What pushed you over the edge?



  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I started hating pictures too. The worst ones were with my sister b/c she's taller than me and thin (but healthy, not skinny) and I looked twice her size. But even then I was still in denial thinking, but she's so thin I just look big. Even when my clothing sizes crept up AFTER I had lost all of my baby weight I still thought I looked ok and that I would be able to do something about it "later when I had more time." Well, my breaking point came when I went out to dinner with a mom's group I belong to at church. There was one girl in the group who I considered a "big girl," b*tchy I know. Anyhow, I saw a picture of the group a few weeks later and realized that she and i were the same size. What an eye opener! I started making smarter choices then and slowly got myself to stop gaining, then around Christmas some things fell into place and I started really focusing on lowering my food intake, then in January I joined MFP which has been amazing. I gave myself a couple of months to get a handle on food then I started exercising more regularly! LOVE IT!
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    For me it was a few things.

    Every summer I would have to go and buy new clothes (shorts etc) because last year's were too tight. After this year it got to the point where I just decided I was NOT going to do it again! The next time I buy new clothes it will be because my stuff is too big. I was also finding it harder and harder to shop at "normal" stores, and being forced to shop at plus-size places more, which I disliked. There is just no choice for larger girls, and I am quite alternative and don't like a lot of the clothes in Evans etc (except for work stuff).

    Secondly, I will be thirty in May and it seems like a turning point. I have spent all of my twenties being overweight or obese and I want to leave that behind me as I enter a new decade of my life. A friend of mine has her birthday a few days before me and we're planning on having a joint celebration. She's a size 8 and I don't want it to be the thin girl and the fat girl's party.

    I had always seen dramatic weight loss as something that didn't happen to "real" people. I saw it on celebrities in magazines and those "slimmers of the year" you see in the paper, but that was about it. Then my cousin lost three stone and was on the cover of a slimming magazine looking gorgeous. I also found out that a girl in my office who is *tiny* but looks amazing (I'd guess a size 6/8) used to weigh 17 stone. I decided that if they could do it, so could I.

    Also, despite always struggling with my weight I had always been attractive and never had a shortage of male attention, lol. I gradually realised that I had turned from being a hot girl who carried a bit of extra weight into just a fat girl. The turning point was when a car of blokes drove past me, wound their window down, yelled "fatty" at me and drove off laughing. I was so upset but it gave me the kick up the bum I needed!
  • Booboo78
    Booboo78 Posts: 169
    The obligatory Wedding photo (not my own wedding, no plans to get married).

    My friend got married a month ago, and a mutual friend took some oh-so lovely pictures of me, looking like a great pink elephant :-( Yuk!

    The worst thing is, I look so OLD!! I'm only 33 but I looked older than my mother! Never realised how much weight gain ages a person.

    So.....drastically cut back on the alcohol, rejoined the site, and will be hitting the gym in an hour, who cares if it's raining heavily lol
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    My husband called me fat during a fight. I know he didn't intend to be so mean, but it hurt me so much.

    I hope you ripped him a new one!

    For me it was a bunch of things. The lifts at my work are all mirrored. I would get in and look down because if I looked at myself I'd want to cry. None of my clothes fit me. I felt like ****. Talking to one of the girls I coached and her crying about her weight gain and me responding with 'you ain't got nothing on me' Going through old photos and just crying over how pretty I'd been (and never realised it because of my weight) Having a talk with a girl at work got me to do the snap decision though. I rang Jenny Craig back after I had that talk and went that night (and cried all night after I weighed myself and realised I'd put on 20kg in 6 months) The next day I started drinking water as opposed to the gallons of soft drink I'd drunk before every day.

    A month later I have lost 7kg. I go to the gym at least twice a week. I feel fantastic and even the depression is gone. I don't look in the mirror and hate myself anymore, I look in the mirror and say 'You're going to be healthy and hot soon!'
  • cedarhurst2006
    cedarhurst2006 Posts: 378 Member
    I was diagnosed with diabetes and the doctor had me taking 4 insulin injections a day. I felt like a human pin-cushion. He told me if I worked on losing the weight, it could help with the diabetes and possibly less the number of injections. That was all I had to hear. Sometimes you have to have the crap scared out of you to do it. It's amazing what can happen when you listen to your doctor.

    I am happy to report that at my doctor's this past week, my cholesterol was down by 20 points and the doctor said my A1C readings have been out of the diabetic range for a consistent period of time so he removed the diabetes diagnosis. I still have to be very careful and I will always consider myself a diabetic but that's pretty cool!!!
  • trailrider1963
    A lot of things happened to lead me up to it, but the last straw was having gallbladder pain that wouldn't go away. Again. Just another sign that I was getting more and more unhealthy, and I knew that if I didn't get healthy, I'd have to give up some things I love doing and some future goals.
  • JDuMo
    JDuMo Posts: 3
    My kids didn't recognize me in pictures that were only 10 years old. :(
  • CoxTX
    CoxTX Posts: 30 Member
    When my boyfriend started talking about how 'we' needed to start working out together, that 'we' were getting soft. Well . . . he's 5'10" and 190 lbs of solid muscle (with the exception of a cute little belly bulge) so I figured he must be talking about me. ;) I've always been above-average in weight ('but you're so tall, you carry it well!' Thanks Mom but let's get real, k?) but now I'm 194 lbs.

    I'm 5'10" and my wrist measurements indicate that I'm small framed which for me is really hard to believe because I've never been small. My profile pic is me at 17ish and I was about 165 lbs. Stats say I should weigh around 140 but my goal is 170.

