Team Derby Life Week 0 (derbyskaters/referees only)

Team Derby Life Week 0 (skaters/referees only)

Welcome to the Support/Challenge Group of Team Derby Life

The purpose of this group is to inspire each other to push ourselves further than we can on our own... or should I say then we would on our own. ;)

During this week I think we should all introduce ourselves and discuss specific goals that are derby related and ways to meet these goals. It could be weight loss, endurance, lead jammer, keeping better walls, holding the line, etc… pick only one or two so you don’t overwhelm yourself and they should be measurable.

I would also like to get ideas from all members of the team on what they would like to do for challenges for instance: lunges, stretches, pushups, crunches, outdoor skating, duck walks, Mohawks, you get the point…

Other challenges could include one day without bread/soda…etc, calories under goal for entire week… this should all be decided as a team, probably best by majority rules and then moderated by the Captain and Co-Captain.

We can also post pertinent web pages and articles about derby as we see fit. For instance:

Let’s use Week 0 to establish where we want to go as a team and also to invite any other derby skaters/refs to join in… then we can all decide if we want to close the group or just keep allowing others to come in as they wish.

Derby Love :heart:,

Davy Rock-Hit #214... Queen of the Derby Frontier


  • alisha17m
    alisha17m Posts: 73 Member

    I'd love to join up to Team Derby Life :)

    I'm from Australia and I train with the Dragon City Derby Dolls. I'm still pretty fresh - I have no stars or minimum skills passed yet, but dream of the day I play my first ever bout!

    My major goal at this stage is to pass my WFTDA Minimum Skills. To do this I need to work on a couple of things:

    1 - Build leg and core strength to finally master crossovers & quicker recovery from falls.

    2 - Build endurance. My PB for laps in 5 mins is 15. I want to build that up to 20 by the end of this year.

    I'd love to focus on squats, lunges and core exercises for strength & anything else to help endurance :)
  • jcannon15
    jcannon15 Posts: 148
    Hey i'm jenna i was formerly with Red Bank roller vixens i skated and now getting ready to start the Jersey Shore Roller Girls training program "porkrollers". I broke my leg back in may so my one goal is to get my strength back. My second goal is to pass my WFTDA skills test.
  • DavyRockhit
    great goals ladies! Keep 'em coming... I will post about myself tonight as well
  • runningathena
    runningathena Posts: 218 Member
    Hey girls! I'm Admiral DeJenerate, fresh meat with the Undead Bettys in Antioch, CA (East Bay/Delta - aka the outer reaches of the SF Bay Area, LOL). I am in our boot camp program right now, 11 weeks down and one more practice before assessment testing on September 4. We have not heard yet who will be invited to test (it's not automatic - they base it on who's stable, who looks ready, and who has met attendance requirements [which I have]), so my first goal is to be one of the chosen few :)

    Tonight I achieved a major breakthrough and finally got the one-leg glide on the right foot... I had been struggling with that since day one, and it was a huge relief!!!!

    Aside from hoping to be asked to assess, I hope to PASS the test and then I'll work on a new goal from there!

    Derbylove :heart:,
    The Admiral :drinker: (I know this is a "drinker" smiley but I think of it as double-fisting coffee, LOL)
  • DavyRockhit
    Hey i'm jenna i was formerly with Red Bank roller vixens i skated and now getting ready to start the Jersey Shore Roller Girls training program "porkrollers". I broke my leg back in may so my one goal is to get my strength back. My second goal is to pass my WFTDA skills test.

    we def need to find some training exercises that focus on back strength... we can all benefit from that!
  • DavyRockhit
    My name is Davy Rock-Hit, I have been in roller derby for 8 months. I have been in one bout and my second bout is this Friday. I have done many hours of scrimmaging and I feel that I have come a long way.

    I have two sons ages 6 and almost 8. I have been married for 9 years. I am a licensed Social Worker

    Goal 1: Endurance skating for more than 90% of the time during our endurance drills at practice. Control my wide turns when crossing over on track.

