Team Derby Life Week 0 (derbyskaters/referees only)



  • MerryKhaos
    MerryKhaos Posts: 34 Member
    Warm ups are SUPER important. One, because you should NEVER NEVER NEVER stretch before doing at least 5 - 10 minutes of full body warm up.

    I use my warm up to get past the first burn. You know how when you get into a cardio workout and the first 5 minutes is always the worst, but if you push through, you actually feel very strong by minute 10? That's what I mean.

    Has your league ever done a Puker? These are what HARD refers to as our cardio practices. Charm does this on their speed skating nights. It's just a 2 hour practice of cardio. Yea. I know. It sounds scarier than what it is, though. the first half hour is rough, but by the end you actually will find that you'll have a better 25 lap time becuase your muscles are SO use dto the work. Your body is a machine. If you train it correctly, it will go forever!

    So... I don't know if that helps at all, but I like to do a few pyramid sprints before the game. Sprint 2 laps, lap coast, 3 laps, lap coast, 4 laps, lap coast then back down.
  • DavyRockhit
    Merry Khaos: what a fitting name for you just by hearing all about your life... busy, busy. Glad you are joining in on our forums :) it is really neat to have so many different levels of experience and fitness represented. We can all do such a good job of keeping each other accountable and learning lots of things.

    I did not know that a warm up was needed before stretching. we always do that at practice but I didn’t realize that it was actually necessary. Thanks for the info. btw I had a great time at my bout we played against Rodeo City a team from Ellensburg WA and they were a feisty group won us by only a few points it was a close game neck to neck. I did feel that I did a good job warming up but not exhausting myself but I agree with what people say that is so unlikely after adrenaline kicks in.
  • Kinkerbelle
    Hey everyone.
    I wasn't feeling to hot yesterday. So i jumped on and got all over the challenge today and made up for yesterday.
    I did the squats and planks. I can feel the strain in my planks and it feels good. I know i haven't had a strong core so hopefully this will motivate to get stronger.
    Looks like a lot of positive thoughts going around. Keep it up girls.
    Check! Monday: (week 2 in parenthesis): 25 (30) crunches, 15 (20) push-ups, 5 (8) squats- hold 15 seconds
    Check! Tuesday: 30 sec wall squat 30 sec plank repeat 5x (repeat 8x), 10(12) min stretching

    Does anyone fight through (that time of month) and just not feel like moving at all??
  • kellogsmscott
    kellogsmscott Posts: 67 Member
    Hey guys, sorry I'm late.

    I am Koko Kabama and I play for the dolly rockit rollers in the UK. I have been with the league since they began in January 2010 and have bouted numerous times.

    My thing is that I've actually gained weight since starting the sport and not in a muscle way either (except my legs which are solid).I guess the after party culture has caught up with me, and a massive increase in appetite.

    My goals are to drop 35lbs or the equivalent which will get me into a UK size 12. lift and separate shorts just aren't working for me at the moment. I also would like to have a stronger body as I have had a few injuries, back, knee etc and all take their toll.

    Hope everyone is doing well and I look forward to getting involved!

    Koko x
  • DavyRockhit
    My thing is that I've actually gained weight since starting the sport and not in a muscle way either (except my legs which are solid).I guess the after party culture has caught up with me, and a massive increase in appetite.

    Koko x

    I hear you on this... our league motto... we always win at the afterparty...eeeekkkk I used to go to Mc Donalds every night after practice and found a personal triumph when that wasn't the case. It seems like I my appetite is so huge after practice so I am just drinking tons more water. I also have been trying to do better about the afterparties... I had vodka and 7up which was half as many calories as my fav...the tequila sunrise! LOL all sugar. I should have only drank 1 but someone bought me the second... I'll stick to one next time, my personal goal

    Thanks everyone for putting personal stuff on here and I am so honored to have met you all.
  • DavyRockhit
    First day of school for so many & a day I make an even stronger commitment for health & endurance! I am going to try getting up early everyday for a 45min work out. Wish me luck =)
  • DavyRockhit
    Assessing my goals:

    Goal 1: Endurance skating for more than 90% of the time during our endurance drills at practice. Control my wide turns when crossing over on track.
    I am maybe at 80%, I bet I increased by 10% in the last couple of weeks, my wide turns are a little better but I am learning to use the diamond approach when doing laps.

