Eating junk food but still losing weight

Is this possible? I think I am addicted to junk food and wondered if I would still lose weight if I continued to eat it but stay within my calories............

Any comments?????


  • LittleFootHafner
    I would definitely try to cut back more and more each week.
    However, I tend to treat myself with smalls amount of chips and chocolate at least a few times a week (I almost always stay under my calories), and I am still losing! ;)
  • kiminoo
    kiminoo Posts: 12 Member
    My sister lost 15 lbs eating junk food, she just watched her calories and when that wasn't enough she watched her sodium too. But of course, try and eat more healthy foods too.
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    sure but I would be afraid my health would suffer......
  • Dee120hb
    Dee120hb Posts: 24
    You may lose weight, but it's not healthy. Not to mention it'll be harder to lose when you hit a plateau.
  • hails62
    hails62 Posts: 16 Member
    You may stay within your calorie intake but your fat and saturated fat could be well over, as junk food tastes sooo good because its full of fat :) you should always stay within your fat and sat fat goals for the day. Im big junk foody to, its been so hard but I've cut back. I still treat myself every sunday to a take out or some crisps/choc, but during the rest of the week I maybe have a choc biscuit or low fat crisps to stay under target.
  • ChezBubbles
    ChezBubbles Posts: 30 Member
    I am so happy to hear that!!! I am trying to add in some fruit and water etc but I don't want to give up chips!
  • NKF92879
    NKF92879 Posts: 601 Member
    I eat junk a few times a week, but I eat a smaller portion when I do. In the past when I gave it up completely, I only lasted a few weeks. Now, I've lost 4.1 pounds & my body fat's down 1%. It's taken me two and a half months, but I'm OK with slow progress as long as it's progress.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Is this possible? I think I am addicted to junk food and wondered if I would still lose weight if I continued to eat it but stay within my calories............

    Any comments?????

    Yes, as it is calories in vs. calories out. So you can lose weight eating junk, the problem with eating junk is you will not be healthy, no matter how much you lose.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    During my 85lb weight loss I ate alot of burgers and fries.... Still lost the weight. Guess it all depends on how much physical activity you are willin to put into it just to be able to eat it.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Of course you can. The question is should you?

    There was a study, probably about a year ago, by a college professor. He lost weight on the "Twinkie diet" eating twinkies and doritos. His numbers (i.e. cholesterol, blood pressure, etc.) also got better. However, no one knows what the long term effects are of such a diet. Despite this apparent success, the experts mostly agree that you should eat a balanced diet of mostly whole foods.

    Additionally, you will have a problem with hunger. Although right now, you may not feel extra hungry, it will happen. Fruits, veggies, lean proteins, complex carbs all help you to stay fuller longer with less calories than the empty carbs found in junk food.

    While eating only junk food and staying in your calorie range may cause you to lose weight, it is unlikely to help you to keep it off for the long term.
  • ChezBubbles
    ChezBubbles Posts: 30 Member
    OK, so maybe cut down and moderate rather than go cold turkey?
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    I am so happy to hear that!!! I am trying to add in some fruit and water etc but I don't want to give up chips!

    I slice up potatoes and microwave them for about 4 and a half minutes. If the slices are thin, you will get some really tasty chips.
  • craigwarren
    craigwarren Posts: 1 Member
    Of course you will. Its the calories that put weight on or off.
    But dont forget you are eating "junk". The effect on your body will not be good. If you doubt thsi watch the movie Supersize me, when the guys is actually killing himself eating this stuff
    Much better I think to decide that, say, friday is junk food treat day and have it only once.

    Best of luck!
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    you would lose faster eating healtier. and feel way better
  • jgic2009
    jgic2009 Posts: 531 Member
    It is possible--but junk food tends to have a lot of calories without making you feel full or providing any real nutrition. What that means is that somebody using the majority of their daily calories on junk food will get to eat a lot less food (and will feel much less satisfied) than somebody eating healthy foods to meet their calorie goal.
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    If chips are your junk food craving, there are a whole lot of alternatives to just a plain old chip. Reduced Fat or Light Pringles are good, just watch the serving size.... also, there are vegetable chips made from things like tomatoes and spinach and other dehydrated and puffed veggies or pita chips which tend to be a bit high in sodium, so check the labels. Also, do you eat something with the chips? Perhaps its something you could eat a different way. I'm a salsa junkie, but there are times I have to eat salsa with mini cheddar rice cakes or even on fresh cut veggies to save myself from the chips. :)
  • ChezBubbles
    ChezBubbles Posts: 30 Member
    This is really helpful stuff. Thanks so much guys. My main problem is lunch at work - I always take the easy option and go to the chippy. I'm then full up for the rest of the day though so end up skipping dinner.........
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    Did you ever do the mouse experiment in school? One mouse was fed chips and junk; the other a balanced muse diet. The junk food mouse lost weight, but also was more lethargic and lost muscle mass. His coat also was not as shiny. Be a shiny healthy mouse - cut back on junk food!
  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    Chips were and still are my biggest weakness, it is all about moderation for me. I still allow myself to have them but only a few at a time. I have tried and I just can't give up my chips lol
  • ChezBubbles
    ChezBubbles Posts: 30 Member
    Did you ever do the mouse experiment in school? One mouse was fed chips and junk; the other a balanced muse diet. The junk food mouse lost weight, but also was more lethargic and lost muscle mass. His coat also was not as shiny. Be a shiny healthy mouse - cut back on junk food!

    I wish there was a "like" button like you have on Facebook - :smile: