Anyone else feel like this?

I'm in a grumpy, bad mood today. I shouldn't be. Today was my weigh in day. I lost 1.5 pounds, and that means I've lost 34.5 pounds since starting MFP less than 3 months ago. I'm doing well. I know that. But I'm still bummed.

I have about 70 more pounds to lose. I'm aiming for 1.5 pounds a week, which means it will take close to a year before I get to my goal weight. It just seems SO LONG. Week in, week out, weighing in, counting calories.

It just seems so daunting. Well, that's not true. I don't doubt that I can do it. Just such a long road. And I know if this is going to work, it needs to be a lifestyle change. Maybe that's the part I'm having a tough time grasping.

Why can't I concentrate on how far I've come, rather than on how far I have to go??


  • Might I suggest you sit down........ask it more important how far I have come as opposed to going back to somewhere I really don't want to be. Go pull something out of your closet, put it on, look at how big it looks on take all that positive energy and spend it on how you will make this lifestyle change a permanent part of your life. BTW...once you get to your goal weight, you can be evaluated and told how many calories you can have a day in order not to gain your loss back. We ALL feel your pain but as in much we is mind over matter.....Good Luck!! :)
  • Larius
    Larius Posts: 507 Member
    "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal." - Henry Ford
  • One day at a time. Its the only way it is manageable for me!
  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    Try setting mini goals. Don't look at it as 70 lbs to go. Set your next goal as 50 lbs lost for instance. Then you're only looking at 15.5 lbs for now. Breaking it up seems to work for me at least.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I'm in a grumpy, bad mood today. I shouldn't be. Today was my weigh in day. I lost 1.5 pounds, and that means I've lost 34.5 pounds since starting MFP less than 3 months ago. I'm doing well. I know that. But I'm still bummed.

    I have about 70 more pounds to lose. I'm aiming for 1.5 pounds a week, which means it will take close to a year before I get to my goal weight. It just seems SO LONG. Week in, week out, weighing in, counting calories.

    It just seems so daunting. Well, that's not true. I don't doubt that I can do it. Just such a long road. And I know if this is going to work, it needs to be a lifestyle change. Maybe that's the part I'm having a tough time grasping.

    Why can't I concentrate on how far I've come, rather than on how far I have to go??

    You're already down 34lbs, that's awesome just try and keep things in perspective. :)
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Yes, but it is just human nature. You have accomplished a lot! Kudos to your accomplishments. Try to stay focused on the positive; though easier said than done sometimes!

    Take care and good luck on the rest of your journey!
  • Put it in context. Yeah, a year is a long time. But . . .

    You're 37. A year from now you'll be at your goal weight. Say another year of exercise to really get into great shape. That means by age 40 you'll be smokin'. And then you're done, for the entire rest of your life.

    The entire rest of your life. Think about it. A year is nothing.
  • SailingMike
    SailingMike Posts: 237 Member
    I think too many people feel like you because they are too focused on loosing weight rather than learning to be healthy and enjoying it.

    If your only goal is to loose weight, what happens when you arrive at your goal? Do you then begin to slowly eat yourself back into obesity?

    If your goal is to be healthy it is a journey without an end, but it is a pleasant drive. Learn to enjoy your new life style, find foods that are healthy and enjoyable, find hobbies and interests that take your mind off your stomach, find exercises that you LIKE to do and look forward to doing ( I LIKE to walk and ride my bike).
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    You know what always helped me?

    To look at pictures, try on clothes, etc from when I was heavier. It helps to put it all in perspective when you see that you've had great success already.

    Also, set mini goals. Saying "I have to lose another 70lbs" sounds very daunting. Instead say in 15lbs I will have lost 50lbs total, in another 10lbs it'll be 60lbs lost. Focus on the loss you've already had. :)
  • I feel the same way.. While i look at some of these post about b4 & after pics (most of these post have taken months to do).. I start to get jealous & hopeful at the same time! I know I only been doing MFP realistically for 2 weeks with some exercise but I just want to fast forward to 3 months from now to see what I will have accomplish. I know its a waiting game but still. I just want it NOW lol. Im not sayng that im not willing to put in the hard work so YES I too feel the same least for today lol
    Good luck ;)
  • debswebby
    debswebby Posts: 326
    The good thing about dieting is that you don't have to wait till the end to get the benefits. There are little personal acheivements all along the line. Don't think of where you have to get to, just enjoy the journey. Set little goals - maybe losing the next 7lbs. Little by little you'll get there. Think of how far you've come and feel proud.
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    I have been on this journey for just over 6 months which thinking back it seems like I started yesterday. I started out with 120lbs to lose. I have now lost 83 lbs and have 37 more to go. The mini goals helped me a lot. my next mini goal is 85 lbs then it will be 100 lbs. Take it in small chunks and one day at a time.. Dont look at how long you have to go. Thats like looking at the clock every five minutes when you just started an 8 hour shift on a Friday.. Its seems like forever. I even forget how much Ive lost when people ask sometimes. At this point I am just going along trying to stay focused on my next goal!

