How do you stay motivated?



  • starwhisperer
    Music. If I have good music on my ipod I can make myself work out "just through this next song I love" and then since I am a music junky the next song is almost always a good one too. If I had to workout without my ipod I would probably pout the whole time.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I look at hot people whose bodies I'd love to have! lol seriously, if I find myself getting lazy I just need to watch a victoria's secret runway clip or something.
    Or I think of the next vacation I'm having where I'd love to look great in a bikini, or a social event or something.
    Health is the most important motivation, but it's kind of hard to SEE health, kwim? So I rely on these other little things. Maybe not the most noble motivations but they keep me going :)
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    I LOVE going to classes at the gym :happy: I have been going about 5 times per week, I just put it in my calendar as an appointment, I love the variety so I don't get board. I am also in the right mind set right now... I have really started logging all my food and exercise...cut way back on my wine :drinker: and stay active. Infact I am starting a Runnng 101 class next week! Im going to lose this weight for the LAST TIME!!!

    I love this motivates me too.....infact tonight I went to 2 classes!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: I thought just for a moment about not making the second class...all I could think of is MFP's and being able to tell them I did it!!!!

    Good Luck ~ Go for it
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    I've lost weight a few times over the years. However this time it's different. It's nearly effortless for me. I don't seem to struggle at all with watching food or working out. I'm almost to day 100. I think it's different this time for a few reasons.

    1) MFP and especially the mobile app. I LOVE IT! Keeping track of food has never been easier. MFP is wherever I am.

    2) These message boards. When I first started I read them every night. Mostly the success boards. Seeing people's pictures really motivated me. I could see through others what I could achieve. Every night before bed I read and saw others amazing transformations.

    3) Workouts with "days". This was new to me and I found this concept by accident, but I think it has been vital to my success. I started w/ 30DS, because this time I wanted to work with weights, not just do basic cardio like walking/jogging. 30DS is hot around here, it's short and it was $10. But there was something about the commitment to 30 days. I found myself not wanting to miss a day. 10 days later, I saw biceps toning. From there it went to "well if I saw changes in 10 days, imagine 30!!". That grew into doing Supreme 90 after 30DS was done. More changes, more days I don't want to miss. Crossing off days of a 90 day challenge have now become habit. Now I'm to the point where the changes I've seen in my body keep me going full steam ahead. Those changes are all I need to keep going. I can't wait to see how I am at the end! And after 3 months, I find something new so boredom isn't an issue.

    I'm just over half with S90 and I'm already looking to my next "workout"...P90X, Insanity, etc.