advice on clothes that no longer fit



  • finabella
    finabella Posts: 176
    DO NOT KEEP THEM!! You are never going to fit into them again, so have anything you love altered to fit you and give the rest to good will.

    I thought the same thing with a few dresses I had. I was getting them altered and was thinking that I would tell the alterations lady not to cut the material out. Then I gave myself a mental slap and said you are not going to need to take those dresses out EVER EVER again!!!
  • teasdino
    teasdino Posts: 228 Member
    Dont look at it as 'throwing away'. Giving them to your favorite charity is more like you helping someone less fortunate.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    I'm a realist, and have been overweight for a long time. Although I never want to get back into my old larger clothes, I have packed them all up in bins and have them stored in the basement. If, after 12 months I am still at my lower weight, I'll donate them. Unfortuately, statistics show that nearly 80% of us will regain all or part of the weight we have shed. So, I'm not ditching anything until I know I'm part of the 20% that succeeds in keeping it off.
  • mccrockl
    mccrockl Posts: 55 Member
    The last two times I have lost weight I had major life changes (change of country then change of school & therefore state) and the changes disrupted everything including my weight loss. Although I think this time I can keep going and then hopefully even maintain, I have kept a few of my clothes. I donate the stuff I never really loved anyway and keep the best. It really helped the last two times I regained. I don't feel like it makes a huge difference because I still LOVE fitting in smaller clothes.
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