    Goal 2: Speed, catch up to Jammer and other girls 50% of the time (currently when a girl goes to get by I can never catch her)
    I would like to accomplish these goals by two months… I have an interleague bout end of October and that would be a good time to gauge my progress.

    I noticed myself catching up to the Jammer better than ever before last week. I found as well that if I could stay on the inside and just get ahead of her on the track that helped too... except when getting out of play... which is tricky. I got a major during my bout for blocking out of play LOL

    How are you ladies doing with your goals?
  • jcannon15
    so i'm sorry i've been mia, life happened and i kinda went off the wagon but i'm back and after having my *kitten* kicked in practice i really need to buckle down.
  • DavyRockhit
    Hey all you wonderful roller derby people!

    Here is the link to week 3

    but FYI we will keep Week 0 open for people to introduce themselves and chat amongst ourselves as we see fit
  • jcannon15
    any of you lovely ladies skate outdoors and have a preferance on a wheel? i'm lost in a sea of wheels, i have omegas for my indoor wheels and absolutely <3 them!
  • BellaBones
    Hey Everyone,

    I would love to be a part of this :) I <3 Derby! I skate with San Diego Roller Derby, we have an A, B and C team and also a mens team. My name is Rockalishous and my number is 13. I have been skating on and off for my whole life of 34 years. I got turned on to derby a little over a year and a half ago and have been in the league now for one year and 3 months now. I play on our B team, which is the rockettes, and I just recently played on the A team in the Spudtown Knockdown tournament over labor day weekend.

    My goal is to never be satisfied that you have reached your maximum potential, there is always room for improvement. You can always hit harder, skate faster, get lower, have more finesse... the list is endless!

    With that said, my newest in new is going to jamming and becoming more solid with harder hits and lots of glutimous attackamous... :):)
  • BellaBones
    jcannon, Sugars from sure grip, awesomeness for outdoors, or Poisons.
  • rockrosie
    rockrosie Posts: 59 Member
    any of you lovely ladies skate outdoors and have a preferance on a wheel? i'm lost in a sea of wheels, i have omegas for my indoor wheels and absolutely <3 them!

    I like Radar Energy for outside. They're cheap so I don't feel bad about trashing them. They're very slim, so rocks & random road crap doesn't trip you up, and they're very soft, so you get good grip on crazy uneven roads.
  • DavyRockhit
    Hey Derby Girls, Nightmare on 95, the East Region Playoffs are available for free online... LIVE FEED :) on ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ so awesome
  • DavyRockhit
    Hey derby girls... lets revamp and figure out a way to support/challenge...not many responses to the daily challenges so maybe we should try something else out please post in week 0 with your ideas...maybe we will just make a one time a month thread where people can post all througout the month... IDK lets brainstorm
  • Davy_RockHit
    Meet your new friend TeamDerbyLife... more details to come
  • DavyRockhit
    Please view and bookmark the following blog to participate in exercise challenges...
    we will reply in the comments section as an easy way for people to communicate :)
  • Darkwolf95
    Hey all. I have been in this game for about 5 years. I am now 48 years old.
    I played for 3 years for Forest City Derby Girls and now play on the LOCO league.
    My goals are to reduce my weight, keep fit and keep loving derby (on wheels) for as long as i can.
    I am diabetic and use insulin but the doctors (unofficially) can only accredit my lack of complications to the fact that i skate.
    I am up for trying these challenges. :)
  • KimberLethal
    I would love to join. I am a skater from Delaware KimberLethal #67. My goal is to lose weight and stay fit for derby. My endurance has sky rocketed but My weight lose is stable because I love junk food. I need motivation to snack healthy.
  • RockNRollWeekender
    RockNRollWeekender Posts: 44 Member
    any of you lovely ladies skate outdoors and have a preferance on a wheel? i'm lost in a sea of wheels, i have omegas for my indoor wheels and absolutely <3 them!

    I seriously just bought those cheapy Sure Grip Aerobics through Sin City. I LOVE them. Skated 18 miles in them one day on a nice paved trail (as a part of my own challenge to skate 100 miles on my month off from derby).

    That's my 2 cents. :]