"H20" 70 Days Til Halloween - Week 1 & 2



  • ckriegs
    ckriegs Posts: 21
    Hey everyone! I’m really looking forward to this challenge. Right out of high school I lost about 20 pounds by starving myself and walking for hours a day. Since then, I’ve married and become busy with work and gained about 35 pounds. I’ve tried for several years to lose weight but I push myself too hard then give up a binge. This challenge should help me to stay motivated and lose weight in a healthy way. Looking forward to losing with all of you!!

    My Starting Weight from this morning: 164
    My Goal Weight in 10 weeks: 136

    Challenge 1: Try a new food or recipe. Made pasta with whole wheat noodles and broccoli last night. It was awesome!

    Challenge 2: Had a spa pedicure last night – so worth every penny!

    Challenge 3: Planning on the 30 Day Shred – hope to work it in tomorrow...

    My Three Positives
    + It’s Wednesday so the week is halfway over!
    + I am getting dinner with friends
    + I feel better today than I did yesterday
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    My Starting Weight from this morning: 313
    My Goal Weight in 10 weeks: 299

    Challenge 1: Try a new food or recipe. Meatballs and spaghetti: used ground turkey and panko for the meatballs. Made my own sauce(as always) using tomato paste that is only 20mg sodium and the crushed tomatoes very low sodium.

    Challenge 2: Bought myself some new purple PJ’s I have been wanting and in a size 3x loosely!!

    Challenge 3:Do not have any DVD’s BUT looking into the yoga/exercise videos

    My Three Positives
    1: Hubby comes home for two days so I really enjoy it.
    2:My daughter and son in law maybe moving closer to home(He is in the Army)
    3:lost some inches and one more pound.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Here's the Halloween spreadsheet!


    April, let me know if this is what you were thinking about re. crunches and miles. :)
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    I want in..Is it too late? Well my name is Jennifer and I am a stay at home mom, but will be going back to school next monday..yayyy.. My dd is 5 and my ds is 20months.

    So here are my stats:

    Height: 5'0
    Starting MFP Weight: 163
    Current Weight: 154
    Goal Weight: 130
    Ultimate Goal:120-125
    Goal 4 Halloweeen: 145
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Alright, time for my official intro.

    I'm Christine, or Pinky, and am one of the original members of H20. This group really got my better lifestyle kick started, so I'm very thankful and amazed that it is still going. Here we are, a full year later! Awesome.

    I'm 26, married, four fur babies, living in Southern California. I have a few different jobs...I work at a little scrapbooking/personalized gifts store, I have an online storefront where I sell jewelry that I make, I'm an Independent Scentsy Consultant, and I also work for a wine accessories/gift company. So I'm busy, but it is doing a bunch of different things. I like it. :)

    SW: 198.0
    MFP SW: 191.6
    CW: 165.2
    GW: 150

    I've learned that the scale isn't always the best source of measurement when it comes to finding success in weight loss. I like to go more by measurements and how my clothes are fitting. SO, my goal for Halloween is to be able to fit into more size 8 jeans. I have bought one pair (YAY!) at GAP that I've only worn once - for some reason I'm too scared to try and put them on again, in case they shouldn't fit anymore. :/ Mental games are the worst! But just so I have a scale # to strive for, I'm going to say 159. At 159, I'll be in the "Healthy" BMI range.

    Since April I have been bopping around between 163 and 165 pounds. A little bit of measurement change here and there, but I haven't had any major weight loss success. I know my problem, though, and it is that I've lost track making sure exercise is included in my daily routine. I've completely let it slip away. This is a good little experiment, though, because I know that the calories I'm eating now basically keep me in a maintenance mode. Lesson learned. :)
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I want to join, should I just put my info on the spreadsheet?

    My name is Karie and I am a stay at home mom of a beautiful 17 month old boy. I return to work Oct 1st so this challenge would be great. I am married to a great guy and we have been together for 11 years. I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer in 2005 but I know have that under control and I am ready to change my life.

