SIXERS Swimming to Success Week 6 (final week)



  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    son is GONE...when he left for work last night, he went to HIS home this morning....taking his last few things to him this afternoon and his food. we have already began the change in that room. emptied two plastic crates. sorted all the girls toys. moved stuff from the den to that room. is our guest/spare room. i have my arts/sewing stuff in there. theres a tv for exercising. a hide - a -bed. going to really nice when all done and i can now do some serious cleaning. instead of spring i will do fall cleaning.

    waiting for gym to open so we can go, come back eat lunch, take a nap, run his stuff to him.

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning....

    hope every one had a safe and good weekend. hope you made it through the storm em with just wind and rain.

    have the girls today. nothing else to do but.....start my "fall" cleaning. so happy to do that. DH and i are still in awww of just the two of us. see how this week goes. went to trailer yesterday. he answers the door all sweaty. his one and only little air conditioner broke down. needs freon. i felt so bad for him. here it is 90+ outside. he had a fan. so DH went around and pride open some windows. that's how son thinks, if they didn't crank, they didn't open. they are over 30 years old you have to pry them open and push them shut from the outside. it's an old trailer. it made such a difference we were able to do a little work inside than.

    well off to get a few things done, than dress and begin.....
  • amy_36
    amy_36 Posts: 421 Member
    Hope everyone is staying safe!

    I just got home last night from 4 days on vacation. Along with it came horrible eating. I know it's possible to eat good when camping but we just did not!

    Dh has 2 late work nights so the gym is going to be a challenge for me this week. And its time to get the kids back into a routine because school here starts next tuesday.

    Cathy- congrats on your son moving out!

    Amy- I know the weight gain/pregnancy thing....I gained 50 pounds BOTH times. Yuck. Lost it all the first time. Have NEVER lost it all the last time...8 yrs later. Owen will be 8 in 1 week and so its slapping me in the face.
  • jdklove18
    jdklove18 Posts: 252
    Good morning ladies! Sorry I have been MIA, but this was my first wedding weekend. And of course it was in Philadelphia with the hurricane (and all of the evacuees from the southern Jersey shores). We survived Irene just fine, but we got home to trees down, debris everywhere and missing patio furniture. It wasn't supposed to hit us as hard in central PA, but I guess they were wrong. At least the power is back on now!

    As for me, this weekend was HORRIBLE! I honestly didn't eat too bad, as the wedding festivities were all fish for me (I don't eat red meat). The drinking is what got me. We did a lot of celebrating, as the BF is best friends with the groom (and bride). Anyone have any good detox ideas for me? I feel so bloated and crappy it's ridiculous.

    Cathy, glad you didn't have to weather the brunt of the storm. North Carolina looked really scary. Em, hope we hear from you soon that everyone and everything up there is ok. Everyone else, I hope that your weekends were fabulous, and that we are all ready to get on track for the new challenge tomorrow! :)
  • MLEme
    MLEme Posts: 45
    HI Sixers. I am at work now... we still do not have power at the house (lost it late saturday night)... hoping it will get turned on tonight at some point... but we have been told we may have to wait most of the week for it to go back on... :grumble:

    I have to work a full day today, and then we have a lot of clean up to do @ the house... there are lots of big trees down in the yard / street... luckily none of them fell on our house.... :drinker:

    Not sure what the scale will say tomorrow... this weekend was weird w/ food etc.

    Personals soon.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    will start the next challenge after i get the girls.......

    hang in there everyone. we can do this.