30 Day Shred Starting 08/22/11 - 1st Monday Check In



  • AngieMMc
    AngieMMc Posts: 152 Member
    Day 2 peeps: I noticed I had to take a few more 5 second breaks today, especially with the push ups!! I've NEVER been good at pushups even the "lady" pushups.

    I noticed I struggled a little more this morning than I did yesterday morning but I didn't have to take any breaks (yet)....tomorrow isn't here yet and that's usually my hardest day. I have never ever been good at the push ups either.....I can finally do all the lady push ups (this is my second round of the 30 DS) and i can FINALLY do THREE regular push ups. hahaha Doesn't sound like much but hey it's a start LOL
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Day 2 completed after work today. Figures that last night my ankle starts killing me. I do 30 day shred a lot, so I think it was doing a "challenge" on biggest loser Wii where you had to do those "skaters" side to side.

    Despite the pain, I did the full workout today. If my ankle is still being uncooperative, I may have to do punches for most of the cardio intervals which is annoying, but being unable to walk without a big limp is a bit inconvenient.
    EPICSRT Posts: 222 Member
    Okay, day 2 of level 1 in the books! I think I used a little too much weight on the dumbbells yesterday so I reduced the weight by half to 5lbs each. I'm not sure if it was motivation or what, but it did not seem like 20 minutes. I even restarted level 1 and fast forwarded to get the actual time. I did seem to sweat more today than yesterday and wanted to keep going when it was done, but I figured there is no point in injuring myself. My plan is to stay with level 1 for at least a week to see how things go. At that point I will preview level 2 to see what the difference is and whether or not I will start level 2.

    Don't get me wrong, I am not claiming that this is easy. It so far seems to be a good, to the point, workout that makes me wish there was a water break somewhere in the middle.

    On another note, after dinner I went to get up from the table and did notice that my muscles are tight! Legs, hips, back, arms, chest and abs are all reminding me of their existance! I feel as though I will need to do some light stretching a few times between now and workout time tomorrow.
  • whenday
    whenday Posts: 64 Member
    I did day 2 at level one today. It was still tough. I had to stop a few times but no more than the 5 seconds. I am having a bit of knee and foot pain( ongoing problem not related to the workout) so I went a bit easy with the impact moves. Did better with the push-ups today and didn't feel nauseated at the end like I did with the first work out. I am using 5# weights. I think my abs hurt the most out of anything from the workout yesterday. Which is good cause I need to build those up for sure.

    I checked my body fat percentages today and I think I went down 2% but I'm not exactly sure. I got a new scale and need to double check. Weight is pretty much the same.
  • CandyR1018
    CandyR1018 Posts: 101 Member
    Day 3 was a little easier although I think pushups are going to be my nemesis! No breaks today but there were a few times during the cardio parts that I would drop the arms to catch my breath, but my feet kept a moving!
  • AngieMMc
    AngieMMc Posts: 152 Member

    I am having a bit of knee and foot pain( ongoing problem not related to the workout) so I went a bit easy with the impact moves.

    I am a firm believer that doing the Shred requires really good knee braces regardless of age or size. I was pretty big when I did the Shred the first time and I got some knee braces and haven't had any problems even though I have knee discomfort and grinding when i walk b/c of an old knee injury. You might consider getting some.
  • bambier
    bambier Posts: 32
    I missed this thread... i have a hard time keeping up with all the different topics since I don't frequent the forums!

    ) Weight and measurements -
    *Weight - 200.8
    *Waist - 36 inches
    *Chest - 42.75 Inches
    *HIps - 46

    2) Comments (The good, the bad, the ugly!) Try to keep any moans and groans light hearted.

    I've survived so far! The first couple days I was sore, last night and today I'm actually feeling better. I still struggle through the strength moves to some degree but the cardio is quickly getting easier! I realized my HRM battery was dead, so I haven't been able to accurately gauge my calories....

    3) NSV (non scale victories) - this could include clothes fitting better, not wanting that second peice of whatever your trigger food is, or any compliments you receive.

    I got back on to counting my calories at the same time as I started the shred, and so far I've been able to stick with it, even though it's killing me!!!
  • CandyR1018
    CandyR1018 Posts: 101 Member
    It's official, I HATE pushups! Day 4 and I have pretty much mastered all of the other moves except for those STUPID PUSHUPS! :o)
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    So I got in Day 1 & 2, then I hurt my ankle big time Tuesday (non- 30 day shred related)....so yesterday I could hardly walk on it - could only do stairs one step at a time... ugh! Today is better, but still a good amount of pain, so I am trying my best to rest it (so so hard!). I think tomorrow I'll be able to stand on it enought to at least modify some of the exercises & get back to shredding!
    EPICSRT Posts: 222 Member
    Guess I'll be the first to update?!

    Weight: 190 pounds
    Waist: 39.75 inches (guess I should note that although it says waist, I'm measuring the largest part of my belly)

    NSV's: I've pretty much kept to my calorie goal and not eating back the exercise calories.

    Comments: I've noticed that my arms seem to be toning up a bit, just wish it slim down the gut! I'm looking forward to the next 22 days,