    Here are my stats
    Joining MFP 233.8
    Current weight 221.8
    Halloween Goal 200
    GW 175

    I started another challenge here on MFP and it ends in 3 weeks so I would love to start a new challenge!
  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    I managed a 3.3 mile run this morning, on the first morning of my vacation, and it was GREAT at the beginning, where it was all downhill. I'm used to running on the prairies, where it's flat, and then there's more flat... So the downhill part at the beginning was great, and the flat part at the bottom of the mountain was great, but the beginning of the third mile, which was a very long, high hill (250 feet of vertical elevation) was BRUTAL. I was game to tackle it, but it kicked my butt. I had to walk the top half, and it seemed like it would never end.

    Mountains are not my friend.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Welcome new people and good luck all :)

    Its been a year and I did not know you were called Christine, Pinky :O Your post made me think maybe I should introduce myself also.

    I am Katy or bj (bjshooter is NOT rude, as many people seem to think, my poor unfortunate childs name is Bethany Jade Shooter). I am 28 years old, 29, on the 29th of Oct though, so halloween is important. I live in Sheffield England, its rather grey :(. I am a single mummy with two children, Bethany 9 and reuben 2 on Oct 30th ( I figure at two, you can't balme baby weight) so again, halloween is important. I have no job, dispite applying for roughly 50, its driving me mental. My degree is in Social Work and would prefer something related, but it has got to the point I apply for anything. I do have to find work that fits round childcare and not being very well. I have many bizarre illnesses, that no one seems to want to diagnose, I have CFS and Vertigo and they think I have something called postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, which I finally have a cardiology appointment for, it has been 9 months of waiting to get that bad boy. So I hope to feel better soon.

    Been in this group since the begining and love it, some people stay, some people go, some people may be slightly addicted :D My weight loss is slow with a million plateaus.

    SW 192
    H20 SW 173
    CW 140
    H20 GW 133
    GW 122

    I am on day 27 of the shred, so will bash that out then move on to 6 week 6 pack.
  • 321blueeyes
    321blueeyes Posts: 279 Member
    Hey everyone! I’m really looking forward to this challenge. Right out of high school I lost about 20 pounds by starving myself and walking for hours a day


    My Starting Weight from this morning: 164
    My Goal Weight in 10 weeks: 136

    ckriegs - I apologize if this oversteps, but 28 lbs in 10 weeks sounds like an awful lot? I will happily support your journey but please don't starve yourself in order to do so :)
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Ok, my turn. I am Linda. I am a mother of two teenagers, one boy who is totally testing my patience (love 19), and a 16 y/o girl who is my mini me. My hubby and I have been together 24 years...don't know where I would be without him.
    I started this journey here on MFP about 535 days ago. I originally lost 37ish pounds through logging my foods, walking, and biking. Then life happened. My hubby hurt his back, my work got stressful...and winter came with my seasonal affect disorder. Spring didn't come so I continued my depression. Along with that..I found about 25 of the pounds I lost.Thank goodness for meds...I am feeling much better. I am back somewhat...I haven't logged in a couple of days...
    I am a nurse who works on a very stressful post surgical unit at a hospital. Just these past two days...chocolate at the desk. Really? Do you really need to taunt me?
    I am also in the process of returning to school...starting on Oct 31. All online..in hopes of attaining my bachelor's degree in nursing.
    I do better with structure and support..these challenges will do me good.
    I have been with H20 for quite awhile now and I love these girls. So very supportive...new members seem to be awesome too. I hope they stick around!

    I did not weigh in this week...I usually do it on Mondays and I missed. So I will do next Monday. I also want to take some measurements...Christine says those are better than the scale numbers!

    Good luck to all...looking forward to losing with you!

  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    I would love to join if there is still room for me!!!

    My name is Tasha and I am a SAHM of a almost 15 month old son. I have been over weight of WAY too long and I am ready to lose it and I think this would be a great way to keep me focused when my other challenge ends soon.

