Best way to lose weight without sports/running.

I was recently advised not to run or play sports because of a current back issue. I am worried this is going to hinder my weight loss. I AM allowed to walk! Which I will be doing daily. It's just the heavy/hard impact of running that really hurts me the next few days. So, any advice? I feel like I am trying to walk 40-60minutes daily, but that's really not burning that many calories. Any good wii games? I am loving the "just dance" games and I know I can burn extra calories - but I don't have the money to spend for the wii fit counsel right now.

Thanks for any advice!! :) Feel free to add me if you think we're in the same boat!!


  • starwhisperer
    I have a horrible back and have since my teens. Sometimes the treadmill makes it ache and then I stick to the elliptical for awhile. If they didn't say not to, the elliptical is pretty none impact and a great burn.
  • jalmond27
    I just bought my wife zumba fitness for the Wii for 40 dollars and she said it was fun and it looks like a good workout.
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    Many people have great results with just walking! Also, are you able to bike? My MIL was encouraged to bike when she had a back injury, but I assume that would depend on the injury and severity. Good luck!
  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    Bicycling would be great too.
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    walking is actually great, running is just a faster way to get it done (with some cardiovascular benefits). The truth is, weight loss is MOSTLY diet, you can reach your goal weight without exercising at all. Cardio just burns calories meaning you can eat more, or get a higher deficit, and lifting weights just strengthens your muscles (and builds them if you're eating a calorie surplus with protein).

    Also, try googling low impact cardio or low impact exercises. Things like elliptical machines or swimming might be perfect for you.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Swimming or stationary cycle...... if you have a back issue dancing type movements might be an issue as well - depending on how vigorous you dance I suppose....
  • ebramlett
    ebramlett Posts: 306 Member
    Any type of stationary bike should do the trick. I killed my back playing football. Mountain biking is all I can do. Running is too much of an impact for me. What about swimming?
  • ebramlett
    ebramlett Posts: 306 Member
    Swimming or stationary cycle...... if you have a back issue dancing type movements might be an issue as well - depending on how vigorous you dance I suppose....

    Beat me to it.
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    I bought a stand to turn my bike into a stationary bike and I do interval training. Best thing I ever did. No impact and twice the workout.
  • flutatious1
    flutatious1 Posts: 120 Member
    what about Zumba, the bike, stepper or random hills on the treadmill? My gym has treadmills that go up to a 30% incline.
  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    walking is actually great, running is just a faster way to get it done (with some cardiovascular benefits). The truth is, weight loss is MOSTLY diet, you can reach your goal weight without exercising at all. Cardio just burns calories meaning you can eat more, or get a higher deficit, and lifting weights just strengthens your muscles (and builds them if you're eating a calorie surplus with protein).

    Also, try googling low impact cardio or low impact exercises. Things like elliptical machines or swimming might be perfect for you.

    "The truth is, weight loss is MOSTLY diet, you can reach your goal weight without exercising at all"

    Agree..just eat less calories but make sure they are really healthy ones!!

    All the best!
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    Weightloss is 90% nutrition, so don't worry about not being able to run, etc. Walking is excellent exercise and you would do just fine with walking.

    For variety, how about swimming? What about aqua running if you want something more challenging or are not a good swimmer?

    Also, are you able to do any strength training? That could help rev the metabolism and tone you up. There are plenty of body weight only workouts you can do at home (push ups, sit ups (be careful of back), lunges, etc.)

    Pilates may be good to strengthen your core, which can sometimes help with back issues.
  • elkay13
    elkay13 Posts: 6 Member
    You guys are great! I am allowed to ride a recumbent bike - but a "regular" stationary bike has too much back flexion to be beneficial to me. I will probably try that once our schools gym opens back up - since I can read and bike at the same time :) And I haven't tried the incline on the treadmills yet. I'm interested to see if that will be painful.

    I would LOVE to swim, but the hours the pools are open just conflict with my schedule, and well, I've never been a swimmer.... Being a full time graduate student can really get in the way of the workout/weight loss.

    I have been doing Just Dance 2 - because it's a LOT of upper body and I can leave the lower body out - which decreases the impact.

    Thank you all :):)
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Definitely swimming. Elliptical, stationary bike?
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I feel your pain. I was really super active and played soccer throughout high school until I blew out both of my knees in my jr. year. The doctors told me I would likely never be able to run again unless I get a knee replacement in both of them... yeaaaaaah. Since then I've also developed fibromyalgia, which also hinders my ability to do certain things :(

    Walking DOES help! The general rule is around 10,000 steps per day for weight loss, which is typically around 5 miles. I've noticed a difference doing just under 3 miles a day along with some other, more fun and engaging, form of exercise (yoga, swimming laps until I feel I'm going to collapse, etc).

    Are you able to do yoga or swim with your back?

    I'm sending along a friend request since I totally know what you're going through :) Keep your chin up; there are definitely things out there that you can do!

    Edit: Argh, the detriments of taking to long to write a post: everyone beat me to the swimming thing! :P
  • cowboydan43
    cowboydan43 Posts: 306 Member
    If you can do a treadmill even walking at a brisk 3.5 or 3.8 or even 4 but upping the incline can get your heart rate way up. Combine that with doing intervals of high incline and low incline and you can burn more calories than just walking a brisk pace alone.
    My mom has bad knees (among other things) and swimming is her godsend.
    Best of luck to you!

    edit: Oops I was too slow& sound like a broken record.
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Swimming and yoga, It could also help out with your back.
  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185
    I have knee problems so walking for exercise can even be difficult. I love the elliptical. It's the only way I can get a decent calorie burn. I enjoy food too much to just diet. I need to burn too. I eat pretty healthy though.
  • _David_
    _David_ Posts: 476 Member
    Swimming and yoga, It could also help out with your back.
    Gonna start swimmimg myself
  • _David_
    _David_ Posts: 476 Member
    Swimming and yoga, It could also help out with your back.
    Gonna start swimmimg myself