    Anyway, back to the boyfriend ... kind and encouraging, tells me how proud of me he is, etc. etc., but the 'we' working out lasted for about 2 sessions, so I got the picture. Bless his heart, he has a very physical job, outside all day, and well, if you haven't experienced a South Texas summer, try to avoid it if at all possible. He eats TONS and like a 13 year old. Surprisingly I've only gained about 8-10 lbs in the 2 years we've been together.

    It's time to lose those and some more.
  • wjkfloyd
    wjkfloyd Posts: 125
    I took a look at pictures of myself from a cruise and could not stand looking like a human barrel (I am only 5' 5")...I started eating one helping of dinners and introduced salads to lunch and dinner every day. When I started noticing the weight come off, I started to gain the momentum to lose even more.
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    My older sister, who had four kids and was heavier than me (with three kids) invited me to a Bollywood class at a local park district. When I saw her, she had lost a lot of weight and looked fabulous in workout gear. I, on the other hand, wore a large black t-shirt that tented at my midsection. If she could do it, with four kids and a crazy schedule, I could do it. I didn't want to feel bloated and fat anymore. My sister had given me the Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred in February for my birthday, but it wasn't until I saw her in mid-March that I opened it and started using it.

    In mid-May I gave up drinking Coke cold-turkey. I turned my eating habits around and joined MFP in July. Tracking calories has been elemental in helping my weight loss.

    I was ready to settle for the mindset that my kids would see me forever as the chubby, fat mom. But once I committed to losing weight and started doing the work, I knew that I never, ever want to be as big as I was or eat as unhealthy as I did. 32 pounds lost and I'm not going back!
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    "What was the moment in your life that fully motivated you to pursue your weight loss goals?"

    Looking at a recent photo.
  • ThierMummy3
    A picture on my daughters 1st birthday, I'd kinda been kidding my self i looked okay as i weighed more or less the same than before i got pregnant, BUT i have lost alot of muscle tone which has been replaced with fat. so i do look bigger. Also i can out-eat my husband and he has a big appietie, and when i asked hubby if i was looking fat he said "your not there........yet"
  • nickyskins
    nickyskins Posts: 100 Member
    I was getting very heavy.
  • julsofdenial
    julsofdenial Posts: 225 Member
    Can't go anywhere these days without everyone taking unflattering pics and then tagging me! I have to say that was my final straw because I was forced to look at myself in pics all the time which I usually tried to avoid.
    Sad, but true!
  • PrairieRoseNE
    PrairieRoseNE Posts: 265 Member
    Being told by my Doctor that I could do serious damage to my heart if I didn't reduce my blood pressure. OK, Doc - what do I gotta do?? She says - lose the excess weight and start eating more healthy.

    60lbs lost - I'm half way there, thanks to MFP!
  • Guinivere
    Guinivere Posts: 357 Member
    I had an epiphany on my birthday this year in January and simply said - I'm not going to try to keep any resolutions. I'm just not going to procrastinate any more. I'm fed up of waiting for life to happen to me. I have to make it happen!

    Then my brother announced he was getting married at the end of August (next week in fact) and that really solidified my resolve. I did not want to be the fat bird in the photos.

    So I have lost 36lbs and love how I look in my purple trouser suit. I have further to go, but I am tall and don't look chubby any more. I can hold my head up high. With my heels on I'm 6ft so carry my current weight quite well.

    I've been anorexic in my teens so I was always afraid I'd go too far and I think that held me back from trying to be slim again. I have engaged my friends and family to intervene if I go below my safety weight this time round and I feel confident that I will maintain control and not go too far.

    I should be at goal by January. What a difference a year makes! I'll be 39.
  • missbeccaanne
    Can't go anywhere these days without everyone taking unflattering pics and then tagging me! I have to say that was my final straw because I was forced to look at myself in pics all the time which I usually tried to avoid.
    Sad, but true!

    Yeah I always thought I was doing better at avoiding pictures but you pop on and there is you at the most unflattering angle...Hate it.

    I got up to 180 when I was pregnant, and two months after having the baby I was 147 a month or so later the baby quit breastfeeding and I did not quit eating like I was so I passed 160 again, I though I was starting to lose the weight but any photo I have seen of myself in the past two years tells me otherwise. With my boyfriends job we are in a lot of photos and I am sick of plastering on that fake smile and praying this doesn't end up in a magazine or on a high profile facebook.
  • Alyx128
    Alyx128 Posts: 92 Member
    I turned 25 this year. I realized that I have never been happy with my body because I have always been overweight. I want to look in the mirror and like what I see, and I want to do it while I am still young.
  • bubbles143
    I suffered from anorexia and bullemia, lost weight and gained it back.
    The last straw was being 192lbs, unnqceptable for my age!

    Plus my 82 year old gramma kept asking if I was pregnant >>:(
  • Jasmine_Moonstone
    Jasmine_Moonstone Posts: 80 Member
    Realizing I always hid from the camera & that I have very very few pictures of myself with my son. Also the fact that I am in very few pictures from family functions & holidays b/c I always ran when people started getting the cameras out. When I do see a picture of myself from one of those functions or holidays that someone did manage to get a picture of me I am not smiling. Then last but not least realizing just how BIG I had gotten from the pictures from Christmas of this year. I was truely disgusted with myself & realized just how unhappy I was with it all. I pretty much hated myself & hated how I looked. How was anyone else supposed to like me little on love me if I hated who I was. It was the MAJOR kick/jump start that I needed to make up my mind to do something about my weight. When I logged in & seen that I was in the obese catigory only pushed me harder!

    So, I decided that Jan 1st I was going to make a lifestyle change. AND I have stuck to it!