Eating junk food but still losing weight



  • MandaLen13
    MandaLen13 Posts: 151 Member
    It shouldn't be ALL about losing should focus on being healthy. I'm addicted to junk food too and I still allow myself the occasional treat but I have cut back alot. You will still lose weight if you stay within your calories but you're not doing much for your health. Try to cut back & good luck! I know its not an easy addiction to beat :)
  • jwaitman
    jwaitman Posts: 367 Member
    I am admittedly a sugar addict. I am not supposed to eat it because I actually have a sensitivity to it and border being allergic! However I do still need something sweet after a meal, so I try to eat healthy and have my sweets after I eat. I still lose.
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    I have a 'blip' at MacDonalds every now and again, and provided I stay within my cals, or burn it off with some cardio, it hasn't caused a problem for me. More so cheese sandwiches for me! I do agree with a lot of the other posts though, it'd probably be better if you weaned yourself off the junk food over time, as it's not just the cals but the other ill effects that will eventually bite you. Luck!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I eat fast food between once a week to occasionally a few times a week. I just make sure it fits into my calories and get in a good workout on those days. I've lost over 35lbs..

    I find myself desiring it less and less. Most of the time it's out of convenience and eventually I'll try to cut it all together...
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    Junk food is okay in moderation......maybe once or twice a week. Be sure to eat more healthy foods vs junk foods be aware of the sodium and bad fats also. Even in staying under your calories, eating too much junk food will not help to suppress hunger and because junk food tastes so good, you will be more tempted to eat more than just one serving.
  • ChezBubbles
    ChezBubbles Posts: 30 Member
    I am definitely seeing the light here guys. Since joining up I have already started eating more fruit and less chocolate.The last "sin" I need to kick is takeaways - McD's, KFC and the chip shop.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    It's definately possible. I have not given up any of my favorite junk food, and have lost over 70 pounds. I just switched my "all or nothing" thinking into "everything in moderation" and eat mostly healthy, but with some less-than-healthy treats here and there.
  • ursy87
    ursy87 Posts: 287
    This is really helpful stuff. Thanks so much guys. My main problem is lunch at work - I always take the easy option and go to the chippy. I'm then full up for the rest of the day though so end up skipping dinner.........

    Our chippy does more 'healthy' options. Soups, salads, wraps and stuff. My son came in with a bag of chips with salt and vinegar and they smelt amazing and I had one and tbh I was suprised when I didnt actually think it was all that great. I used to have fast food/takeaways prob 3 or 4 times aweek and now its not really bothered me.

    Maybe for lunchtimes you just have to try to be a bit more organised, its a pain, but it will be totally worth it.
    Good Luck
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Lots of people also find ways to make substitutions with things that aren't quite as unhealthy. A strong Mcdonald's fries craving might be replaced with baked or fried potatoes at home. I am a Reese's Peanut Butter cup fiend, so I make my morning protein shakes such that they taste a lot like that to me. They my not be the healthiest option in the world, but they're certainly better than the original craving. Looking at that coupled with moderation rather than elimination might make it easier to have a healthy diet. It's not just about losing weight, you want to lose weight AND improve your overall health and well being.
  • Punkedpoetess
    Punkedpoetess Posts: 633 Member
    It's definately possible. I have not given up any of my favorite junk food, and have lost over 70 pounds. I just switched my "all or nothing" thinking into "everything in moderation" and eat mostly healthy, but with some less-than-healthy treats here and there.

    I agree with this and I think cutting your portions, having things less, and finding healthier options for your favorite junk food items is better than giving up things altogether. Personally, completely giving them up sets me up for a binge later. Moderation and for certain things finding healther or lower calorie alternatives has been working for me so far as well.
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    Calories in vs calories out. You can lose weight while eating the crappy food, but you can't get healthy by eating the crappy food. To me, being healthy is much more important than what the scale says. Not that I never eat junk food, but its a luxury now, not the main source of my food intake.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,634 Member

    Yes, as it is calories in vs. calories out. So you can lose weight eating junk, the problem with eating junk is you will not be healthy, no matter how much you lose.
    Gotta dispell this myth. Your health is more determined by your genetics than what you eat. There are lots people who eat junk and are healthier (meaning cholesterol, blood pressure, lipid profile, etc.) people who eat healthy. Just because you eat healthy doesn't discard you from cancer if it runs in your family vs someone who has no family history of cancer and eats junk. The healthy person still has a higher chance of cancer since it's genetic.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,634 Member
    While you can do it, I would recommend that you center your diet around more whole foods since the nutrient value is higher. Get your essentials in from whole food, then eat what ever you want to after and stay under calorie goals. If your family history has issues with heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, etc. then you should cut back more.
  • Amysgetnfit
    Everything in moderation.if you're like me a junk food addict you will be miserable and set yourself up to fail by trying to .completely eliminate your treats. But find healthier versions and reduce quantity ov time. mit I feel better when I eat better.
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Your overall health is determined by weight more than anything else. I daily eat junkfood and I have gotten stronger, feel better than ever, and I am losing fat.
  • wendyc122005
    Don't forget that the carbs that are in most junk food will be used for your energy output until there is a surplus and then it will pack on the pounds. Definite possibility that you could have a surplus depending upon the junk you choose.

    I try to keep my junk food limited by using portion size. I literally measure and weigh. I also try to change up recipes and make them healthy or at least healthier. If all else fails, not much you can do with a chocolate frosted chocolate cupcake, I take a bite of my kid's. I get a fix and I don't feel guilty knowing that I didn't sabotage myself.

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  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    sure you can, but it's not the most nutritious. maybe allow yourself a treat a day? that's what i try to do right now :) and i find the less junk i eat the less i want it.
  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    I still eat my junk food. I portion control it. As long as my sodium is within range and I get enough protein I call it good. And no I don't "feel like crap" nor am I vitamin deficent. Oh, I avoid transfats like the plague but they are flat out super bad for you. But yes, I work out, I earn it, and I eat it.
  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    Double Post
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Well if you eat better it's easier to stay under your goal. But I think it's possible to lose while eating some junk. I eat McDonald's hamburgers, have chips, beer and ice cream....