    Goal 2: Speed, catch up to Jammer and other girls 50% of the time (currently when a girl goes to get by I can never catch her)
    I would like to accomplish these goals by two months… I have an interleague bout end of October and that would be a good time to gauge my progress.

    I suggest that create a week of challenges before this week is over for next week. I think that each day should be initiated by a different person.

    I will choose Monday: 25 crunches, 15 push-ups, stay under on calories.
    Let me know if this is acceptable for the first day challenge and someone step up and decided something for Tuesday.
  • jcannon15
    jcannon15 Posts: 148
    i like mondays!
    tuesday- 30 sec wall squat 30 sec plank repeat 5x?
  • rockrosie
    rockrosie Posts: 59 Member
    Hey All!

    I'm Rosie the Retaliator from the Rocktown Rollers of Harrisonburg, Virginia (2 hours west of Washington DC). We just graduated to WFTDA full membership in the June graduating class!

    I've been skating for a year and bouting since the start of the 2011 season in February. I'm a blocker but my head coach asked me last week if I was open to jamming 1-2 times in a bout in case of penalty trouble or exhaustion for our jammers. We're a really strong blocker team but only have 2 really good jammers right now and it's wearing them out! I'm trying to get my endurance up- i can't handle sprinting for 2 minutes.

    Davy has made me co-captain of this awesome MFP team!

    I really focus on building my own core strength. I admit to being hungry all the dang time because I work out 5-6 days a week and i need some fuel to keep that up! I'm trying to make better choices in eating, though.

    So here it is: TUESDAY'S CHALLENGE-

    Lay all the way down on the floor and get all the way up to standing *without using your hands* as if you did a baseball slide or took a bad fall onto your back. Lay back down.

    If you can, do this 10 times in a row (if not, do a minimum of 5). Try for 3 sets of this- works on core & leg strength along with helping you get better at a key component of the WFTDA minimum skills test!
  • runningathena
    runningathena Posts: 218 Member
    I have a suggestion for Wednesday - or any day that you can fit this into your schedule - skate, non-stop, any pace, for at least 30 minutes. Around your neighborhood, at the rink during open skate, on a local bike trail - wherever! Endurance over distance/time is key to helping you with short bursts of speed (i.e. jamming, 25 in 5, etc.).

    I didn't talk about myself personally in my first post, oops! I'm married, no children, two cats (and a host of strays who hang out in our backyard). I work for the federal government (you can trust me! LOL) and am also a long-distance runner. I am a certified distance running coach so I have learned about injury prevention, sports nutrition, exercise physiology, etc. (I may have the answer to that question about your knee or best foods for muscle recovery, etc.)

    I'm training for my second marathon on October 9, and I'm running back-to-back half marathons this weekend (ack! :noway: ). My friends and I are a little crazy. :bigsmile: 2012 will be a derby-focused year; I had already planned all these running events before I started derby.

    Have a great day! :drinker:
  • DavyRockhit
    Great start so far ladies! I love the idea of getting up without using hands, and endurance is def a need too! We will keep collecting ideas and then I think we could gather a weeks worth of challenges and this could last for two weeks... we just increase the next week by 50%. then we could figure out for two weeks at a time... and modify as needed. What we really need right now is open communication and getting other girls to post. These are the signs of a support network that really will build accountability.
  • Kinkerbelle
    Hello All!

    I am Kinkerbelle.
    I am with the Des Moines Derby Dames league. We have two teams in this league and I am on the Crash Test Dolls. We are located in Iowa and I have been on the team two years now. I have bouted my first full season and excited about a mini season starting in September. We were just on practice break and will be back to practices two to 3 times a week starting in September. I have mainly been a blocker and jammed a few times. I have endurance and speed to be a jammer I am working on quick feet to get through the pack.

