Fat Loss vs Scale Weight Loss



  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I've also said that muscle is heavier than fat. I know that although two things can weigh the same it doesn't mean that one will not be heavier than the next.

    I know you said you don't want to discuss this, but please listen to me. You are wrong on this. You have very good intentions, but you are wrong. You are going to misinform people and that is dangerous.

    If a bag of rocks weighs ten pounds and a bag of feathers weight ten pounds they both weigh ten pounds. Neither is heavier than the other.

    In fact here's a picture example to make it somewhat clearer.


    Both the fat and the muscle are the exact same weight. However the muscle is smaller, because muscle is denser than fat. Neither weighs more than the other.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    I've also said that muscle is heavier than fat. I know that although two things can weigh the same it doesn't mean that one will not be heavier than the next.

    I know you said you don't want to discuss this, but please listen to me. You are wrong on this. You have very good intentions, but you are wrong. You are going to misinform people and that is dangerous.

    If a bag of rocks weighs ten pounds and a bag of feathers weight ten pounds they both weigh ten pounds. Neither is heavier than the other.

    In fact here's a picture example to make it somewhat clearer.


    Both the fat and the muscle are the exact same weight. However the muscle is smaller, because muscle is denser than fat. Neither weighs more than the other.

    Lozze, drop it. Respect my wish.
  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    bump to read later :smile:
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Lozze, drop it. Respect my wish.

    If you are going to post, you need to post correctly. I think the other thread got very, very nasty and childish, but if you are going to post giving people information, please make sure it's right.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Lozze, drop it. Respect my wish.

    If you are going to post, you need to post correctly. I think the other thread got very, very nasty and childish, but if you are going to post giving people information, please make sure it's right.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    If you are going to post, you need to post correctly. I think the other thread got very, very nasty and childish, but if you are going to post giving people information, please make sure it's right.

    Lozze, I'm going to only ask you this one time and after you answer my question. I ask that you please don't bring the subject up anymore.

    By volume which one is heavier? 5 pounds of muscles or 5 pounds of fat?
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    By volume which one is heavier? 5 pounds of muscles or 5 pounds of fat?

    By volume it's muscle.

    This page explains it very well
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    By volume which one is heavier? 5 pounds of muscles or 5 pounds of fat?

    By volume it's muscle.

    This explains it very well 5lb of muscle is still the same weight as 5lb of fat.

    Lozze, to say that the other thread had all those English teachers and scientists they should have known what I was talking about. Instead, all of my haters on that group tried to make it seem as if I am stupid and didn't know what I was talking about. I doubt that those people are truly English teachers and scientists.

    Education doesn't make a person smart. I wouldn't want to say that I'm a doctor and don't know what a heart is.

    When I see people say that muscle weighs more than fat. I tell them that the only way that muscle weighs more than fat is if the pounds of muscles is higher than the pounds of fat.

    Example: 10 pounds of muscles weighs more than 10 pounds of fat.

    I tell them that muscle is heavier than fat. Which is a true statement, even you have proved that I am right.

    5 pounds of fat and 5 pounds of muscles weighs the same, which is 5 pounds. But, the 5 pounds of muscles is heavier than the 5 pounds of fat.

    So, yes, two things can weigh the same and one can be heavier. That's what I was trying to tell the smart people on the other group.

    I can pick up a 25lb child, but a 25lb dumbbell to me is heavy. Yet, the child and dumbbell weighs the same.

    Now, I'm done with this issue. My thread is about fat loss vs scale weight loss. Please respect that.
  • dilysin
    dilysin Posts: 7 Member
    I think you are confusing the word dense with heavy.

    It is true that muscle is heavier than fat per cubic metre, hence it is more dense, the way that water is more dense, and therefore heavier than oil etc. However when comparing two things that weigh the same (ie. 2kg of muscle and 2kg of fat) they weigh the same, therefore are as heavy as each other.

    When trying to lift things that weigh the same the effort involved in lifting them may be different depending on what particular muscles you are using to lift and if you are using one hand or two, or just the awkwardness (I am not sure that is actually a word) of the object you are lifting.

    so muscle is heavier (per cubic metre) and more dense than fat, but 2kg of muscle is just as heavy as 2kg of fat, and 2kg of muscle has less volume than 2kg of fat.

    I appreciate that you are passionate about your work on preferential fat loss, however it seems that you are a bit confused with the definitions, I don't really understand what you are saying in regard to this, and how it relates to the post , perhaps if you googled the definitions for heavy, weight and volume and sorted them out you could clear it up for us?
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member

    5 pounds of fat and 5 pounds of muscles weighs the same, which is 5 pounds. But, the 5 pounds of muscles is heavier than the 5 pounds of fat.


