Living with my boyfriend is making me fat!



  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    So I've been living with my boyfriend for 2 years, and it's been taking a toll on my weight. He has NO weight issues by the way, he even wants to gain some weight and says that he's lost about 20 lbs since we've been together (from 180 to 160).
    The big issues are:
    Eating gives us something to do when we're bored
    We eat the same food
    And about the same ammount of food (usually i eat a bit less, and I'm trying to eat even less than I already am, giving him the bigger portions)
    He's a bit picky
    He needs to gain, I need to lose.

    So basically, I don't know if I should cook my own meals and let him cook his own (he is capable, but he wouldn't like this one bit and might cause fights), or if I should try to make meals that we could both have, maybe I'll have more salad before dinner and he can have more of the dinner part? what are my options here? The best part is he's the biggest reason I want to lose some weight is to give him a hottie for a girlfriend :p

    I also don't know when to incorporate excersise, we have about the same work schedules and excersising has just never been a part of our daily routine, we usually end up snuggling on the couch.. I don't expect him to work out with me, but I guess it's up to me to find when works best for our schedules..

    UGH this is not easy......but NO PAIN NO GAIN right???

    It sounds like you already have all the answers and know exactly what you need to do. :)

    My boyfriend is the same. Especially when it comes to picky eating. And it seems sometimes like the food with the most calories, fat, etc. are his favorite. So, you either need him to agree to eat what you eat, which will be healthy meals. Or you need to start eating separate meals. At first, I started just making my own meals. This was not easy because I also have two kids who are even more picky. But it had to be done. Then he started seeing how delicious some of my healthy meals looked. So he started joining in once and awhile.
    This whole journey is YOURS! So, it's all up to you. Exercise before you cuddle on the couch together. Sometimes just knowing you get to do that afterwards really gives the push to get it done and over with.

    I wish you lots of luck!!!!! Add me if you would like. :)

    Take Care.
  • saralye
    saralye Posts: 10
    This is so hard! I ALWAYS lose weight when my bf is out of town (as he is right now).

    He eats out like EVERY night. This used to bother me a lot, since it means that either I have to eat I either have to get take-out too, or quarter recipes which is hard if not impossible at times. I also used to get my feelings hurt, that he didn't want to eat my food, even tho he would swear up and down he loves my cooking.

    Since he was so sincere about the loving my food thing, eventually I worked out this arrangement when I want to try a new recipe (we didn't discuss it, I just worked it out on my own): I will tell him what I'm cooking for dinner, and should I make him some? If I make it sound delicious enough and don't mention it's diet-friendly, he will usually say yes. So I'll make a full recipe, and he'll have some of what I make. I don't complain if he brings home a burrito to supplement my low-fat, low-calorie dinner. Usually, he'll have a bit of leftovers for lunch the next day if he likes it enough. And once I've made the full recipe once, I'll have enough of a handle on it to make my own 1-2 serving batch next time I want to cook it. No pressure for him to eat, and sometimes if I only make 1 serving for myself he feels like he's missing out and asks me to make it again later in the week!

    I agree with making a double-batch of carbs - rice or pasta - so long as he can get seconds (or thirds), he won't complain about what's for dinner. Another ace up my sleeve is cheesy garlic bread: he's a sucker, and if I make a bunch of it I can usually keep him away from the Thai, Mexican or sushi take-out for the night. I can always make a slice w/o cheese for me, on whole grain of course!

    Avoiding the take-out train is hard in our house with our work schedules, but with plenty of future planning and a meal plan for the week you can start to minimize the junk food.