    I would like to be able to run a marathon someday. I think it would be great. I inital lost about 35 lbs before i even joined derby, but have put a couple back on since joining. I am ready to start my slide back down on the scale. I want to make my endurance better than what it is and keep running off skates. I would like to work on more core strength too. In practices we do planks but i am sure there is more out there.
    Here is one of the work outs we were given for our vacation month.
    1) Tabata squats – 8 x 20 seconds on / 10 seconds off
    2) Planks – 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off, 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off, 45 seconds on.
    3) Mountain climbers – 30 sec on, 30 sec off, 30 sec on, 30 sec off, 45 sec on
    4) Plank 20 seconds
    5) Push ups – 5 sets of 10
    6) Plank 20 seconds
    7) Lunge walk – Pick a reasonable distance (half court length) x2 up and down.
    8) Plank 20 seconds
    9) Hop on 1 foot for 30 seconds, switch. X2
    10) Plank 20 seconds
    11) Stand on 1 foot 45 seconds, switch
    12) Stretch

    Ladies.. thanks for being our captians!!! GO DERBY!
  • krissygirl
    Hey Everyone!

    I skate for the Sis-Q Rollerz in Medford, Oregon. I'm not just trying to lose weight, but I want to get in better shape so I can be a jammer. I have jammer instincts, but need to be faster. :tongue:

    I've been doing some off-skate workouts like running and zumba, but need to step it up.

    Glad to find you guys here! It's so motivating to be able to check on MFP and see everyone's progress and advice!

    Derby <3,

    Carmen Unglued
    (aka krissygirl)
  • martinezrl
    martinezrl Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, ladies!

    I'm Tallulah Bankrobber, a recent transplant to the Naughty Pines Derby Dames in Laramie, WY. Previously, I played with the Rocktown Rollers with my beloved long-distance derby wife, the lovely Rosie the Retalliator, who happens to be the Co-Captain of this message board.

    My fatal flaw on the track is that when I jam, I'm not quick enough to avoid most hits, so I get winded getting back up. I'd love some off-skates exercise ideas to help with laterals, balance and quick footwork.

    Looking forward to training with you!

  • jcannon15
    jcannon15 Posts: 148
    so not challenge related but i got word that i'm off the wait list and starting porkrollers one week from tomorrow yikes! so excited.
  • FlamBabe
    FlamBabe Posts: 12
    Hello I am Flam-Babe I play for Missile Mountain Roller Derby in Colorado Springs.
    I just started skating 15 months ago, had maybe skated 5 times my whole life before then.
    I am Bi Track ual. Meaning I play both Banked & Flat track.

    My goals for this week are to build my endurance.
    Also to build my leg strength around my knees!

    Hey Tallulah!!! Your on here too!!
  • martinezrl
    martinezrl Posts: 11 Member
    Hey, Babe! Good to see you!
  • martinezrl
    martinezrl Posts: 11 Member
    I see from my daily counts that I'm consistently under my calorie limit, but I'm not getting nearly enough PROTEIN! I feel ignorant, but where can I get huge amount of protein without packing on the calories?
  • DavyRockhit
    so not challenge related but i got word that i'm off the wait list and starting porkrollers one week from tomorrow yikes! so excited.

    CONGRATS!!!!! That is exactally the kind of things we need to be putting on here, remember this group is a support/challenge group! YAY for you, you'll do great!
  • DavyRockhit
    I see from my daily counts that I'm consistently under my calorie limit, but I'm not getting nearly enough PROTEIN! I feel ignorant, but where can I get huge amount of protein without packing on the calories?

    I suggest you make your diary public to friends so we can take a peek at what you have been doing. I was not comfortable doing that at first but now I am so glad that I did...

    Anyways, here are some suggestions for higher protein foods: Nuts (but watch for fat & sodium), shrimp, tuna (watch the sodium again), Cottage Cheese, Eggs, Chicken, Edamame (Soy beans), Greek Yogurt, I also like Special K Protein Shakes, hope this helps a little.
  • Kinkerbelle
    Is there an easy way to find the challenge of the day each day in the group without searching through all the posts?