Looking for fellow dog owners



  • Roxanne003
    My Golden goes with me every time there is mileage involved. I'd feel so guilty for walking or running without him!

    We both get exercise and a tired dog is a good dog, right? :wink:


    He's a very nice looking dog.
  • lcnelson
    lcnelson Posts: 279 Member
    Love this post! I have 3 boxers and 1 pit/boxer mix.(Yes that is the mix in the pic!)
    They love to go outside, but my seniors don't like to be out in this heat. My 5 year old however is another story!
    Tired dogs = perfect dogs:)
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I wish I could incorporate my dog into my exercises. He's got a neurological disorder though which makes him fall a lot, it would be a little difficult. Otherwise he'd be a great workout partner because as a boston terrier, he's all about the energy.
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    Peanut (my 23 week old Beagle) get a big walk 2-3 times per week, usually a distance of around four or five miles. She gets walked for around 20 minutes any other night.
  • celticdawn
    celticdawn Posts: 14 Member
    i have a akita she is 18months and weighs 100lb when we walk she tends to walk me lol. would love to here from akita/large breed owners for advice on this , she also wears a trainning harness which is suppose to stop pulling but she still does and she is very strong,:smile:
  • fieldfare
    Any walking logged in my exercise diary is dog-accompanied - we walk every day, rain (apart from the rare day-long torrential!) or shine, week days usually for about 45 mins but longer circular walks up to 10 miles at least once a week or more often if we can. Loads of coast and country walks around here and I love seeing what she gets out of a walk, great exercise for all of us too!
  • Roxanne003
    Took Sparky for a 43 minute walk this morning. Boy is it a beautiful morning! The sun is out and there is such a refreshing breeze that I put my arms out just to feel the breeze going over my skin and around my arms. I saw a road construction guy running his jack hammer. I felt sorry for the people that lived in the houses around where he was working.
  • Roxanne003
    Love this post! I have 3 boxers and 1 pit/boxer mix.(Yes that is the mix in the pic!)
    They love to go outside, but my seniors don't like to be out in this heat. My 5 year old however is another story!
    Tired dogs = perfect dogs:)

    He's a cutie!!!
  • Roxanne003
    Jada (my Beaglier) and I are in the process of C25K. We walk/run every night. She is 15 weeks so it wears her out which is a PLUS. I live in a small town but I would LOVE to find people in my area to do the same thing =)

    Count me in =)

    What is a C25K?
  • datguy2011
    datguy2011 Posts: 477 Member
    C25k is a running program designed to get you running a 5k... it stands for couch 2 a 5K
  • Roxanne003
    My shepherd is not quite 2, and walking is fine, but if I try run with him he decides to zig zag in front of me whenever he pleases! I have almost faceplanted many a time because of this :p

    You know I was paying attention to Sparky this morning and he zig zags all over the place too! Plus he has to stop at every tree, bush, weed, long blade of grass, flowers, leafs to sniff and then mark. He's such a card! :laugh:
  • Roxanne003
    C25k is a running program designed to get you running a 5k... it stands for couch 2 a 5K

    ohhh thanks for the lesson. :smile:
  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member
    i have a akita she is 18months and weighs 100lb when we walk she tends to walk me lol. would love to here from akita/large breed owners for advice on this , she also wears a trainning harness which is suppose to stop pulling but she still does and she is very strong,:smile:

    Try a Gentle Leader. I have a great dane/lab mix (125lbs) and it really helped when he was young. He's entering retirement so it's not needed any more but he gladly wears it to show our dobi (2yrs) that it's not so bad.

    It takes a little practice to get used to (both human and dog); "gentle" is the key word. No more yanking and pulling, you really just have to use a small amount of pressure to put them back in position but the trick is consistent reinforcement. You need to apply pressure 1-2sec after they start getting ahead of you. You almost have to anticipate when they are getting out of heal position. Proper fit is also key but it comes with a good instructional guide.

    Another drawback is non-dog people often think it's a muzzle, which it totally isn't. They can open their mouths to pant or drink or whatever.
  • celticdawn
    celticdawn Posts: 14 Member
    i have a akita she is 18months and weighs 100lb when we walk she tends to walk me lol. would love to here from akita/large breed owners for advice on this , she also wears a trainning harness which is suppose to stop pulling but she still does and she is very strong,:smile:

    Try a Gentle Leader. I have a great dane/lab mix (125lbs) and it really helped when he was young. He's entering retirement so it's not needed any more but he gladly wears it to show our dobi (2yrs) that it's not so bad.

    It takes a little practice to get used to (both human and dog); "gentle" is the key word. No more yanking and pulling, you really just have to use a small amount of pressure to put them back in position but the trick is consistent reinforcement. You need to apply pressure 1-2sec after they start getting ahead of you. You almost have to anticipate when they are getting out of heal position. Proper fit is also key but it comes with a good instructional guide.

    Another drawback is non-dog people often think it's a muzzle, which it totally isn't. They can open their mouths to pant or drink or whatever.
    thanks will try one
  • Roxanne003
    So sorry that I haven't been around lately. We were on a trip and sometimes I would have access, and sometimes I wouldn't. Well anyhow Sparky and me walked for 43 minutes today. We saw road crews working on water lines? Not real sure, saw some piping and they were doing something with water. Then we saw some neighbors up the street that are moving away. They have 3 dogs and Sparky was having fun saying hello to them. Well that's all for now. See ya tomorrow!:smile:
  • Goofy076
    Goofy076 Posts: 287 Member
    This is a awesome idea. I actually incorp my dogs into my work out. I have two dogs and I walk them around 3-5 miles a day.. Its so invigorating and not to mention tires my puppy out which is always a good thing LOL..
  • Roxanne003
    I'm thinking i should do my wii custom wo before i take Sparky out for his walk. Well anyhow we walked for 43 mins. It's nice out, starting to warm up. Now I need to take my son and get his hair cut and get a few more items before school starts. What am I going to do when I'm all by myself again, PARTY!!! :laugh:
  • Goofy076
    Goofy076 Posts: 287 Member
    Haha I feel ya, my and hubby r counting down till when school n daycare start lol
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    I have three monsters...err...dogs. We walk something between 6-10 miles a day, so that's no problem. I also deadlift and squat with my dogs (43, 50, and 63 lbs). And if you need yoga partners, mine are awesome. I'd love to join.
  • canadasaurus
    canadasaurus Posts: 30 Member
    I have a 1 year old pitt-something-something mix. She is brindle with a black tongue and takes up most of my attention. I try to walk her as much as I can, but she does NOT to well in the heat. On hot days I'm literally dragging her after the first half mile!! (and her tongue is draggin on the ground) Needless to say, I'm looking forward to some cooler fall weather!!!!