Sugar in milk

Great, I've reached my limit on sugar for the day and its only lunch time. Why? Because I had a cup of milk. 16 grams of sugar. 16! Is there milk out there that has less sugar? Perhaps organic, soy, almond milk? Or is milk sugar natural and not as bad as processed sugar? HELP!


  • staceyb00
    staceyb00 Posts: 43 Member
    Unsweetened Almond milk has no sugar - I put alittle Stevia in mine - it's really good.
  • katiekido
    katiekido Posts: 26 Member
    I have the same problem - I'm ALWAYS over my sugar limit by lunchtime. Are the sugar limits realistic on here?
  • sleepy7
    sleepy7 Posts: 104
    organic silk (soy) milk has 1 gram of sugar in it, but yes milk has way too much sugar. i end up drinking sugarless hot tea with a lemon wedge instead
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    I don't even bother looking at sugars. Yes milk has them, but it also has 8g of protein. Almond milk only has 1g of protein.
  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    I don't even bother looking at sugars. Yes milk has them, but it also has 8g of protein. Almond milk only has 1g of protein.

    I don't pay attention to the sugars too much either. Greek yogurt and a banana sets me over for the day.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Great, I've reached my limit on sugar for the day and its only lunch time. Why? Because I had a cup of milk. 16 grams of sugar. 16! Is there milk out there that has less sugar? Perhaps organic, soy, almond milk? Or is milk sugar natural and not as bad as processed sugar? HELP!

    Try not to pay much attention to the sugar in milk (lactosse) or in fruit, the amount MFP shows should be the limit for added sugar, but there is no way to break out natural and added, which is why I don't track sugar on my diary.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    It's lactose. It has a high glycemic index, but a low glycemic load.
  • lguy29
    lguy29 Posts: 131
    Thanks everyone!
  • craziekc
    craziekc Posts: 3 Member
    I'd definitely try Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Milk. They have a sweetened and unsweetened version. Personally I've only used it for protein shakes, but it wouldn't hurt to try it over processed milk. 7g sugar for the original sweetened flavor.

    This is a good read about simple and complex carbs and mentions milk:
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Unsweetened almond milk. Make it your new best friend.
  • FitRodr
    FitRodr Posts: 353 Member
    I drink Silk Light Soy Original 1 cup = 4 grams! I thought I'd hate it but I really got used to it and now don't even want regular milk.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,241 Member
    I don't even bother looking at sugars. Yes milk has them, but it also has 8g of protein. Almond milk only has 1g of protein.

    I don't pay attention to the sugars too much either. Greek yogurt and a banana sets me over for the day.

    Same here. I frankly don't pay much attention to my macro nutrients either. The human body is amazingly adaptable and frankly the bigger problem for most people in the developed world is too many calories, not their macro nutrient breakdown.
  • Jenncoc86
    Jenncoc86 Posts: 203 Member
    Unsweetened Almond milk has no sugar - I put alittle Stevia in mine - it's really good.
    LOVE<LOVE<LOVE Stevia!!!!!
  • pixiechick8321
    pixiechick8321 Posts: 284 Member
    I feel the same way - honestly the way I look at it is that if I didn't add sugar (ie, brown sugar in my oatmeal) or the food isn't processed (ie cookies, granola bar), then it doesn't "Really" count. Yogurt, milk, fruits, veggies...that stuff will put you over SO fast but it's really not bad. My one green apple is 17 g of sugar - add that to my 1/2 cup yogurt (8 g) and 3 oz baby carrots and I'm over...but who would tell me not to eat those foods? - it's more refined sugar and it's one thing I wish MFP would do better at.

    So either, at the end of the day, subtract all the "good sugars", and then see if you are over - OR just ignore it and realize that you should minimize any sugar that's not already in the food. Be careful though because some milk (Even almond, rice, etc) and some yogurt and some fruit (Think canned) will ADD sugar to the original - you want the pure stuff, anything added is bad.
  • callmeBAM
    callmeBAM Posts: 450 Member
    Skim milk has more sugar than whole milk. That's why I never drink sissy *kitten* skim milk.
  • sbfray
    sbfray Posts: 2
    I was worried about this to. Basically what I found out is that the natural sugar (Lactose) in milk, is nothing to worry about . The protein that you get with it counteracts the sugar blood spike that would cause your body to store the sugar as fat. here is a site that might help you. The following is copied from it--Sugar is certainly not your enemy. Refined and processed sugars are! Consume a protein and a whole, unprocessed carbohydrate with every meal, and add healthy fats to your diet. If these meals happen to contain some natural honey or cane juice, don’t sweat it! Eat 4 – 5 servings of fruit and or vegetables each day – there are far too many healthy compounds in these foods to pass them up out of fear of the natural sugar contained within.
  • terrievacek
    terrievacek Posts: 1 Member
    I need the milk because of the calcium. I have osteropenia and want to make sure I get the calcium I need but I as well as everyone else keep going over on my sugar. I've spoken to a nutritionalist several years ago and she told me not to drink milk because of the sugar. I am a picky eater and do not each cheese or yogurt so I'm very limited on how to get my calcium. I've switche to skim no there's no fat but it doesn't help with the sugar.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Why are you tracking sugar? Unless you have some type of issue where excessive sugar causes you other problems just quit looking at it. I don't track it at all, it doesn't show up on my diary. If your goal is weight loss just stay at or under your calorie goal.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I'd definitely try Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Milk. They have a sweetened and unsweetened version. Personally I've only used it for protein shakes, but it wouldn't hurt to try it over processed milk. 7g sugar for the original sweetened flavor.

    This is a good read about simple and complex carbs and mentions milk:

    What do you mean by "processed milk"? Are you implying that the milk produced from a cow's tit is somehow more processed than "milk" somehow produced from an almond?
  • anna99c
    Well, I tried almond milk and thank you but no thank you. I'm not big on milk anyway, but I need some into my morning coffee.