Does Alli Weight Loss Tablets Really Work



  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I hear wearing all white clothing while taking them shows the results even better.

    and eating bacon wrapped deep fried quarter pounders, going to the strip club with no skivvies is best.

    Absolutely. The results are astounding. It's like the strippers don't even want your money after that.

    oh, I'd take it.
    ......strippers start wearing rubber gloves to collect your cash...lmao! ha no pun intended!

    That's uber kinky. Lemme get my Grimace suit.
  • kbarry90
    kbarry90 Posts: 48
    I've taken them and yes I used the bathroom more but I didn't have any accidents or have any anal leakage. It all depends on what you eat. Yeah it blocks fat but you can't expect to be able to eat all greasy food all day and have no accidents you still have to watch what you eat.
  • deb_rn
    deb_rn Posts: 144 Member
    Sure you can...all you have to do is close your eyes, spin in a circle three times and say "I BELIEVE" and all your fat will be muscle!

    Ok, I am dizzy from spinning in circles and my fat is still fat. What gives?
  • Penny_Wren
    Penny_Wren Posts: 18 Member
    Yes! I'm doing a MFP diet of 1200 cals a day, but combining it with the Alli diet of no more than 12grams of fat in any meal and 3 in a snack and taking Adios tablets to help speed up my metabolism. I've had no accidents, they only occur when you basically eat crap, fatty food. By taking the tablets I know I CANNOT eat crap food, because I don't want the 'treatment effects'. It's as simple as that. Alli helps you eat more healthily by making you think about what you're putting into your body. If you don't wanna poop yourself, don't eat crappy fat filled food! And if you want to lose weight, why eat crap filled food anyway? :/

    I've dropped 7lbs in a week! Definitely give it a go, most of the people who give it bad reviews clearly didn't follow the diet properly.