    I'm sorry but you are 100% absolutely wrong.

    5lbs of muscle is NOT heavier than 5lbs of fat!! Absolutely NOT!

    It is DENSER, not HEAVIER. You're confusing the two words.

    When two things weigh the same, NEITHER is heavier than the other.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member

    5 pounds of fat and 5 pounds of muscles weighs the same, which is 5 pounds. But, the 5 pounds of muscles is heavier than the 5 pounds of fat.


    I'm sorry but you are 100% absolutely wrong.

    5lbs of muscle is NOT heavier than 5lbs of fat!! Absolutely NOT!

    It is DENSER, not HEAVIER. You're confusing the two words.

    When two things weigh the same, NEITHER is heavier than the other.

    It's astounding.
    Time is fleeting.
    Madness takes its toll.
    But listen closely
    Not for very much longer.
    I've got to keep control.....
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member

    The OP has put forward her argument. There has been a rebuttal. The reader can decide which logic and explanation they find more convincing.

    There are so many more important questions in the realm of fat loss: what is a suitable calorie deficit for my current body composition, what is the role of active recovery and how should it be incorporated, how should the trainee structure their training regime and should it include resistance training, what are reasonable macros for my goals etc.

    But what do people want to bang on...and on....an on about? Some ridiculous semantic argument which in the overall scheme of things is minutiae.

    It's not surprising so many people don't get the results they want if they devote more time to discussing the minor details than the fundamentals.

    Move on....
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    But what do people want to bang on...and on....an on about? Some ridiculous semantic argument which in the overall scheme of things is minutiae.

    It's not semantics. It's wrong information. There is nothing wrong with providing correct information to a person, but it's dangerous when you provide wrong info.

    (and Az I won't respond to you anymore as you've asked me not to)
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    The muscle is heavier than fat has been dropped on my end. I ask that everyone that wants to continue that discuss, to please create a thread and discuss it there. Leave my thread.
  • dilysin
    dilysin Posts: 7 Member
    If i was an OP and obviously very passionate about a topic, to the point of wanting to share my knowledge and research because I thought it would benefit others, I would want to know if there were any inaccuracies.

    It is evident that the OP is extremely passionate and has put a lot of time and effort into her research which is great, but flawed reasoning takes away from all of this and consequently will perhaps make people less inclined to respect the work she has done.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    It's not semantics. It's wrong information. There is nothing wrong with providing correct information to a person, but it's dangerous when you provide wrong info.

    Fair enough. I have seen it discussed many, many times and you know what? I have NEVER yet seen the discussions move anybody forwards in practical terms on their fat loss programme.

    Seems like largely a waste of time to me.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    If i was an OP and obviously very passionate about a topic, to the point of wanting to share my knowledge and research because I thought it would benefit others, I would want to know if there were any inaccuracies.

    It is evident that the OP is extremely passionate and has put a lot of time and effort into her research which is great, but flawed reasoning takes away from all of this and consequently will perhaps make people less inclined to respect the work she has done.

    Your two posts have been excellent....
  • dilysin
    dilysin Posts: 7 Member
    My issue is not the semantics themselves, I am comfortable with my own understanding of weight and heaviness etc, but more the way it is affecting the entire post. If someone is giving very detailed advice in regard to their weight loss technique, and part of the argument is wrong because of an apparent lack of understanding of some of the basic concepts, then it makes it very difficult to respect the rest of the theory.

    I think that OP would get a lot more respect for the hard work she has done if she researched the terminology a little and consequenlty gave the impression of someone who really knows the ins and outs of the whole process.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Again, I'm asking you all to go and create your own thread. Leave my thread. I haven't created my thread for people to come in here and be messy. Please respect my request. You feel that I am wrong, okay. Stick to your opinion and move on.

    My thread is about Fat Loss vs Scale Weight Loss. If you think that what I have shared in my thread is wrong, okay. But, If I can suggest anything. I would suggest that you use your own body against what I have shared to prove that what I have shared is wrong. I can't speak for anyone elses body, but I can speak for mine. I understand what I am talking about and my body knows what I am talking about.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I think there is a lot of merit in the the information the OP has put forward, especially put forward the concept of tracking changes in body composition using methods over and above the scale and how to calculate LBM and fat mass etc.

    Azackery, I do think you have your terminology confused in some aspects. It saddens me a little that it WILL detract from your overall message which is a good and positive one. I think you probably know more overall than some people are giving you credit for.

    I do hope you continue striving and moving forwards. If you want to discuss any aspects of training or nutrition then I would be glad to do so in the future.

    Take care,
