LOVE CHUB: is your significant other making you fat??



  • BerkleyEL
    BerkleyEL Posts: 77 Member
    Within the first 2 years I lived with my now husband, I put on 30ish lbs and he put on 60-70 lbs.
    I LOVE to cook Italian I'm learning to do it in a healthier way, with some more accurate portion control.

    Mmm... Lasagna.
  • futurefitgirl88
    Within the first 2 years I lived with my now husband, I put on 30ish lbs and he put on 60-70 lbs.
    I LOVE to cook Italian I'm learning to do it in a healthier way, with some more accurate portion control.

    Mmm... Lasagna.

    Lasangna is too good. Sometimes I eat it for breakfast, if I have left overs (only my bf makes it). Don't judge :P
  • jennylynng8
    I put on 20 pounds since I met my boyfriend a year ago, most of that has been in the last 6 or 7 months. He complains that he has put on weight but I don't see it. He is very supportive of me getting in shape and I really appreciate that, but he also says that I am beautiful and sexy and he loves me the way I am.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I gained a lot of weight when I met my husband. It was my own dang fault, too. I was happy. I stopped being disciplined. I ate as much as he did. He's a big guy. He should get more food than I. I joke around that I blame him for it, but it was
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    We've got a whole Hansel and Gretel thing, ya, he's making me fat.

    Do you dress up like Hansel and Gretel when you are eating or doing nasty or both...together?
  • futurefitgirl88
    I put on 20 pounds since I met my boyfriend a year ago, most of that has been in the last 6 or 7 months. He complains that he has put on weight but I don't see it. He is very supportive of me getting in shape and I really appreciate that, but he also says that I am beautiful and sexy and he loves me the way I am.

    LoL my bf refuses to agree that I gained any weight (I gained 50 pounds)....but this conversation we have a lot:

    Bf: "you are so skinny"
    Me: "yup used to be so fat"
    Bf: "you never had any weight to lose!"
    Me: "does not even make any sense"

    Ah guys guys guys!!....since I started working bf has gotten fitter (he already was fit, plays rugby) he is lookin more fiiiiiiiine with his six pack!!

    I guess getting fat together is something people commonly do stay the same level of attractiveness I suppose :P....

    I have a friend who is SUPER fit....(pretty good looking)...and he is dating this kind of chubby girl...and people always say things like "why is he with her"....I just did not want to be in her shoes!! It must suck!
  • mandimoore617
    mandimoore617 Posts: 325 Member
    I told my boyfriend last night that he made me fat & he's trying to keep me fat. LOL I don't really blame him because I'm the one who ate like he does, but still. I know what you are talking about! When I met him 5 years ago, I was the thinnest I've been since puberty hit (about a size 12). 2 years later, I'd gained 30 lbs. Then I got pregnant & had a baby & now 2 years after that I'm almost to pre-baby weight. Last night, Eric ordered a pizza. My favorite. Plus cinna-sticks. I've been sick and haven't eaten more than 1000 calories for several days (no appetite due to the sore throat). I ended up having 2 slices of pizza and IDK how many cinna-sticks. I put them in my food diary and it told me "If every day was like today, you'd weigh ______ lbs in 5 weeks"... The ______ being a number so high, I'd have to GAIN 90 lbs in 5 weeks to reach it. LOL
  • Jaemoo34
    Jaemoo34 Posts: 15 Member
    I definitely experienced this with my recent ex. A couple that loves food and being away at college was a double negative. We loved to eat out, red lobster and olive garden were our favorite spots and school had our appetites on weird cycles where sometimes itd be too late to check out the dining hall and what would be open....the strip of fast food restaurants down the street of course lol.
    we both gained a lot of weight, i was the biggest ive ever been (size 16-18) after starting college at a size 10 two years before meeting her. she was always thin but she also started to get that 'dreaded muffin top' and went from a size 2 to a size 8 which doesnt sound so bad to me but to someone who suddenly cant fit into her jeans its obviously a nightmare. no one ever told me i was gaining weight but she always got the ''ve put on a lil weight there' bad anyway
    we tried to join a gym together and ''eat healthy' but being at school is honestly SO hard lol...excuses i know but its true. it wasnt until she graduated and i was living on my own that my eating habits got better and she just 'naturally' lost weight being away from all the fast food lol...lucky her i had to work at my weight loss!

    so to everyone who is married or living with their significant other and managing to get in their healthy meals i give you a lot of kudos it took me being physically separated to establish a routine!
  • futurefitgirl88
    everyone who is married or living with their significant other and managing to get in their healthy meals i give you a lot of kudos it took me being physically separated to establish a routine!

    Trust me, it took significant amount of time to make that life style change.....for me to come to realization about it...I had to hit rock bottom!! But well change is possible very much! :) Haha decided to change when I did not even recognize the girl I used to be in the mirror anymore!!
  • futurefitgirl88
    everyone who is married or living with their significant other and managing to get in their healthy meals i give you a lot of kudos it took me being physically separated to establish a routine!

    Trust me, it took significant amount of time to make that life style change.....for me to come to realization about it...I had to hit rock bottom!! But well change is possible very much! :) Haha decided to change when I did not even recognize the girl I used to be in the mirror anymore!!