Breakfast for dinner?



  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member

    i did the same thing ever since ihop started putting the calorie content right on the menu (way to ruin a perfectly good cheat meal) i've avoided the place due to calorie sticker shock but i can totally do 380 calories.

    lol. I love/hate that chain restaurants in ca have to do this now. Sometimes i'll go to a restaurant intending to get something and go, "Gah! I'm not eating that!" when I get there and see the cal count. But then when I go to a small local restaurant, I get annoyed that I have no idea how many cals are in what i'm eating.
  • VStar55
    VStar55 Posts: 75
    personally, I prefer real food... real eggs, real bacon... Eggs have great nutritional value, which most if it is found in the yolk (except the protein) and good center cut bacon can be about the same calorie and sodium wise as turkey bacon... even may have lower counts depending on brand vs brand... And show me where you cut the bacon off a turkey? You don't... it's pretty much a hot dog in a different shape w/ bacon "flavor"... i ate it for a while, but switched back to real bacon.

    :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • 2youngatheart
    2youngatheart Posts: 338 Member
    personally, I prefer real food... real eggs, real bacon... Eggs have great nutritional value, which most if it is found in the yolk (except the protein) and good center cut bacon can be about the same calorie and sodium wise as turkey bacon... even may have lower counts depending on brand vs brand... And show me where you cut the bacon off a turkey? You don't... it's pretty much a hot dog in a different shape w/ bacon "flavor"... i ate it for a while, but switched back to real bacon.

    Other than bacon and eggs, you can mix up some whole wheat pancakes (we prefer a mix of whole wheat and white flour) or waffles. Oatmeal is a good choice and you can dress it up in a variety of ways.

    I'm partial to "scromelets" for dinner myself... which is a combination omelet and scrambled eggs... Scramble the eggs and toss in whatever veggies and meat float your boat, top w/ a little bit of cheddar cheese and plate it up.

    Unless it's whole grain, skip the biscuits and toast.
    I agree with you completely...real food is the only way to go. I don't think it is realistic to think you can live in the world of food and always buy "diet" or low cal. besides eating all the stuff you cannot pronounce that they use to make it taste like something else. Just eat portions correctly...real food is recognized by the body and it knows what to do with it. Canadian bacon is is from the pork loin...not tender loin...just loin.