When you workout at home...

say to like a dvd, do you wear shoes? for some reason I cannot wear shoes when I work out! I seem to move more and faster when I am barefoot!


  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    I never wear shoes when I work out at home.....never
  • Seaki
    Seaki Posts: 9
    I always have bare feet when I work out at home :smile:
  • cweiler4
    cweiler4 Posts: 374 Member
    Always barefoot!
  • sunshinestorm
    sunshinestorm Posts: 81 Member
    I don't wear shoes, I'm working out in my carpeted living room. I've thought about this and it might be better on my feet to wear shoes, but I would definitely wear them if I had a hard surface I was working out on such as hardwood floors. I'm on the 3rd floor of my apartment and I don't want to disturb my neighbors below with my early morning workouts!
  • sarahkova
    sarahkova Posts: 245 Member
    ALWAYS wear shoes for working out..in fact I have a pair of shoes with clean socks sitting on the dog kennel for tomorrow morning.

    I need the support for my arches.
  • JulieBoBoo
    JulieBoBoo Posts: 642
    it depends on the workout
  • Im so glad to see this topic. I do a couple different DVDs at home on a carpeted surface. And I've seriously been considering doing it in barefeet because some moves (30 Day Shred - cardio butt kicks specifically) I feel like my feet are glued to the floor because of the carpet!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    I tried wearing shoes for like Just Dance kind of stuff, but on the carpet I found it annoying trying to do the moves in my sneakers. For like strength training and anything high impact like jumping or running in place on my Wii Fit, shoes are a must.
  • M77308
    M77308 Posts: 183
    I always wear shoes. For some reason it hurts my feet if I don't - maybe I just need the extra support.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I do high impact aerobics so always wear trainers (shoes?) for that, to cushion impact.

    For resistance training, or yoga or stretching, I dont bother/need to :bigsmile:
  • idiocracy
    idiocracy Posts: 275 Member
    Barefoot on the yoga mat. Doing Nike Training Club.
  • U usually don't wear shoes unless I am doing plyometrics. When I do plyo's I feel sneakers cushion my landing.
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    I`ve got laminate floor and wear wii socks they have little pads on the bottom so I don`t slip
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I have to have shoes on, otherwise I slip.
  • suzieb1971
    suzieb1971 Posts: 312 Member
    yep, i wear my trainers. for some silly reason, i dont feel right exercising without them, haha.
  • melissaga79
    melissaga79 Posts: 8 Member
    I don't like to wear shoes either. I like doing the walk-a-mile dvds with the 1,2,3, or 4 mile walks. I always do them barefoot at home and in my office on my lunch hour :)
  • Amyding115
    Amyding115 Posts: 120
  • conidiring
    conidiring Posts: 230 Member
    I work out in the concrete floor in my basement, so I do wear shoes for my cardio...when I'm doing stretch and stuff like that I do it upstairs on the carpet and let me toes breath! :)

    I should also say that I'm a barefoot aholic otherwise, if shoes are not necessary (work, stores, restaurants, etc. ) my feet are free and happy!
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,850 Member
    when i work out at home i am nearly ALWAYS in the buff. maybe a sports bra, maybe shoes depending on what i'm doing. but most likely, in the nude.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Insanity - Yes, cross trainers.
    Weight lifting - Yes, either pair of tennis
    Yoga - Never
    Parkour - Yes, cross trainers usually - we have lots of weeds in the yard.

    We have carpet directly over concrete. If there was ever padding, it's long since disappeared.