promised myself I had the strength and the willpower not to. But I did. I ate until food had no taste anymore. It is an indescribably awful feeling. And the thing is, I don't know what compelled me to do so. It is more out of habit than anything. I need to stop SAYING I need to stop unhealthy eating habits and start DOING.
  • skateboardstef
    skateboardstef Posts: 164 Member
    My husband called me fat during a fight. I know he didn't intend to be so mean, but it hurt me so much.
  • shelbygeorge29
    shelbygeorge29 Posts: 263 Member
    When I got weighed at the doctor's office, and I was 256. Having lost 80+lbs 9 years ago, only to start slowly gaining back over the last 6 years, I was living in denial. There was no denying it any longer. There was a lot I was unhappy about but I realized THIS was something I very much could control, and my life would be infinitely happier if I started taking care of myself.

    I've done it before and I can do this again.
  • HannahPastoor
    My moment was when I noticed I had a little crease on my arm where a fat roll was beginning to form and I had small little stretch marks on both arms right under my armpit....Blach : (
  • ohdearlaura
    ohdearlaura Posts: 13 Member
    Everyone kept asking if I was pregnant, even my mother.
  • ohamberx0
    ohamberx0 Posts: 98 Member
    My husband called me fat during a fight. I know he didn't intend to be so mean, but it hurt me so much.

    I know what you mean :( All my ex's know that's the only thing you can say to me that really gets to me. It really sucked when one called me fat and I wasn't fat at all... and then I gained about 40lbs over the past few years so when I think I'm fat, and then someone I care about says it, even if they're doing it to just get to me... that's the worst. Def a motivation to throw back in their face. Don't even have to prove anything to them, but I'll cross paths with them someday lol
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Definitely humiliation was a major motivator. I was so embarrassed to be wearing my problems out where everybody could see them. Then I was inspired by the movie, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. I started the day after I saw that movie and I have never looked back.
  • alimoll
    alimoll Posts: 41 Member
    Seeing pictures of myself at my daughter's high school graduation Labor Day weekend this year. I was horrified. I knew I had put on weight, but the person I "thought" I saw in the mirror every day, was NOT the person I saw in the photos. I was in denial.. Ugh.
  • Nicholec2003
    Nicholec2003 Posts: 158 Member
    I saw a picture of the back of me siting on a carousel horse with my son..... :embarassed: I'm surprised the thing didn't come to life and tell me to get off.
  • BRoth1987
    Well I had always great blood pressure and glucose levels so I was honestly never worried. When I was pregnant this last time my grandpa got diagnosed with diabetes which increases my chances of getting it a lot. That scares the **** out of me. I got a complete work up and got everything checked out at the Dr.s. Nothing was out of whack except for being low on vitamin d. I got y cholesterol, blood pressure, glucose, and thyroid levels checked and they were all in normal range.

    I am now 275.8lbs from 285 and even though I am 'healthy' (blood work wise) I know that my health won't last if I stay this way. That is scary. So now I am in the gym 5 days a week, and I weighing my food with a scale.

    I read a great quote online a day or two after starting "Either you want to lose weight or you don't" well I do.
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    No single thing in my case, but a few sobering events included finding I'd broached the 70 kilo mark (previously around 65 k), having my neighbour and a stranger at the beach congratulate me on my pregnancy (yep I can relate) and realising one day that I couldn't wear skirts anymore because my legs chafed. So uncomfortable! I think my current push for better eating might be due to a perceived notion that my partner doesn't find my body attractive. (Also, watching too much anime made me pine for a figure that DOESN'T EXIST!!!! Damn Japanese animation with its sometime compelling stories and depressing representation of the ideal female form).

    PS That movie sounds like a good watch

    PPS Seeing an episode of "cook yourself thin" helped kick start my current efforts too.
  • tragicpixie
    PIctures. I hated seeing myself in pictures, I avoided all pictures, I even hate my wedding pictures. Also, not being able to try on dresses in the fancy bridal shop I wanted to go to and being told by a sales lady at David's Bridal she didn't know if the dress I was interested in came in my size. (Actually I was a 16 and it did, she was just being mean - and I found a dress that was much more beautiful for the same price at a salon where the sales ladies did NOT make me feel ashamed of my body.)

    I would like to feel comfortable in my clothes and feel okay when someone pulls out a camera. I look forward to the day I don't freeze up and try to tilt my head some funny way where I won't have a double chin.
  • Famzav8
    Famzav8 Posts: 97 Member
    Realizing that I just wasn't as happy with myself any more, and that honestly, the only thing holding me back was me. I was sabotaging myself, and I knew I deserved better.