what are you like at the gym



  • Mikesrobin
    Mikesrobin Posts: 44 Member
    :laugh: I talk to people if they want to talk. It passes the time for me. My husband and I are working out together so we discuss what is going on in our life. Another lady shows up about 15 minutes into our workout and we start talking to her. Pretty soon 45 minutes have gone by and we are about done with our workout. It is a great way to pass the time. I know some people like to be left alone so if they have head phones with them or seem to be watching the TV in the gym I don't bother them.
  • corpus_validum
    corpus_validum Posts: 292 Member
    Though I'm generally a happy, go-lucky person, I'm pretty focused at the gym so people generally don't approach me.

    Either that, or I may look uptight cuz I'm trying to hold a load of gas from bursting out.
  • raaynes
    raaynes Posts: 58
    I'll smile at someone I know, but that's about it. I'm fully engrossed in the workout at hand. I get very into my music during running - I've been known to sing and fist-pump the air when the music gets good.
  • dipsl19
    dipsl19 Posts: 317 Member
    I am the leave me alone and don't talk to me type! I am not there to chat, it's not a dating game, I have one goal in mind! With that said most of the time I am at the gym to teach so I guess I have to be social during those times lol

    OMG speaking of, when i was still single my mom would actually ask me if there were any cute guys at the gym.

    its a GYM! i go there to sweat and get gross, not pick up dudes haha
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    LOL... I'm so focused at the gym that I am pretty sure if someone tried to chat with me, I would take off my headphones, turn to them and asked them if they want to get cut!!! With a crazy look in my eyes!!

    Like this!!!!


    Haha, Julie!
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I'm red faced, covered in sweat, most likely smell and I'm all about business....I'm not there to chat...I might check out the booty that is around though...ladies beware!
  • thegymbunny
    thegymbunny Posts: 602 Member
    I don't to anybody, I don't make eye contact.

    I workout, get my stuff done and leave.
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    I'm the most awesome person at my gym.

    You don't go to my gym anymore?
  • Wileyjoe
    Wileyjoe Posts: 282
    I go to the gym for the competition and try to outdo whoever is on the machine next to me.

  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    i'm usually tucked off in a corner or in the private training room (when no one is having a personal training session) and emerge covered in sweat. i usually avoid eye contact with others because i look a hot mess when i go and i'm not trying ot make friends there. headphones are usually always on.
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    This is exactly me!
    I am the scared and out of my element type person in the gym,
    I am curious about all the equipment, but afraid to try something new.
    I am a people watcher, I am fascinated by the way people get into their workouts and I am envious of the people who are "on a mission" I strive to be like them.

    Get out there and try the machines! I used to be like this :-P get in and get on the treadmill and then leave. It did nothing for me. Go try the machines or weights - with a trainer or someone that can help you first though. You'll feel so much more accomplished and actually want to jump in.

    When I'm doing cardio or lifting I'm pretty into it. I usually have my music on and am trying to improve on my last gym session but if someone comes by and wants to talk I'll talk. I have a few friends that go to the same gym so we'll try classes together though.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I'm the most awesome person at my gym.

    You don't go to my gym anymore?

    I thought I was you?
  • malvakai
    malvakai Posts: 32
    I am the scared and out of my element type person in the gym,
    I am curious about all the equipment, but afraid to try something new.
    I am a people watcher, I am fascinated by the way people get into their workouts and I am envious of the people who are "on a mission" I strive to be like them.

    Me too.

    But I found a gym with a free trainer (Planet Fitness) and I'm slowly learning the equipment and gaining faith in myself.
  • ma34113
    ma34113 Posts: 93 Member
    im really friendly i can talk doing anything...i prefer to go with a friend at the same fitness level or just by myself...i just feel awkward when there are people who are super intense and are lifting weights "grrr aaaahhh ughhhh" noises its ver distractinga nd makes me laugh :laugh:
    but i dont rlly like it on the days when i feel like everyone is watching me :blushing: i get nervous and have total blonde moments cuz im a little on the shy part about how i look working out " sweaty red face nastyness" haha
  • jonniemarie1
    jonniemarie1 Posts: 77 Member
    it depends... when i'm doing some light cardio, like just walking, i'm able to talk... but if i'm running, i'll sweat all over you if you come near me =)...
    for the most part, when i weight train, I dont talk to anyone... sometimes my old trainer works out with me, but one of the gyms i go to is very personal, and is very small, so there aren't many people there, so i am able to talk inbetween circuits... But if I spend more than an hour at the gym, i know it took me too long to work out and I need to speed it up... so now that i just bang my sets out and amped up my cardio... I can't last for more than an hour!
  • nurse_christieyne
    If I take a class, then I will chat till the class begins. While the class is going on however do not talk to me. Afterwards, I will chat away again.
    If I am on the treadmill, forget about it. I have my Ipad with a mix of videos. I put my headphones on and jam out while I am walking/running. If you come and talk to me, I would probably just ignore you. Not to be mean, but I am there to work out not socialize. I have friends to socialize with when I am not at the gym.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    i am red-faced, panting, covered in sweat, mouthing along to my music and ignoring everyone else. i do smile if someone makes eye contact, and i do wipe down the machines; but i am not there to socialize, i am there to WORK. and i don't have much time to do it.
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    i'm a people watcher when i'm on the treadmill or elliptical. it's always interesting watching everyone interacting the gym. i've been taking a couple of exercise classes and i'm starting to be friendly with the regulars in there. it's a slow process but i just try to be nice to everyone.
  • alex215
    alex215 Posts: 518 Member
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    I'm not chatty. If someone says something to me or if I recognize someone I'll know, I'll respond or say hello, but I have music blasting and I'm focused on what I'm doing.