The Diamond Challenge: Round 5: Wk 1 - Little Diamond's



  • northernchic
    northernchic Posts: 117 Member
    Question of the Day: Friday

    What do you want to be when you grow up?

    Hi ladies!
    Sorry this is so late...gettin' ready for some good ole New England tropical weather :-)

    When I grow up I want to have my own ponies for parties business…"Oodles of Doodles Ponies for Parties"...I would only “employ” rescued ponies!!! HOW FUN!!!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Question of the Day: Friday

    What do you want to be when you grow up?

    Occupationally I want to be a software product manager right now.

    Overall I'd like to be NOT BROKE - we're buying a house in like 2 weeks and we are going to be totally totally 0 dollars in cash in the bank BROKE. Never been broke in my life (seriously) and its freaking me out a little.

    Fitness wise I'd like to be 15% bodyfat or less but I think I'll settle at a lot higher.
  • northernchic
    northernchic Posts: 117 Member
    I just wanted to share something with the of my old Diamond Dolls friends (I wish I could remember WHO so I could give her props!!) would draw a diamond on the inside of her wrist to remind her of her sparkling support system when she was reaching for something that perhaps she shouldn't or just needed a visual reminder when things got weekends are definitely hard for me, I will be sporting one and thinking of all my lil diamond friends!!!! Have a fun/happy/SAFE weekend everyone!!
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    What do you want to be when you grow up?

    My answer has always been "teacher" and that is what I am. But, I've always had dreams beyond teaching and with as stressful as my job has been lately, I'm being reminded of those dreams again. I would also love to be a published author/poet. I write poetry and I have been told that it is good enough for publishing. I have thought about getting my PHD and becoming a college professor as well. And, now that I am such a part of the school where I work, I have thought about becoming a high school counselor. Knowing me though, I'll probably always be a teacher.
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    I just wanted to share something with the of my old Diamond Dolls friends (I wish I could remember WHO so I could give her props!!) would draw a diamond on the inside of her wrist to remind her of her sparkling support system when she was reaching for something that perhaps she shouldn't or just needed a visual reminder when things got weekends are definitely hard for me, I will be sporting one and thinking of all my lil diamond friends!!!! Have a fun/happy/SAFE weekend everyone!!

    That is such an awesome idea. Since I've joined the challenge, i've been seeing diamonds everywhere!!
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    I just wanted to share something with the of my old Diamond Dolls friends (I wish I could remember WHO so I could give her props!!) would draw a diamond on the inside of her wrist to remind her of her sparkling support system when she was reaching for something that perhaps she shouldn't or just needed a visual reminder when things got weekends are definitely hard for me, I will be sporting one and thinking of all my lil diamond friends!!!! Have a fun/happy/SAFE weekend everyone!!

    That's a cuteee idea & definitely workable ;) m gona do it too
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Question of the Day: Friday

    What do you want to be when you grow up?

    I have a degree in Interior Design and would love to actually have an interior design job. But my current creative outlet is making jewelry. I would love to own my own business someday. I do actually have a business license and do sell me jewelry. But it's just very small scale right now. Hopefully one day it will be a big business. And hopefully I will be able to get back into interior design once the industry and economy are better.

    I have been thinking of back up choics just in case. I've thought about going back to school for either a business or an education degree. So I will just have to wait and see what the future holds for me.

    I'm hoping to be a mother too. My husband and I have officially decided to start trying in Spring / Summer of next year. I also want to be a runner and be healthy.

    We are closing on our first home in 2 weeks and it has bland beige carpet, bland pergo flooring, and home-for-sale bright white walls (like the color of primer) and I just spent like an hour on HGTV flipping through pictures and saying "this color? This color? Ths color?" to my honey since I want to paint before we move in. So if I suddenly start linking paint chips in my friends feed you KNOW I am talking to you.

    haha, we have no taste, its probably going to look horrible or equally bland.
  • LittleDiamonds
    I just wanted to share something with the of my old Diamond Dolls friends (I wish I could remember WHO so I could give her props!!) would draw a diamond on the inside of her wrist to remind her of her sparkling support system when she was reaching for something that perhaps she shouldn't or just needed a visual reminder when things got weekends are definitely hard for me, I will be sporting one and thinking of all my lil diamond friends!!!! Have a fun/happy/SAFE weekend everyone!!

    OH my gosh, this has to be the cutest idea ever. I am going to do the same thing!
  • carteremma
    carteremma Posts: 52 Member
    I just wanted to share something with the of my old Diamond Dolls friends (I wish I could remember WHO so I could give her props!!) would draw a diamond on the inside of her wrist to remind her of her sparkling support system when she was reaching for something that perhaps she shouldn't or just needed a visual reminder when things got weekends are definitely hard for me, I will be sporting one and thinking of all my lil diamond friends!!!! Have a fun/happy/SAFE weekend everyone!!

    OH my gosh, this has to be the cutest idea ever. I am going to do the same thing!

    Me too!! I will be drawing one on as soon as I can find my sharpie!!

    Happy weekend to all the Diamonds, I hope you are having a good one and making sensible choices!! Has anyone done anything this weekend that they want to share?

    Today (Sunday) I wane for a walk with some friends, one who has just had a baby and then we went for a lovely Sunday Lunch in a local pub. We spent about 4 hours sitting, talking, eating and catching up. With my friends sleeping baby in my arms and my friends around I felt very happy and it was a great Sunday all in all!!
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    Hey Diamonds,

    I live near the river in Philly, and the hurricane had a major impact. I thought I would share the pictures I took in front of my house:

    The street:


    This is where I usually go for my run:




    My house and the items in it are fine, although I'm pretty sure there is flooding in the basement.

    Keep Shining!
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    Try to stay dry Jamaica

    Love the idea of a diamond on the wrist.

    my notewothy moment of the weekend was after doing a run with my sister. She's a very fast, long term runner who is slowing way down to run the half with me next week - she's one of those who has never had a weight problem and just cuts back on beer or runs a little more if she ever sees a slight scale change (and yes her 3 sisters who've had the weight issue do hate that!)... after our run, I was doing my usual stretching and she looks at what I'm doing and responds with "oh my, I can't do THAT! apparently in spite of her fitness level, she has little flexibiliy and can't even think about touching her toes, which I was doing and have been for a while. have to admit that felt pretty good!
  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
    Hey Diamonds,

    I live near the river in Philly, and the hurricane had a major impact. I thought I would share the pictures I took in front of my house:

    The street:


    This is where I usually go for my run:




    My house and the items in it are fine, although I'm pretty sure there is flooding in the basement.

    Keep Shining!

    Hi! I hope you are all well!