Novice Runner Challenge *100 Miles In September*



  • For those of us technically challenged I'm on ticket tracker but can't figure out how to build the tracker and then import it to me signature. Help. :embarassed:
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    I cannot add another Ticker at this time as I already have two up so I will just keep a running log on here using this format. It's not pretty but works for me. I am also posting a view of my routes if anyone wants to take a look.
    9/1-9/7: TH miles 11.62 Fri miles Sat Miles Sun miles Mon miles Tu miles Wed miles Total
    9/8-9/14: TH miles Fri miles Sat Miles Sun miles Mon miles Tu miles Wed miles Total
    9/15-9/21: TH miles Fri miles Sat Miles Sun miles Mon miles Tu miles Wed miles Total
    9/22-9/28: TH miles Fri miles Sat Miles Sun miles Mon miles Tu miles Wed miles Total
    9/29-9/30: TH miles Fri miles Sat Miles Sun miles Mon miles Tu miles Wed miles Total

    Monthly Total so far: 11.62 miles
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    Though I did want to do this challenge, I wasn't thinking at all when I jumped right in..........I will be on vacation for 2 weeks this month, so I highly doubt I'll be able to make 100 miles. Sorry.

    Do what you can do my dear. We are only accountable to ourselves. If you go 5 miles, that is more that most people. Join in.
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    5 mi interval run this morning.
    95 to go!
  • JasonD334
    JasonD334 Posts: 94 Member
    For those of us technically challenged I'm on ticket tracker but can't figure out how to build the tracker and then import it to me signature. Help. :embarassed:

    I think I may see your first problem :) Try going to, and then you will just enter your data, copy the source code provided, and copy this into your signature on MFP. Send me an email if you need more instruction.

    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    6 yesterday and 3 this morning - heading to Northern Maine for a long weekend of camping. Planning to climb that mt I've only been looking up at for years! Have a goal to log 5 miles a day over the holiday weekend.

    Make it a great day all!
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    5 miles
    the heat prevented more
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    Just what i needed.i am training for a half in September. Looking forward to doing 100 miles. :flowerforyou:
  • Oplesandbanonos
    Oplesandbanonos Posts: 99 Member
    Didn't get to run today, my boyfriends daughter is here for the weekend and we played outside and jumped on the trampoline. does that count? haha I'll probably have to go to work early for some me time on the treadmill.
  • Though I did want to do this challenge, I wasn't thinking at all when I jumped right in..........I will be on vacation for 2 weeks this month, so I highly doubt I'll be able to make 100 miles. Sorry.

    Do what you can do my dear. We are only accountable to ourselves. If you go 5 miles, that is more that most people. Join in.

    That's true I suppose. I could try to get 50 before the 2nd half of Sept. :)

    Guess I'm off to tickerfactory to log what I've done so far.
  • LongRunner77
    LongRunner77 Posts: 71 Member
    Long run done for the week...time to enjoy the holiday weekend...
  • im up to 11 miles i think had a great 3 miles today:) whoop whoop going for 5 tomorrow:) good luck every one and happy trails
  • lcnelson
    lcnelson Posts: 279 Member
    Im In!! Took me longer to figure out the exercise ticker than it did to run all of these miles!

    10 on Thursday, 4 on Saturday and just finished 6 this morning.

    I am super excited to have this as a motivator!
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Adding ticker later but I have 10 so far.
  • hows everyone doing? i got 4 more miles today!!! happy trails all:)
  • I had an awesome weekend all!!! I ate a bit too much... But I plan on getting back on track today starting with my 5 mile run! Happy running....

    September Running Miles!!!
    9/1 – 3 Miles
    9/3 – 7 Miles
    9/5 – 5 Miles
    Total for September = 15 miles!
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    I cannot add another Ticker at this time as I already have two up so I will just keep a running log on here using this format. It's not pretty but works for me. I am also posting a view of my routes if anyone wants to take a look.
    9/1-9/7: TH miles 11.62 Fri miles6.37 Sat Miles0 Sun miles0 Mon miles0 Tu miles Wed miles Total
    9/8-9/14: TH miles Fri miles Sat Miles Sun miles Mon miles Tu miles Wed miles Total
    9/15-9/21: TH miles Fri miles Sat Miles Sun miles Mon miles Tu miles Wed miles Total
    9/22-9/28: TH miles Fri miles Sat Miles Sun miles Mon miles Tu miles Wed miles Total
    9/29-9/30: TH miles Fri miles Sat Miles Sun miles Mon miles Tu miles Wed miles Total

    Monthly Total so far: 17.99 miles
    Took a few days off for the Holidays, but will be racking up the miles the rest of the month
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    At 33 miles for the month already. We climbed 2 mountains this weekend. The first was only 1,000 ft but it was a nice steep path up and we jogged down which was a lot of fun. The second was 3,200 feet and very tough. We were caught in a thunderstorm at the peak which was really exciting (and a little scary) but the climb down was slippery and dangerous. All 3 of us took at least one good digger. Felt very invigorated after these hikes. This could be addicting!

    Hoping to motivate myself & get some jogging in this week. Keep up the great work everyone!
  • witchymama77
    witchymama77 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm here! lol.
    I had a rough start to the month.. jacked my rotator cuff and a rib last week, but hope to be better this week :)
  • demery12371
    demery12371 Posts: 253 Member
    9-1: Ran 3.04 miles
    9-2: Ran 2.26 miles
    9-3: Ran 7.38 miles
    9-4: Day off
    9-5: Ran 3.05 miles
    9-6: Ran 1.30 miles (so far)

    Hope everyone is starting off good :)
    Have a great running/walking week!