Those in favor of eating back your exercise calories say "Vr



  • carrie1128
    carrie1128 Posts: 267 Member
    Also, when eating back those calories, you have to be careful that you are not overestimating your calories burned and underestimating what you are consuming. That is very easy to do and people kid themselves about portion sizes all the time.
  • Riley4ever
    Riley4ever Posts: 225 Member

    OMG. Your weight loss deficit is already built in to your MFP goal. We cut calories (through our daily goal) to lose weight. We exercise to be healthy and fit, and healthy fit bodies need fuel. Unless you are obese, eat at least some of your exercise calories back!! I cannot count how many people I see on these forums every day, complaining that they're not losing weight. Inevitably I look at their diaries (if they're open) and they are not eating their exercise calories back. HEALTHY BODIES NEED FUEL.

    ^^^ why should obese peeps not eat their exercise calories back ??? They've worked just as hard to earn them!!! I'm still in the obese category; I started 6 weeks ago and will be posting up a loss of 20-21lbs on weigh day tomorrow. I eat my exercise calories as I'm only on 1200 cals a day and I do 2-3hrs of walking a day which burns b/w 180 - 270 calories, if I didn't eat these back then I would plunge into starvation mode. Eat your exercise calories back but just research the 'true' value. I've seen some people posting up to 400 calories per hour just for walking at a slow pace which is rubbish! Good luck :D
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    So does drinking (at least some of) my exercise calories back work as well? I like white wine...

    Ha! I think so! ;) I use my exercise calories as an excuse to drink my nightly glass of red wine!
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    If you burn a few hundred, then sure, eating them back is easy.

    So when i burn 1,900-2,000 supposed to eat that all back?! And that figure is correct, well, as near as possible as its what my HRM says i burned. I just cant see how i could eat that much in about 4 hours!
  • bodycheckpt
    bodycheckpt Posts: 2 Member
    In the dietary world this is called Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE). I will say that the caloric values for expenditure in here are not accurate so be careful on "eating the calories expended". This is all science so there are several variables that come into play. Everyone imputting exercise in here is giving an estimate. You can research this information and you will find that it gives you MORE than most need. For weightloss the best formula is Katch-McArdle because it's based on lean body mass (muscle, bones, etc) so it doesn't matter gender etc. If your not too fat (morbidly obese) and know you LBM you can use this formula. In a nutshell it will give you BMR then you compute in activity multiplier to get TDEE then you take 20% (represents 2 lb weight loss per week) off the top of that. All in all strive for maintenance first then you can eat more. If your a frequent "dieter" all of this can be skewed for you if your metabolism is messed up because of so much yoyo dieting. Your best bet then is to work closely with a registered dietician and learn the food exchange system & a certified/degreed trainer for your exercise needs.
  • naveej
    naveej Posts: 73 Member
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    I was barely losing any weight until I started eating my calories back...(and I was one of those people who originally ate about half back). Just recently I started eating them back and my body began releasing WAYYY quicker! So I'm all on board for eat them back! ;o) Plus quite frankly...I don't want to be have to eat such limited calories for the rest of my life to maintain...the more the better as I want my body to run like a fiery furnace when it comes to its fuel!
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    I seem to lose the same amount whether or not I eat them. The only difference is, if I go multiple days without eating them, I get dizzy. I also don't get a lot of calories to begin with since I'm short, so I need those exercise calories for yummy meals.
  • I did not eat them for 8 months. I lost 56 lb. Then I plateaued even gaining a lb back and I was like WTF? I'm doing the same things I've been doing? I came on here and learned that I was starving my body. I got a BMF and realized my caloric deficit was way to high. I'm slowly adding the calories back in, I add 200 last week, lost 1 lb, and this week I added another 100 to go up to 1500 calories. I'm going to add another 100 next week and so on until my deficit doesn't exceed 1000 calories, since that is the maximum you should have. I just hope this works. I had only lost 4 lb in 6 weeks prior to trying this (had a nearly 4 week plateau) and I was getting frustrated. I still have a minimum of 53 lb to lose to get to a normal BMI.

    After reading on here about eating exercise calories, I realized WW wants you to do it too, so it makes a bit of sense.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Yay, 8th thread on the same subject in 8 days!

    I thought we'd already reached a conclusion on this? Everyone is different, some do, some dont, but people will stick to whatever works for them!

    Isn't there a sticky for this already?

    Patience is a wonderful virtue:flowerforyou: .... no one is forced to respond to any post and shouldn't feel they have to if it causes undo stress to their lives.. just a thought for next time.

    We could easily call out the grammar nazi's on the above post but no reason too be critical, how about we help new ppl on MFP instead of trying to humiliate them.:wink: Same with the typos and grammar, we can always drop those disagreements too. Since they too seem pointless except to make someone feel shame....
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    I've lost 46 pounds without eating any of my exercise calories back.

    When you have a lot to lose, your body has plenty of fat to burn and so you can get away without eating the exercise calories. The closer you get to maintenance though, you're going to have to start eating them. Otherwise, you'll either plateau or start GAINING weight.

    Actually, when I plateaued, the only thing that worked was to stop exercising for a week. Eating back my exercise calories did nothing for me. And before you say I probably didn't give it enough time, I plateaued for 3 months, so I gave it plenty of time. I'm currently still working out, just not as hardcore, and still not eating my exercise calories back. I've lost 3 more pounds within a week.

    ^^ This. I have been stuck more or less at the same weight since the beginning of June - I have consistently cycled between 136-139lbs.

    I have always been a "you must eat your exercise calories back" person. However, having recently read Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle by Tom Venuto, I have recalculated my calorie and weight goals.

    My maintenance calories should be 2125 - taking 25% off this for fat loss gives me around 1530 cals a day - this calculation already includes my activity level. This also ties in with something Stroutman says in more than one of his threads - the way he also calculates calories includes the exercise already.

    It will be interesting to see if this gets me off my plateau...
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    That's a completely different system. Eating your exercise calories back only matters using the MFP system, which doesn't include exercise. If you calculate your exercise into your regular calories, then of course you wouldn't eat them back.

    Eating 1530 a day is no different than eating 1200 a day + 330 for exercise calories, you're just changing the way you count them.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member

    OMG. Your weight loss deficit is already built in to your MFP goal. We cut calories (through our daily goal) to lose weight. We exercise to be healthy and fit, and healthy fit bodies need fuel. Unless you are obese, eat at least some of your exercise calories back!! I cannot count how many people I see on these forums every day, complaining that they're not losing weight. Inevitably I look at their diaries (if they're open) and they are not eating their exercise calories back. HEALTHY BODIES NEED FUEL.

    ^^^ why should obese peeps not eat their exercise calories back ??? They've worked just as hard to earn them!!! I'm still in the obese category; I started 6 weeks ago and will be posting up a loss of 20-21lbs on weigh day tomorrow. I eat my exercise calories as I'm only on 1200 cals a day and I do 2-3hrs of walking a day which burns b/w 180 - 270 calories, if I didn't eat these back then I would plunge into starvation mode. Eat your exercise calories back but just research the 'true' value. I've seen some people posting up to 400 calories per hour just for walking at a slow pace which is rubbish! Good luck :D

    Woah woah woah. I didn't mean to imply that obese people SHOULDN'T eat their exercise calories back. But rather that if you are NOT obese, you absolutely SHOULD eat your exercise calories back. If you have a lot of weight to lose, you CAN get away with a much larger deficit than someone who only has 10-20 lbs to lose, but if you're obese and you want to eat them back, you're definitely right - you earned them!