    Youve done awesome and the time will fly by when you get close to the end!

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  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    I focus on 10 lbs at a time. And celebrate every time I get there. It is a battle and we all have hard times. Just dust off your fanny and keep on trucking. A year from now you will be very thankful you did.
  • Butrfli
    Butrfli Posts: 50
    One thing to remember is that we were not born to eat whatever we wanted and not pay the consequences for it eventually! This IS and will ALWAYS be a way of life. Don't look at short term and long term. We all want to lose the weight and look fantastic but it takes time (and a long time for some of us...myself included)! Believe me, I'm preaching what I'm still trying to learn myself. I am an instant gratification type of person (and that is what has lead me to being overweight). I would eat when happy, sad, deppressed or thrilled. I'm an emotional eater. No, I haven't cured this problem and will probably be a work in progress for the rest of my life. I'm staying focused on a day to day basis. I know your happy with your weight loss as I read, but you have to also accept that this is a permanent way of life. Dont let this become a chore. We have to make this come naturally. I often think to myself...hollywood stars have all the money in the world and could be eating rich, dining out anytime they want, but most are not overweight. They stay disciplined with their food choices. We have to do the same. It's a lifetime, otherwise, we'd be back in the same boat we started in and I know you and I both refuse to start again! Hang in there. I feel the way you do but I don't think about the long term discipline. Take each day as it is and enjoy it! Let all the rest be gone and free your mind!
  • Primrose1960
    Primrose1960 Posts: 55 Member
    I think you have done great in such a short lenght of time, I also have a lot to loose and find it daunting at times. Just think of the health benifits every pound of weight loss is to you. It will add years to your life. Maybe we should break our goals down into mini goals instead of concentrating on the BIG goal we have. Reward yourself for every hurdle you jump, and keep up the good work.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Yes, I can feel that way, but I QUICKLY and I mean QUICKLY talk myself right out of it!

    I am a "MiniGoal" person too but I do it in "decades".

    My first goal was to get to ONEDERLAND and the 190s, and now I'm looking forward to the 180s.

    Like you, the BIG picture for me is just too overwhelming and seems WAY out of reach for me. So "a decade at a time" is how I do it now.

    The other thing I will NOT do is put a time limit on reaching my goal like "by Christmas, etc"~ this has been a BIG mistake for me in the past so I am NOT doing THAT again!

    And think about what "Captain Mike" said above me~ what ARE we going to do once we reach our goal? Especially if all we concern ourselves with losing the weight as fast as we can.......

    By the way, you are doing OUTSTANDING and should be very proud of your effort!
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    I focus on 10 lbs at a time. And celebrate every time I get there. It is a battle and we all have hard times. Just dust off your fanny and keep on trucking. A year from now you will be very thankful you did.

    This is EXACTLY what I am doing! I also give myself a reward every 10 pounds! Last one was a fresh one is a pedicure....and the one after that is going to be NEW PANTS!!!!

    I have my eye on the big prize (yet to be determined) but focusing on on 10 keeps me motivated because I reach them fairly quickly and get a prize!!!

    That is an instant cure-all for grumpiness ; )

    Seriously, you don't have to buy, but try on some cute things (in the smaller size you are now) and look at some clothes that you would like to have in one size smaller than you are now. INSTANT motivation!!!
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    You are an RN. Set measurable, achievable goals. Apply the Nursing process to this. You have already shown you are doing what you need to do. Just refocus your self to your immediate goals. Now, stop feeling grumpy and get out there and kick the world's *kitten*!!
    You got this!!
  • jujudot
    jujudot Posts: 129 Member
    First off, You have done an AWESOME job so far!! Don't discount it! :smile:

    Second- You need to break it down into doable/obtainable goals. It makes the task at hand seem much less daunting! I have found that 10lb minigoals work best for me. I started looking at things this way not too long ago-I was in the same spot you are now. Yeah, I've lost 20lbs, but I still have another 50 or so to go-I'll never get there. But now that I'm looking at things in the 10lb range it seems so much better! Each pound (or 1/2lb or 1/4lb) I lose is getting me that much closer to that next 10lb marker.

    It's all in the thinking! :bigsmile: You CAN do this!