    Here are my stats
    Joining MFP 286.5
    Current weight 277
    Halloween Goal 250
    GW 150
  • Hello there! My name is JoAnna, I'm new to the site, but saw the challenge and would like to join.
    My Stats are:
    SW: 171
    Halloween Goal: 155
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    WOW bunch of new posts. I gotta finish up a few things for my photography, and then Ill sit down and get back to everyone.. I just wanted to say thanks Pink.. the Spreadsheet is perfect!! Thanks again.. Youre great!
  • aprildauer
    aprildauer Posts: 168
    Ill introduce myself. I have been with the group off and on since last years halloween challenge. I love this group. I am a stay at home mom who also works in the home for a small cable company here in town. I have a son that will be 7 Oct 17 and a daughter who is 2 this saturday. I have been with my hubby for almost 5 years and married for little over 3. He doesnt really help with the whole supportive thing but thats just who he is. I still love him anyways. I have had a hard time with losing this weight and have fallen off the band wagon too many times. I have a new found motivation that I will lose this weight by next year. And just today I was asked to be a bridesmaid in a friends wedding so I have awhole new reason to lose this weight.

    Good luck all. And welcome newbies.
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    Guess my turn J my name is Molly and I am 53 married forever!!! With two fabulous daughters (25 and 22) and a wonderful son in law. Been with the group since the beginning and just loved it. I have had so many health issues but stay the course and keep on. Hang in there EVERYONE and welcome to all the new people!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,380 Member
    I might have totally missed this but are we suppose to be reporting our numbers back to here or where do you want us to keep track of them?


    I never added this
    MFP SW: 140
    CW: 132.2
    GW: 125
  • skinnyme4731
    skinnyme4731 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in!:flowerforyou:

    SW 278.2
    CW 267
  • khoran45
    khoran45 Posts: 91 Member
    Okay ladies (and any gents that may be on here).

    Starting weight 154 (9 lbs lost since I started on MFP!)

    Did 2.4 miles on the elliptical last nigt and 120 crunches.

    Three things grateful for (from Wednesday)
    1. My amazing romantic husband who brought me a gorgeous boquet of wild flowers.
    2. My awesome physical results showing my cholesterol has gone down enough to be in the healthy range (was about to be put on meds a little over a year ago)
    3. The strong motivational support on this website! THANK YOU!
  • ckriegs
    ckriegs Posts: 21
    Hey everyone! I’m really looking forward to this challenge. Right out of high school I lost about 20 pounds by starving myself and walking for hours a day


    My Starting Weight from this morning: 164
    My Goal Weight in 10 weeks: 136

    ckriegs - I apologize if this oversteps, but 28 lbs in 10 weeks sounds like an awful lot? I will happily support your journey but please don't starve yourself in order to do so :)

    No you're right. I always have huge goals and then become disappointed when I don't get anywhere near them. I really appreciate your input and should change my goal... even though I'd love to dream... New and more realistic goal: 150. Thank you so much for caring!! :-)
  • Julieash
    Julieash Posts: 95 Member
    I'm in :) I'M IN :) I need this motivation and a kick in the butt...

    So here's a bit of information about me.. my name is Julie and I am 35 years old, mom of 2 beautiful girls, Ashley is 16 and Byanka is 7. I am engaged to be married to Remi, we've been together for almost 3 years now and he's 27 years old.. ya got me a young one :) When I met him I was 124lbs, last summer I was up at 170lbs WOW I know... I went all the way down to 146lbs in March and right now I'm back up at 160lbs :( so I need a kick in the butt.

    Now I know I can do this :)

    Run/walk 150 miles (241 kilometers... I had to check lol I'm Canadian)
    1000 crunches
    1000 lunges

    Challenges for the next two weeks:

    Challenge 1: Try a new food, or recipe.
    Challenge 2: Treat yourself.
    Challenge 3: Try or retry a workout DVD. Repeat 3 times over the next 2 weeks.