Working at a desk all day, what to do....



  • Bethywethy93
    Work out before or after work.
    Tap your foot or fidget like you have been. I actually found out that that helps a lot!
    If you sit at the end of your chair and lift your legs straight out in front of you, that's a great ab workout on it's own.
  • T_William
    T_William Posts: 147 Member
    I just use the gym on the way home from work. I drive past it to get home so its no excuse :) only reason I joined my current gym as its about 10miles from home and theres better closer. But even on weekends and days off ill drive there to do hour or two.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I am a desk worker also and even though I workout after work I devised a little game I play. I work on the third floor, if I have to go to the bathroom I use the the bathroom three floors down in the lobby, I take the stairs down..if I'm the only one in the bathroom I can't leave until I do 20 jumping jacks, 20 DECLINE push ups agaonst the counter, and 20 squats...then I run up all three flights of stairs as fast as I can. I try to drink at least 6, 20 ounce bottles of water while I'm at work (which keeps me going to the bathroom,lol) but when I need to refill my water bottle I go up one floor doing lunges up the stairs then take the long way around to the water fountain and back down the stairs as fast as I can.

    This way I easily get at least 60 to 100 of these excercises in a day, keeps my metabolism burning, and gives me little bursts of energy throughout the day....and I also provide humor for a few co workers who have walked in on me doing jumping


    Fixed. And now I can say, GOT DAYAM!